
Why did you fail to dispense?

author:Kangshi stone

A netizen who failed to go ashore summed up the trio of dispensers as-

Before the graduate school entrance examination: What's wrong with this school, what's wrong, it's a big deal.

After the results are out: Oops, I didn't get in, let's go to the adjustment. Isn't it a little harder to adjust it?

After starting to prepare for the adjustment: why are there so many high scores? Why are there so few places for adjustment? This school won't explode this year, right? Woo woo woo woo

Every day, I am mixed with the anxiety of not reading professional classes and preparing for English questions and answers, and I even dream of sending emails to teachers and looking for adjustments, and I regret why I didn't take more exams in the first place.

When I woke up from my dream, I especially thought about the beginning, but now I only say:

When choosing a school, you are arrogant, and life and death are unpredictable when you adjust.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Answer 1994

It all started that day

After the results of the graduate school entrance examination were announced, students began to experience the first big stream.

The national line of popular majors is getting higher and higher, and although the score line of art has not increased this year, it has gradually pushed up the re-examination line of the postgraduate entrance examination, which has made many postgraduate students miss the re-examination of the "love school" in their dreams.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Screenshot from Xiaohongshu review

Searching for the basic requirements for the preliminary examination results of the School of Fashion and Art Design of Donghua University in 2024, I found that the pass to enter the re-examination has even reached 400 points.

Why did you fail to dispense?
Why did you fail to dispense?

Donghua University's 2023 Master's Admission Examination is the basic requirement for the preliminary examination score to enter the re-examination

Why did you fail to dispense?

The basic requirements for the preliminary examination score of the 2024 master's degree admission examination of Donghua University to enter the re-examination

The chosen son who has passed the line of his favorite college can prepare for the retest; If you break through the national line, but still lose to the college line, you have to start spelling.

The first thing that decides the choice of adjustment is the national line of the AB zone.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Source: CCTV News

If the initial test score has passed the national line in Zone A, there are more choices. If the score is between the national lines in Zone AB, you can only go to the institution in Zone B. Zone B generally includes colleges and universities in the Midwest that are relatively lacking in educational resources, with lower scores and majors that accept heartbroken graduate students.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Screenshot from a Douyin comment

Adjustment is the hell of social fear. The adjustment information is scattered on the official websites of each school, and you need to take advantage of the fact that the adjustment system has not yet been opened, quickly select the "spare tire" school, and take the initiative to ask the admissions office whether to accept the adjustment, so as to strive for a chance to retest.

In this process, the success or failure is not only the initial test score and the national line, but also your undergraduate background, your first choice of school, and all the luck of metaphysics.

Some time ago, Kang Shishi heard such a news from a tutor from a very good college majoring in art and design in Beijing, and after listening to it, he really felt sorry for this year's candidates.

"This year, the number of applicants has reached 59:1, and the number of applicants has almost tripled compared to last year and the year before."

The specific screening scheme is more stringent than in previous years. This year, I heard that only the top 20 and 985 university graduates from art colleges and universities will be considered, and there are also preliminary examination score requirements.

Probably, someone is going to "spray" again. The school is "discriminatory" by doing this, and it's so unfair!

Why did you fail to dispense?

In fact, in the face of so many transfer student applications, do you have any other better options? To a large extent, the initiative of postgraduate examination adjustment is in the hands of colleges and universities, not candidates.

In the end, the 59:1 competition is too fierce, and the number of tutors is limited, and there are already a number of exempted students in hand.

Therefore, it is really difficult to adjust the postgraduate entrance examination this year, far beyond everyone's imagination.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Screenshot from Xiaohongshu review

The story behind it

Recently, there was an Indian movie called "Failure in the 12th Grade", which depicts the poor boy Manojie who repeatedly failed in the civil service examination and finally changed his life.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Source: Douban "Failure in Grade 12"

The Indian civil service examination, which is of the same nature as the Chinese national examination, has been rated by many as "the most brutal exam in the world". In 2022, more than 1.13 million Indian candidates registered for the public examination, and in the end, only 933 successfully landed. The acceptance rate is 1217:1, and it is not that thousands of troops have crossed a single-plank bridge, but that thousands of troops have walked a tightrope.

Speaking of the proportion of our adjustments, it is a small comparison with India, but one thing is the same - there are too many people in the pool, but there are relatively few pits.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Source: Unsplash

History is always strikingly similar. In order to solve the economic crisis, employment difficulties, and student unemployment, the country expanded undergraduate enrollment for the first time since 1999, and the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities increased by nearly 50% over the previous year.

In 2003, 2009, and 2020, due to economic and medical public events such as "SARS", "2008 financial crisis", and "new crown epidemic", respectively, the expansion of undergraduate and master's enrollment continued to be used as an "employment straw". Over the years, this master's degree has been diligently contributing to the rescue of the unemployed.

But it also raises a number of concerns.

Now that the general environment has led us to be still in a stage of digestion and expansion, there are too many people pouring into the college track, which directly or indirectly leads to:

The retest score line has reached 400 points;

There are also a lot of high scores in the adjustment;

There is plenty of room for pickiness in school admissions;

Resources are compressed, and graduate student dormitories are not enough;

The school "ran out of money" and cancelled the unified enrollment scholarship;

the decline in the gold content of academic qualifications;

escaped the previous wave of unemployment, and could not escape the difficulty of employment after graduation;


Domino effect.

This is true not only for the domestic postgraduate entrance examination track, but also for the study abroad market. At that time, British schools did not know much about China, and they considered more about whether your grades were excellent, whether it was suitable for the major you want to apply for, and the overall situation of CV, and did not prefer 211 and 985.

With the sharp increase in the number of applications to study in China, and the UK has a more systematic understanding of the overall situation of Chinese schools, there are different admission score requirements for different schools, which has been further developed and has become the current card list.

Including applying to Hong Kong universities now, there may be many cases of counterattack in the life of Hong Kong University many years ago, but now Hong Kong University is getting stricter and stricter about students' undergraduate background and grade points, and from the admission results in recent years, Hong Kong University prefers students with 985/211 college background and an average score of 85+.

The whole society is like a balloon slowly inflated.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Source: The University of Hong Kong

Think on the bright side

On the bright side, there are cycles of fluctuations, booms and recessions, depressions and recoveries. Now that mankind is entering an era of great development with artificial intelligence, new energy, and new technology, the world may undergo unprecedented changes in the next two or three decades, and a large number of new jobs may be generated, so that the tense society will usher in a day of respite.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Forrest Gump

Thinking about it closely, for most students, the choice after the failure of the adjustment is nothing more than two paths.

Some students decided to fight World War II or World War III and not give up until they went ashore. Perhaps this decision is not an inner voice, but a yearning for security.

This made Kang Shishi think of the "social clock".

In mainland China, this concept is very strong, and most people will go through their lives according to the "social clock", especially in the period between 20 and 30 years old.

After graduating from university, going to graduate school, finding a job, getting married, and having children, all of this seems to be pressed the accelerator button, and only after completing these can I feel that my life can be considered stable, and then I can continue to work, educate my children, and support the elderly. If any link does not keep up with the pace of society, it will often receive negative evaluation from different directions.

Therefore, many people who follow the "social clock", after failing to go ashore in the graduate school entrance examination, may have World War II or World War III, and may have the psychological comfort of "although I don't have a job, I am working hard for my studies".

However, students, those who were able to go ashore in World War II and World War III are all ruthless. Ask yourself, can you stay at home for 365 days and go to bed at 6 o'clock for 360 days when you leave the school environment and study at home? Can you restrain yourself from playing with your phone? Can you watch the students in your circle of friends successfully go ashore for graduate school entrance examinations, go out for dinner and travel, and study abroad smoothly without anxiety?

Unless you have a particularly good foundation, you were one point short last year, and this year you will work hard to fill in this point; If not, and there is no "ruthlessness" as mentioned above, swinging everywhere at every turn, to be honest, World War II and World War III, may not be able to go.

Why did you fail to dispense?

《Legal high》

Some people say, then let's break the "social clock" and go "against the clock"! Life is a wilderness! However, Kang Shishi also advises everyone not to be hot-headed and take risks, because I am worried that you do not have a solid and reliable "golden hoe" to open up your own life.

So what to do? Can I only stop in place after the adjustment fails?

Why did you fail to dispense?

Of course not. We can compromise and manually adjust our "social clock". Do we have to be admitted to graduate school at the age of 21? Let's go to another way first - go to work and accumulate social experience?

There may be some students who are afraid of working when they go to graduate school, and some students who want that graduate degree certificate utilitarianly when they study, but Kang Shishi tells everyone with the experience of people who have come before him that after working for a few years, when he looks back at his dedication to that diploma, he will find that his mentality has changed.

Some people will go to class for a few years and find that they are not suitable for studying, and they look down on the matter of going on to higher education; Some people know what they want after the precipitation of work, and return to study as students again.

Kang Shishi has a friend who returned to school after work, and she said that when she observes the children who have risen up directly around her, she will complain that the tasks assigned by the tutor are too heavy and she does not understand the hard work of the students' coursework, but she is really happy to study in graduate school after working for several years. She knows more about what she wants to do in the future and what industry she wants to enter.

Why did you fail to dispense?

Source: pixabay

Of course, it is not easy to be admitted to graduate school after work and go ashore in one fell swoop, you can also be like Kang Shishi's student W, who chooses to apply for study abroad and take the money saved from working for ten years to go abroad.

"On the contrary," she says, "my soul has never been fuller, and for the first time I feel that I am still full of possibilities at an advanced age that I thought I should have been lying flat a long time ago, and that there was so much to do in the future." ”

Finally, I suddenly thought of the end of the movie "Thirty Thousand Miles of Chang'an", when the exiled ship sailed to the ancient white emperor city, Li Bai received an amnesty order from the imperial court, and Li Bai, who learned the news of the pardon, couldn't help but be ecstatic, and when he turned the bow of the ship, a poem had echoed on both sides of the Yangtze River:

"Between the white emperor and the clouds, thousands of miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day.

The apes on both sides of the strait could not stop crying, and the light boat had already crossed the ten thousand mountains. ”

Li Bai shouted the sentence "The light boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains", which made people cry.

In this regard, a netizen on a certain platform commented with high praise:

"When I was a child, I thought it was a big deal to forget my homework, when I was in high school, I felt that it was a big deal not to be admitted to college, and when I was in love, I felt that it was a big deal to be separated from the person I liked.

But looking back now, those mountains that are difficult to cross have actually been crossed. What I thought was unacceptable, I accepted it. Life is full of choices, and regret is just the norm. ”

Maybe when we were young and frivolous, we were all as high-spirited as Li Bai and Gao Shi, and after a few decades, we might be able to understand the true meaning of "the light boat has passed over the Ten Thousand Mountains", and those imperfect endings in the past are just clouds and smoke in the past.

If you want to know more about Baoyan, art study abroad, or have more questions about background improvement, Shenbo related to Shenbo, and portfolio creation, please feel free to ask me.