
Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

author:Sharp-eyed life

Li Mei, a strong woman in the workplace who is always in a hurry and resolute, is busy like a spinning top every day. Speaking of breakfast, how can she have the heart to choose carefully? The roadside stall bought an egg scramble or a cup of soy milk with fried dough sticks, and hurried to the company.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

However, life is like a naughty child, always like to cause accidents. No, as soon as the company's annual physical examination report came out, Li Mei was dumbfounded - she was found to have thyroid nodules.

Sitting in the doctor's office, hearing the phrase "unreasonable breakfast habits may be one of the triggers", her whole body was like being struck by lightning, and she couldn't move.

In her heart, she really had mixed feelings, and she never thought that she would get this disease.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

Breakfast, known as the most important meal of the day, provides us with the energy and nutrients we need for the day. Surprisingly, however, some breakfast foods can pose a potential threat to thyroid health.

So, what exactly is a breakfast that poses a threat to the thyroid gland? How does it have a bad effect on our thyroid gland?


The importance of the thyroid gland and its function

The thyroid gland is a vital endocrine gland in the body, located in the front of the neck, shaped like a butterfly, and is mainly responsible for secreting thyroid hormones. This hormone plays a key role in the body's metabolism, growth and development, as well as the regulation of the nervous system.

Thyroid hormones regulate the body's basal metabolic rate and affect the metabolism of proteins, fats, and sugars, thereby maintaining the body's energy balance.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

Secondly, it is essential for the growth and development of the human body, especially in infancy and early childhood, and the deficiency of thyroid hormone can lead to cretinism, affecting the normal development of intelligence and body.

Thyroid hormones also have an important effect on the excitability of the nervous system, which can affect a person's mood, memory and reaction ability.

The thyroid gland also works with other endocrine organs to maintain the stability of the body's internal environment. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain the health of the thyroid gland.

Problems with the thyroid gland, such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, can have a profound impact on human health.


Causes of high incidence of thyroid disease

Environmental factors: including excessive stress, unreasonable diet, drug irritants, and environmental toxins. All of these factors can interfere with the synthesis and release of thyroid hormones, leading to thyroid disease.

Genetic factors: Thyroid disease is hereditary to some extent, and if someone in the family has thyroid disease, then the risk of other members of the family is also increased.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

Autoimmune diseases: Some autoimmune diseases can destroy thyroid cells and cause thyroid dysfunction.


Unhealthy breakfast damage to the thyroid gland

In the fast-paced life of modern society, many people often choose fast food or roadside stalls for breakfast in order to be in a hurry or for convenience.

These foods are often nutrient-deficient and contain a lot of additives and preservatives, which can cause damage to the thyroid gland if ingested in the long term.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

For example, some foods high in oil, salt, and fat can increase the burden on the thyroid gland and even induce diseases.

In addition, roadside snacks like egg scones can contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients that pose a potential threat to thyroid health.


How to protect the thyroid gland

To protect the health of the thyroid gland, we should start with breakfast.

Iodine-rich foods are essential. Seafood, such as kelp and seaweed, is a good source of iodine, which can help maintain the normal synthesis of thyroid hormones.

High-quality protein is also an integral part of breakfast. Foods such as eggs, milk, legumes, etc., are rich in high-quality protein, which contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

We should also choose low-fat, high-fiber foods as a staple for breakfast. Whole grains such as oats, whole wheat bread, etc., are rich in fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels and promote intestinal peristalsis, and also has a positive effect on thyroid health.

At the same time, fresh fruits and vegetables are also an integral part of breakfast, as they are rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals that help maintain the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Breakfast becomes a "poisoned meal"? Doctor reminds: It is recommended to eat less than 1 breakfast, or it is not good for the thyroid gland

As the most important meal of the day, breakfast not only provides us with the necessary energy and nutrients, but also directly affects our thyroid health.

By choosing healthy, balanced breakfast foods, we can effectively protect the thyroid gland and maintain its normal function.

At the same time, we should also recognize the potential threat of poor breakfast habits to the thyroid gland, and try to avoid foods that are high in oil, salt, fat and contain a lot of additives.

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