
Philosophical Reflections | Two signs that a person is getting better



Many people's lives are filled with dissatisfaction and melancholy, and they often feel a lack of happiness, and this phenomenon is essentially an imbalance in the inner world.

We habitually expect happiness to improve external conditions, but we don't know that true happiness comes from inner peace and contentment.

It's not that we can't progress and grow, but we are often limited by the shackles of self-doubt and denial.

When a person exhibits a positive shift to a better state, it is often accompanied by the following two major signs:

Philosophical Reflections | Two signs that a person is getting better

Know how to listen more patiently and attentively

Patience and focus are especially valuable qualities.

Among them, the ability to listen patiently and attentively demonstrates the inner peace, harmony and calm power of the individual.

The wisdom of Socrates reminds us that human beings have two ears and eyes, but only one mouth, implying that we should listen and observe more than we speak.

In reality, many distractions often do not stem from our lack of words, but from our lack of listening.

Psychological theories confirm that those who are good listeners tend to be more comfortable in interpersonal interactions and have more harmonious relationships.

Listening, in essence, is a high degree of affirmation of the speaker, and your full attention is to convey to the other person: "Your words are worthy of my listening." ”

Therefore, it is crucial to learn to be a good listener.

You need to be humble, not to underestimate yourself or others, and to be an equal and fully engaged in every communication.

In the moment of listening, put aside personal presuppositions and judgments, and purely feel the voice of the other person.

Staying focused and having the other person at the center of your world at the moment is what listening is all about.

When you cross your own boundaries, stand in the other person's position sincerely, and build a bridge of communication with patience and focus, understanding and consensus will come naturally, and differences will be resolved.

Philosophical Reflections | Two signs that a person is getting better

After weighing, dare to refuse decisively

People who have the courage to say "no" are often free from inner entanglements.

They are adept at making decisions after deliberation and letting reason lead to action.

Rejection in adulthood should be direct and clear, neither detrimental to oneself nor a drag on others, and there is a deep kindness behind it.

Many times, hesitant acceptance can end up being a huge drain on time and energy.

As the experience of the master of Chinese painting Qi Baishi shows, after becoming famous, he faced an endless stream of requests for paintings, and at first he could not bear to refuse and agreed, but he was physically and mentally exhausted, and even fell ill as a result.

It was this illness that prompted Qi Baishi to reflect deeply.

He resolutely posted an announcement in the living room, clarifying the price of the paintings, stating that "the transaction does not matter the relationship", and detailed the rules for the price increase of various paintings, while firmly stating that he would not add details to the works already sold.

As soon as this move came out, the unreasonable demands were reduced, and Qi Lao was able to regain his peace.

Wise refusal is a protection of one's own energy and a respect for the right of others to choose.

It creates a broader space for both parties to allocate time and opportunities reasonably, which is a win-win situation.

There is no shortcut to growth, and excellent people are not a day's work.

Those seemingly dazzling achievements are all the results of daily practice.

There is still a long way to go, and I hope we can all gradually meet a better version of ourselves in the progress day after day.

Every small step forward is a step towards a more brilliant self.

Philosophical Reflections | Two signs that a person is getting better