
Is it suitable for a small video store? An operation for more than a year to tell you the answer!

author:E-commerce small V

Hello everyone, I am an e-commerce V

I have the most say in doing e-commerce, a post-90s generation who has been engaged in e-commerce for 6 years, from salted fish to Tmall and, and then to the current Douyin store and video number store, from traditional e-commerce to interest e-commerce and live broadcast e-commerce, along the way, I have also seen all kinds of players,

When the Douyin store was first launched, many friends were worried that the live broadcast e-commerce would not work, and they would not be able to go for a long time, so they would not do it, and then they would miss the best bonus period.

Is it suitable for a small video store? An operation for more than a year to tell you the answer!

However, now after the launch of the video number store, it is also divided into two parts of the population, some of the people have begun to operate, but there is still a part of the group of people who have been in the wait-and-see stage, many novices have come to ask me, whether the video number store can be operated,

What I want to say is that the current video number store is equivalent to the newly launched Douyin store, the market is full of dividends, the operability is very high, and there are many undeveloped category resources, full of opportunities,

I've been operating the video store for more than a year, and many people ask me how I feel, in fact, the current video number store platform has always been a state of encouragement and support for high-quality products and high-quality merchants, and it has been increasing.

One thing I have been saying before is: One thing is done for a long time, and a project needs to be deeply cultivated, whether it is a Douyin store or a video number store.

Is it suitable for a small video store? An operation for more than a year to tell you the answer!

The current video number platform is a place that has not been fully reclaimed, and new platforms and new venues are projects that can be operated for a long time by individuals and teams.

You don't need to buy by yourself, stock up, ship goods, and you don't need to do live conversion by yourself, we just need to do a good job in product selection, docking talent cooperation, talent live broadcast conversion and ordering, after the store is ordered, we will go to the docking manufacturer, and the manufacturer will directly place an order and deliver the goods, and wait until the customer confirms the receipt of the goods, and the difference between our delivery funds and the price of the goods will return to their own accounts.

The video number store is backed by Tencent, which can be said to be a big tree behind it, and there is a general age of the customer group of the video number, the stickiness of users is also relatively strong, and the unit price of goods is also relatively high, for us, this is a rare opportunity, opportunity, it depends on whether you can grasp it,

Is it suitable for a small video store? An operation for more than a year to tell you the answer!

I am Xiao V, a post-90s generation who has been doing e-commerce for 7 years I currently focus on Douyin small store or video number small store, obsessed with e-commerce and silent experience, proficient in product selection logic and platform rules, familiar with e-commerce team management, and now has a team of 70+ people!

There is a specialization in the art industry, and if you have questions, you should ask experienced people for advice, and you will quickly rise yourself without shame in asking.

Official account: E-commerce small V

Is it suitable for a small video store? An operation for more than a year to tell you the answer!

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