
The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

author:Brother Qiao's health miscellaneous

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In a small city in Jiangsu, Uncle Li is just 54 years old this year.

He used to deliver letters at the post office and is now retired. Three years ago, Uncle Li suddenly wanted to change his lifestyle, so he started running every day to maintain his health.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

He thought it was a good idea, after all, he lived to be old and old.

Every morning, regardless of the wind or sun, he will insist on running on the track around the community, which has become a familiar scenery in the neighborhood, and his lifestyle change soon became a topic of conversation among the neighbors, and everyone praised his vitality and persistence.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

However, just three years after he developed this habit, Uncle Li suddenly had a cerebral infarction and died after rescue. His attending doctor, Dr. Wang, sighed after handling the relevant procedures, this is another tragedy caused by improper running methods.

Dr. Wang, a veteran neurologist at a local hospital, has seen many cases of health problems caused by improper exercise.

When dealing with Uncle Li's case, Dr. Wang emphasized a point in particular: although it is often said that exercise is a good thing, but the wrong method can turn a good thing into a bad thing.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

He explained that people of Uncle Li's age have to pay special attention to adjusting the intensity and frequency of exercise when doing high-intensity exercises such as running.

Dr. Wang also mentioned that proper exercise can promote the health of the heart and cerebrovascular disease, but if it goes too far, it may bring additional burden to the heart and may also harm the blood vessels. So he always reminds you to do what you can and find the right balance point for your exercise.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

Dr. Wang found through Uncle Li's medical records that although he had a consistent exercise habit, he neglected regular check-ups for signs such as blood pressure and cholesterol.

This condition is not uncommon among middle-aged and elderly people, and Dr. Wang once treated a retired teacher who loved basketball who had suffered a myocardial infarction due to inappropriate exercise load.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

Medical studies have shown that there is a great deal of individual variation in exercise intensity, especially among middle-aged and older adults with a background of chronic diseases. The most reliable way to develop healthy exercise habits is to have a professional help to check the checks.

Go to the hospital regularly to check your physical condition, listen to what your doctor has to say, and adjust your exercise plan according to your doctor's advice to ensure that you are exercising without being counterproductive.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

In Uncle Li's case, Dr. Wang believes that if he could have had a comprehensive physical examination before starting to run, and under the guidance of the doctor, he might not have such a result.

He also emphasized a point in particular: not only how many times and how fierce the exercise is to consider, but also the choice of what form of exercise is equally important. Each exercise has a different impact on your body, so you have to choose the one that best suits your current health condition.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

Dr. Wong often tells his patients that everyone's constitution and health condition are unique, and that an exercise program that works for others may not be right for them.

The key to healthy exercise lies in the principles of individuality and moderation, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with potential health risks. He sincerely hopes that through Uncle Li's affairs, more people can realize the importance of healthy exercise, not just running and running scientifically.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

First of all, Dr Ong emphasises that a thorough medical assessment is essential before any exercise program begins. This includes not only routine physical examinations, but also tests of heart function, especially for those with a family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In addition, it is also crucial to take into account bone density and joint condition, especially for middle-aged and elderly people who may suffer from osteoporosis or arthritis.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

For middle-aged and elderly people who have better physical strength and want to do more high-intensity exercise, adding proper strength training can help strengthen muscles, but this must be done under the guidance of a professional to avoid overtraining and injury.

In terms of monitoring, Dr Ong cautions that continuous self-monitoring is very important to maintain exercise safety.

The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong

Through these steps, middle-aged and elderly people can not only enjoy the health benefits of exercise, but also significantly reduce the health risks caused by improper exercise patterns.

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The 54-year-old man runs and exercises every day, and dies of cerebral infarction three years later? The doctor sighed: Another one who ran wrong