
It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

author:Essay by Junhiko

Recently, the entertainment industry has once again set off a wave of heated discussions about "unspoken rules". This time, not only did the actresses complain, but even the male stars also stood up and spoke out, bluntly saying that they were also victims of the unspoken rules. What's going on here? Could it be that the entertainment industry we have always loved is really a vanity fair full of dirty deals, as the outside world says?


1. The actress complained in tears: Is the late-night "script" just a disguise?

Let's talk about the actresses first. Everyone knows that the competition in the entertainment industry is fierce, and in order to get to the top, actresses must not only fight for appearance and acting skills, but also for resources and connections. But you know what? Sometimes, the price of these "fights" is actually their own body and dignity.

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

Take Yang Mi as an example, she once revealed in an interview that she had received harassing calls and text messages from the director, and someone even knocked on her door late at night, saying that she wanted to "discuss the script". But a discerning person can know at a glance that where is this discussion script, and it is clear that he wants to take advantage!

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

There is also Ying Caier, she even bluntly said that the boss of a brokerage company once offered conditions that as long as she promised to give "opportunities", she could get an important role. This naked "sexual bribery" is really chilling!

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

Second, the actor also suffered: Is there no bottom line?

Do you think only actresses will encounter unspoken rules? That's a big mistake! The male stars are also not immune to this fate.

For example, Huang Zitao, a sunny and handsome male star, was also exposed to being sexually harassed and inappropriately demanded by his superiors in the early days of his debut. This kind of sexual harassment of male stars simply breaks through the bottom line of people's imagination!

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

Not to mention those young, promising male stars, who also have to endure the excessive demands of some directors or producers in order to obtain resources and opportunities. Is this sacrifice of dignity and principle really worth it?

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

3. Controversy continues: Is there really no pure land in the entertainment industry?

For these revelations, netizens naturally have a lot of discussions. Some people expressed sympathy and support, thinking that these stars were too difficult; Others are skeptical, believing that these are hype and eye-catching gimmicks.

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

But in any case, these revelations make us have to re-examine the glamorous circle of the entertainment industry. Is it really as good as we see? Or is there a dark side hidden behind it?

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

Fourth, call for change: let the entertainment industry return to its original intention

In the face of these revelations and controversies, we can't help but ask: Does the entertainment industry really need such unspoken rules? Without these unspoken rules, can't you make a good work?

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

The answer is clearly no. A good work requires superb acting skills, unique creativity and team collaboration. And not those dirty deals and acts that sacrifice dignity.

It turns out that the inside story of the entertainment industry is so messy? Under the unspoken rules, how do male and female stars survive?

Therefore, we call on all practitioners to stick to their principles and bottom lines and refuse to participate in any form of unspoken rules. At the same time, we also hope that the relevant authorities can strengthen supervision and punishment, so that those who violate professional ethics and industry norms will pay the price they deserve. Only in this way can the entertainment industry return to its original intention and become a circle truly full of positive energy and creativity.

Note: The images in this article are not related to the content, they are only added for readability! Please don't think about it

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