
Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

author:Chinese kitchen

Lotus Blood Duck

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Raw material:

Pure Jiangxi duck, minced ginger, minced garlic, spicy millet, chopped chives, rice wine, beer, dark soy sauce, pepper, salt, chicken essence.


1. Treat the duck, remove the bones, and leave the internal organs and duck blood; Cut the duck meat and offal into evenly sized cubes and set aside;

2. Heat a little oil in the pot, stir-fry the diced duck meat over low heat, cook rice wine, put ginger and garlic, diced duck offal, add beer, add pepper, salt, chicken essence, dark soy sauce, simmer over low heat, add fresh duck blood and millet spicy before starting the pot, put it on a plate, and sprinkle chopped chives.

Wild dried shiitake mushrooms, French blue-mouthed mussels, black cod

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Raw material:

Black cod, French fresh blue mussels, fresh abalone, fresh squid, pork belly, dried shiitake mushrooms, fresh shiitake mushrooms, kimchi, bacon, bamboo shoots, sand ginger, shallots, garlic, chicken broth, mirin, mirin, white wine, cream, clarified butter, high liquor.


1. Soak the dried shiitake mushrooms, filter and retain the water for later use; Marinate the black cod with mirin, mirin and high liquor for 3 days, take out the charcoal and grill until cooked; Cook the blue mussels with white wine and set aside for later use;

2. Put pork belly and bacon in the pot, add dried shallots, garlic and kimchi and stir-fry until fragrant, add ginger and fresh squid and stir-fry until fragrant, put chicken broth, blue scallop soup, water for soaking dried shiitake mushrooms, and dried shiitake mushrooms and cook for 25 to 30 minutes, filter out the stock, cool, skim off the oil, remove 1/3 of the juice, put the cream and continue to collect the juice to half to make a thick soup for later use;

3. Cut fresh squid, blue scallop meat, bamboo shoots, pork belly, and fresh shiitake mushrooms into cubes, stir-fry them, and put them at the bottom of the pot. Clean the fresh abalone, cut it into slices, brush it with clarified butter, bake it until it is charred on both sides, put it on a plate, pour the seafood soup and garnish it.

Seafood noodles

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Raw material:

Taizhou rice noodles, Sanmen blue crab, shotgun shreds, red-headed shrimp, Hezhou sausage slices, salted pork shreds, loofah pieces, rhombic white slices, mushroom slices, ginger juice, rice wine.


1. Heat the oil in the pot, add ginger, shredded salted meat, shredded shotgun, sausage slices, rhombic white slices, mushroom slices, and loofah pieces to stir until fragrant, add other seafood and cook it, cook rice wine, heat water, cook on high heat for about 2.5 minutes, cook rice noodles for 20 to 30 seconds, pour ginger juice, remove from the pot, and put it into the container.

Shrimp roe in wild rice sauce is white

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Ingredients: 400 grams of coconut white

Ingredients: 60 grams of wild rice, 3 grams of shrimp roe, 400 grams of shrimp soup

Ingredients: 10 grams of green onion and 10 grams of ginger

Seasoning: 3 grams of chicken broth 1 gram of salt 0.5 grams of pepper


1. Peel the white callus, cut it into 1.5 mm slices with a planer knife, sprinkle a little salt and pepper and marinate for 5 minutes, absorb the water with paper, fold it and roll it up into adult wheels, and tie it tightly with a thin cotton rope;

2. Shrimp with seeds, dig out the shrimp roe and bake it slowly in a pot until dry, add green onion and ginger to fry the shrimp until fragrant, add water and boil for 30 minutes, then drain out the soup to make shrimp soup;

3. Add the wild rice to the shrimp soup and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, thicken over high heat, add seasonings to taste, and filter out the wild rice juice after mixing it in a food processor;

4. Fry the white annual rolls in a pan with oil, slowly fry on medium heat until the surface is slightly charred, take out and put the paper to absorb the oil;

5. Cut half of the rice rings and put them on a plate, pour the mushroom rice juice next to the growth rings, sprinkle the baked shrimp on the annual rings, and sprinkle some chopped green onions.

Golden Horse Chicken

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Ingredients: 300g boneless and skinless chicken thighs (large pieces).

Excipients: 80 grams of okra and 150 grams of yam

Ingredients: 20 grams of garlic slices, 23 grams of small wild pepper pieces, 3 grams of rice pepper rings, 3 grams of ginger slices

Seasoning: 42g oyster sauce, 16g Thai tom yum sauce, 14g fresh spicy sauce, 3g chicken rice dark soy sauce, 1g white pepper powder, 4g Sichuan pepper oil. 6 grams of wood ginger oil

Marinade: 5 grams of oyster sauce and 8 grams of corn starch

Garnish: 2 grams of raw roasted black sesame seeds, 25 grams of spicy crispy finely chopped


1. Mix the seasonings evenly to make Jinma sauce;

2. Marinate the chicken thighs with marinated sauce for 5 minutes and fry until fragrant, fry yam granules and okra granules until fragrant, stir-fry the main and auxiliary ingredients until fragrant, add Jinma sauce and stir-fry evenly, sprinkle with garnish.

Roasted lobster with spicy tofu

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Raw material:

200 grams of tofu, 1 small green lobster, 30 grams of minced beef, 3 grams of chopped green onions, 3 grams of minced ginger, 5 grams of steamed fresh soy sauce, 3 grams of Knorr fresh sauce, 2 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of Pixian bean paste, 2 grams of sugar, 0.1 grams of white pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of tempeh, 2 grams of chili noodles, 0.2 grams of Sichuan pepper noodles


1. Cut the tofu into pieces and soak it in hot water after boiling water for later use, remove the head and tail of the small green dragon, take the middle section and cook, dismantle the meat and cut it into large particles for later use; The oil temperature in the pan is 3-4 percent, and the lobster meat is oiled, and the oil is removed from the half-cooked oil. Stir-fry the minced beef in the pot until fragrant, add cooking wine, stir-fry with a little salt and remove and set aside;

2. Add rapeseed oil to the pot, add bean paste and fry the red oil, add tempeh, chili noodles, add two soups and tofu, simmer over low heat, add the remaining seasonings to cook into the flavor, finally add lobster meat and minced beef, thicken it three times, and finally sprinkle pepper powder and green onion to decorate the plate.

Cheese lobster baked pasta

Featured local flavor dishes, with a super high click rate

Raw material:

1 lobster, 10 grams of butter, 20 grams of olive oil, 8 grams of garlic, 80 grams of mozzarella cheese, appropriate amount of cherry tomatoes, appropriate amount of chopped basil, appropriate amount of onion, 8 grams of cream, 180 grams of pasta, appropriate amount of tomato sauce, 10 grams of white wine.


1. After the lobster is thawed, everything is halved, remove the shrimp claws, remove the shrimp line, fry the garlic with olive oil and fry the cut sides of the lobster for about one minute, take it out, coat it with butter and sprinkle it with chopped basil, sea salt, black pepper, half of which is sprinkled with full of mozzarella cheese and sent to the oven. About 5 minutes without cheese and about 10 minutes with cheese, the duration mainly depends on the color, because the shrimp are originally cooked.

2. Cook the pasta when frying the lobster, without cooking it completely. Take out the meat with the dismantled shrimp tongs, chop all the garlic you just fried, cut the tomatoes in half, and chop the onion for later use. Stir-fry the onion in olive oil until fragrant, then add small tomatoes and shrimp and minced garlic, add a little white wine, stir-fry and then add tomato sauce and stir-fry, add salt and black pepper to taste, add a little cream to make the taste mellow, and then add pasta to simmer, I didn't add water here, if you think it's too dry, you should be able to add some water.