
Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

Fungus is worth eating, because the nutritional value is quite high, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc., which helps to moisten the intestines, nourish blood and qi, beautify and nourish the skin, and often eat it has an anti-aging effect, so it is more recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to eat.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

The crisp texture of the fungus is loved by many people, whether it is cold or stir-fried, the taste is not bad. Today, let's focus on stir-frying fungus, because many people don't know how to do it when they are fried, and as a result, it crackles after getting out of the pot, and the oil collapses everywhere, which is easy to hurt people.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

In response to this problem, the solution is actually very simple, only 1 skill needs to be mastered, but many people ignore this point and think it is troublesome.

Next, I will share this 1 trick with you, and then I will fry the fungus in the future, and use this method to easily solve the situation of the fryer, and the fried fungus will be more crispy.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

【Stir-fried fungus】

Used: fungus, yam, green pepper, chopped green onion, salt, chicken essence, white vinegar, edible oil

1. Rinse the yam under running water, then put disposable gloves on your hands and start peeling the yam, after all, mucus is easy to make your hands very itchy, and wearing gloves can be much better.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

2. Rinse again after peeling, then slice, remember to soak in white vinegar water after cutting, otherwise it is easy to blacken, soak it in white vinegar to maintain the white color, and then slice the green pepper, cut the green onion, and the fungus must be soaked in advance, otherwise it is too late to "temporarily cramm".

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

3. When soaking the fungus, remember to soak it in warm water, the speed will be faster, and scrub and rinse the fungus after soaking it softly. After washing, don't go directly to the pot, otherwise it will crackle, and you still need to "do 1 more step", let's take a look at this 1 little trick.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

4. Boil the water, put in the fungus for blanching after boiling, and boil for about 3 minutes to get out of the pot. "Blanching" is a skill, drain the water after blanching and then fry, and you will not splash oil again. Next, use kitchen paper to dry the moisture on the surface of the fungus, then pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, and pour the chopped green onion into the pot first.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy

5. Then pour the fungus into it, keep stir-frying, until it is broken, we pour the yam into it, continue to stir-fry for a while, until it is completely fried, add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken essence to taste, stir-fry evenly and then you can get out of the pot, a very refreshing dish.

Stir-fried fungus, always crackling fryer? Teach you 1 little trick, easy to solve, more tender and crispy