
In summer, "dangerous species" are frequently searched, and you can learn to identify and first aid

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily all-media reporter Li Qi correspondent Chen Siyu Yang Zhengqiang

I was hospitalized with a fever from a tick bite, and I was almost blind from a red fire ant bite...... Recently, poisonous insects and other "dangerous species" have frequently appeared on the hot search.

The weather is warmer, the sun is shining, and the outdoor activities of citizens are increasing. On May 13, doctors from Hunan Provincial Chest Hospital reminded that the number of poisonous insects increases in summer, and the public must not only learn to identify common "dangerous species", but also master these first aid knowledge.

"Flying sulfuric acid" hit the face, and the man suffered from cryptoptera dermatitis

During the "May Day" holiday, Yang Jun (pseudonym), who lives in Yuelu District, Changsha City, camped outdoors with his friends and casually slapped a flying insect that landed on the right side of his face, resulting in half of his face being red and swollen, growing a lot of pustules, and almost disfigured. After visiting the hospital, he was diagnosed with cryptoptera dermatitis.

In summer, "dangerous species" are frequently searched, and you can learn to identify and first aid


"May to September is the active period for cryptoptera, which likes to fly under the lights at night. After being slapped or pinched to death, secretions are released from the body, which are strongly acidic, and contact dermatitis can occur. Li Shenglu, deputy director and chief physician of the General Outpatient Department of Hunan Chest Hospital, said that cryptoptera can secrete venom in its body, which is very corrosive and is known as "flying sulfuric acid".

Li Shenglu reminded that if the cryptoptera falls on the body, the correct thing to do is to gently blow it away or use other items to drive it away. If you are bitten, rinse the wound with soapy water as soon as possible to flush off the venom and reduce the burning sensation. If the situation is serious, go to the hospital for treatment in time for anti-infection or anti-allergy treatment.

Bitten by red fire ants, it was spicy and itchy, and my scalp was numb

"After being bitten, it was red, swollen and hot, and the bulging bag was the size of a palm, like another knee on the leg...... In severe cases, the scalp is numb, and the whole person is dizzy. Ms. Xia, who lives in Wuhan, recently became a hot search because she was stung by red fire ants. Compared with ordinary ants, red fire ants are slightly larger and more aggressive, and are recognized as one of the 100 most dangerous invasive species in the world.

In summer, "dangerous species" are frequently searched, and you can learn to identify and first aid

(Red Fire Ant)

They can be encountered in parks, meadows and even communities, and usually the more manicured the grassland, the more likely it is to be inhabited by red fire ants.

If the red fire ants are not removed quickly, they will sting repeatedly and leave a circular sting as the body rotates. If you are accidentally bitten by red fire ants, the skin will itch and burn, followed by pustules, and if the bite area is large, there will be many pustules on the skin, which may cause complications.

Li Shenglu reminded that after being bitten by red fire ants, you can wash the affected area with salt water or soapy water, apply corticosteroids to relieve symptoms, and do not break the blisters, otherwise it is very easy to get infected. In the event of an anaphylaxis, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

A bite can be fatal, and the tick should not be forcibly pulled out

Recently, some netizens posted on social platforms, recording the whole process of the mother from being bitten by a tick to dying of illness. The netizen said that at first, the family thought that the mother was just a common cold and fever. After multiple examinations, the mother was diagnosed with "tick disease", infected with the new bunyavirus, and her condition deteriorated and eventually died.

In summer, "dangerous species" are frequently searched, and you can learn to identify and first aid


Ticks are small arthropods that feed on blood, often hiding on forest grasses and plants, mostly attacking their hosts during the day, and preferring to live on livestock. When biting, the tick inserts its mouthparts into the skin, sucking blood for a long time, and its mouthparts are curved.

Li Shenglu reminded that if you encounter a tick bite, do not forcibly pinch, pull, or squeeze it out, which is likely to break the tick's mouthparts and leave them in the skin, causing a foreign body irritating reaction, causing it to secrete more bacteria and increase the possibility of infection.

The correct way to do this is to apply some chemicals such as alcohol, chloroform, and turpentine topically, usually after a few minutes the tick will loosen and fall off on its own. You can also apply liquid paraffin wax and petroleum jelly to the body and head of the tick, and after a period of time, the tick will also loosen its mouth due to suffocation.

If you are attacked by bees, do not try to slap

Bees, wasps, and wasps are very common and usually do not actively attack people, but only tend to attack when infestation, approaching their nests, or accidentally touching their holes.

In summer, "dangerous species" are frequently searched, and you can learn to identify and first aid


When attacked by bees, do not attempt to slap, they will release pheromones before they die, luring their companions to continue attacking. If you are stung by a bee, you should try to exercise restraint and stay away from a distance of 100 meters as soon as possible, which can effectively reduce the possibility of being attacked. Stings from bees, wasps and wasps can be sharp, swollen and red, but are generally not life-threatening.

Li Shenglu said that no matter what poisonous insect bite you are, please seek medical attention in time if any of the following conditions occur: there are thorns at the bite site, which are not easy to remove; Specific bite sites, such as lips, eyes, and larynx; If symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions appear, it is suspected of being infected with an insect-borne infectious disease; Such as rare anaphylaxis, such as generalized urticaria, angioedema, wheezing, vomiting, hypotension, loss of consciousness, etc.; Papular urticaria is very severe, red, swollen, and accompanied by intense itching; If there is a severe skin reaction, such as significant redness, swelling, bullae at the bite site, etc.


Get ready for this when you go out in the summer

Try not to go to places where plants are abundant, such as grass. When you go out, try not to go to grass, meadows, woods, and places with lush green belts. Even if you want to go, you must first do a good job of protection, and try to wear light-colored long clothes and pants to make it easier to find insects. Tie your trouser legs tightly, don't wear sandals, slippers, etc.

Pay attention to the inspection when you go out and come home. After returning home from outdoor activities, focus on checking the elbow fossa, armpits, neck, back of the ears, perineum and other places where insects are easy to hide, and carefully check the inside of the hair to see if there are any small red spots, swollen pockets, etc.

Pets should also be taken care of when they go out. If you go out with a pet, you should also carefully check the bath when you get home. Bugs don't just bite people, animals are also targets.

"When you go out, you must take protective measures, wear long sleeves and long pants, spray mosquito repellent water in advance, and try to contact the grass as little as possible to reduce the probability of insect bites." Li Shenglu reminded.