
| only 13% of young people have no debt, don't just look at the concept of consumption

author:Jimu News

Jimu News commentator Xu Hanxiong

Recently, the "Contemporary Youth Consumption Report" released by bocque consumer finance and times data shows that the post-90s and post-00s have gradually become the main consumption force of this era, and advanced consumption has become their daily life. There are 175 million post-90s in the country, of which only 13.4% of young people are not indebted, while 86.6% of post-90s have been exposed to credit products. (According to Interface News on October 25)

According to reports, young people have become the main force of consumption, on the one hand, they have entered the workplace, have a stable income, and have the ability to consume; on the other hand, they also have a completely different consumption concept from the previous generation, consumption is for a better experience, the pursuit of a more quality life, willing to invest more money in their favorite fields. The data shows that in addition to housing loans, more than 60% of post-90s consumer loans are used to improve the quality of life and leisure. The report introduces the consumption trend of contemporary young people from five aspects, including lazy economy, pet economy, health boom, beauty economy and entertainment industry.

Netizens have a heated discussion on this, and some believe that we should still advocate thrift and thrift, do what we can, how much money we have, how many things to do, and less advanced consumption. Saving is, of course, needed, and no matter how the world changes, this is an eternal theme. In fact, young people consume more and owe more debt, which is not only a problem of consumption concept, but also affected by a variety of factors.

Everyone is young, and when I was young, I was not less in debt, because I was too poor to have money to save. When I went to school, I relied on borrowing money to support, and after I went to work, I also had to borrow new debts to pay off old debts, and I repaid my mortgage for many years, and I also had the experience of credit. Even now, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no debt in the future, because there will always be various places in life that need money, which may exceed their ability to pay. Most people, too, always feel that there is not enough money and are in a state of "lack of money".

To be honest, in this era, there are many young people who grow up in a relatively favorable environment and have a stronger desire to consume than the previous generation. There are also many young people out of the countryside, come to the city to work hard, the economic foundation is not thick, the family can not give much support, their income is not high, in addition to rent and living expenses, there is very little left, have to borrow to maintain the demand for a better life.

It is an indisputable fact that young people are now under pressure to repay their mortgages, and the money that can be used for other consumption is stretched thin. Online payment methods make it convenient to spend money, and you can pay out with a little bit of your hand. In addition, online lending makes it easy to borrow money, and it is also a temptation for people. When paying online, those financial products that induce people to borrow will reduce the psychological fear of payment difficulties, and the hand can borrow money, as well as the way of installment payment, which makes borrowing money consumption a daily routine.

Some netizens also said that Huabei and credit cards cannot be counted as liabilities. Because you put your own money into the balance treasure to earn interest, use flowers when buying goods, and pay it off in one lump sum until the repayment date, there is no interest, and you earn it. It's also a way of getting by. As the report points out, from social communications, online shopping, film and television entertainment to mobile payment, the Internet is shaping young people's consumption habits and lifestyles in every way. Merchants have also become the soul catchers of young consumers, "they use various methods to tell young people that you need milk tea, you need coffee, you need low-grade wine." More uneasy and kind routine loans, usury loans, will also make people pay attention to debt.

The pressure of reality will also allow people to relieve through consumption, why some people like to buy, buy and buy, this "addictive" consumption, related to the elimination of pressure, through the satisfaction brought by consumption, to erase the pain of reality. Various factors will lead to consumption and the resulting debt. The consumption debt of young people is not only a matter of consumption concept, but caused by a variety of social factors.

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