
Get along with the opposite sex, and women like your level 1-6 performance

author:Produced by Ho Sohuan
Get along with the opposite sex, and women like your level 1-6 performance

Compared with men's love, which is fiery and ferocious, women's love is more delicate, soft, and quiet.

Level 1: Don't resist chatting with you

Whether you have known each other for a short time, or are colleagues or friends, her attitude towards you in the first stage cannot be called "like", but more of a good feeling.

Or "appreciation" is more appropriate.

At least she doesn't hate you until she doesn't know you;

If you send her a message, she'll chat with you from time to time.

Not so welcoming, but it doesn't make you feel alienated and cold either.

You maintain this state of being together with a sense of distance but not so strange, you come and go, waiting for an opportunity to move on to the next stage.

Level 2: Will take the initiative to chat with you

At this stage, she has already developed an interest in you and wants to know more about you.

Before liking, it is "interested" in you.

She will take the initiative to send you messages, see interesting videos, interesting articles, interesting things, delicious food, and share them with you occasionally.

As your interaction deepens and the frequency of chatting increases, she will share her interests and learn about some of your likes and habits.

Level 3: Talk about emotional topics

There is a concept in psychology - social osmosis theory.

One of the criteria for measuring the relationship between two people: look at the depth of the topic in the chat.

Only staying on the surface, eating, drinking, and having fun, coping, and perfunctory chatting, it shows that the relationship between the two people is very general and they don't trust each other.

And the topic of chat deepened, talking about each other's past feelings, talking about marriage and love, chatting about some gossip, and even complaining and complaining.

This shows that she subconsciously trusts you, and getting along with you can make you feel safe.

At this stage, it is the beginning of the girl liking you.

Get along with the opposite sex, and women like your level 1-6 performance

Level 4: Accept an appointment invitation

There are limitations to chatting with girls online.

Maybe you can "talk about it", but if you want to deepen the relationship and further confirm the relationship, you must have a date.

All online chats are for your offline dates.

At this stage, when you want to invite her, she will immediately say yes.

Even if you just give her a hint, she'll go down the steps.

For example, you say to her:

"A friend recommended me a restaurant and said the food was delicious."

Before you can say "do you want to try it", she will answer:

"Then when are you going to invite me to eat?"

Accepting a date is a sign that your friendship is escalating.

Remember: women are resistant to even basic chats in the face of guys they don't like, let alone date invitations.

Level 5: Suffering from gains and losses, emotional

At this stage, even if you don't take the initiative to talk to her, she will pester, cling to you, and get tired of you.

I want to message you whenever I have time;

As long as you are free, you want to ask what you are doing, who you are with, and where you are going.

If you don't reply to messages, she'll get angry;

If you have contact with someone of the opposite sex, she will lose her temper.

When facing you, you can feel her emotions jump more and be more emotional.

Don't doubt it, that's a sign that she's in love with you.

The more you like it, the more likely you are to suffer from gains and losses;

The more I care, the more worried I am that you will stay away from her.

Men are possessive in their bones, but why not girls?

Confessing at this stage is the time when the success rate is the highest;

Even if you don't confess and continue to hold the shelf, she will find an opportunity to hint at you to confess.

Level 6: Caring for you and being close to you

When love turns into love, the girl's mentality changes.

She will think more about you than for herself, will care more about you, and wants to be close to you more.

She will care if you have eaten, whether you have rested, and whether you have stayed up late;

will want to save you money, and try to fantasize, look forward to and plan for more possibilities in the future.

Holding a girl who is married to you and falling in love will think about you;

Girls who only enjoy the moment are more concerned about the satisfaction of feelings and self-needs.

The difference between these is obvious.

One treats you as their own person, and the other treats you as a companion.

Get along with the opposite sex, and women like your level 1-6 performance


Can you feel that a girl likes you?

Author He Suohuan:

Focus on the analysis of gender emotion, marriage and family, character growth, original family, etc., follow me to bring you more knowledge.