
5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

author:Yuyang District Rong Media Center

Mother's Day

Mother's love is a poem that can never be written


5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Chang'an Road Community

On May 11, the Chang'an Road Community of Changcheng Road Street held a DIY embossed lantern Mother's Day activity with the theme of "Handmade Gifts, Lamps Warm Mother's Heart", which further enriched the spiritual and cultural life of residents, praised the great mother's love, and formed a good atmosphere of caring for mothers, respecting mothers and caring for mothers in the community.

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

The event attracted more than 20 mothers and more than 10 groups of families in the jurisdiction. The community worker explained the origin, design and production method of the embossed lamp, and then everyone began to make their own unique table lamp, selected embossing materials according to their own preferences and creativity, placed the flowers and leaves on the paper to try to compose, and then applied glue to the flowers and leaves, pasted them on the lampshade to dry, and finally assembled the finished lampshade and lamp holder. After everyone's serious creation, a gorgeous and elegant embossed lamp was made, and the moment the light was turned on, the whole room was filled with warmth.

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

This activity not only allowed the mothers to feel the festive atmosphere, but also enhanced the friendship between neighbors, allowing them to experience the fun of DIY while interacting. The Chang'an Road community will continue to carry out various cultural and sports activities in conjunction with festivals, further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of residents, and promote the development of spiritual civilization in the jurisdiction. (Reporter: Wang Dandan)

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Fu'an Community

On May 10, Fu'an Community, Qingshan Road Street, together with Yuyang District People's Hospital, launched a Thanksgiving Mother's Day theme activity of "Mother's Love is Like Spring, Healthy Companion Free Clinic Service by Your Side".

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

At the event site, volunteers from Yuyang District People's Hospital, wearing volunteer vests, measured blood pressure, blood sugar, medication consultation, distributed publicity materials for residents, carefully checked the physical condition of each resident, gave detailed answers to the common disease prevention and control questions that residents were concerned about, and guided residents to understand the prevention and treatment measures of common diseases and establish a health concept in easy-to-understand language.

This theme activity not only allowed the residents to enjoy professional and convenient medical treatment, but also enhanced everyone's awareness of scientific disease prevention and healthy life, and nearly 100 residents benefited from it, which was widely praised and highly praised. (Correspondent: Gao Jing)

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Two-mile and a half community

On May 10, Erliban Community of Gulou Street held a special lecture on "Interpreting Chinese Characters and Understanding Mother's Heart", bringing a spiritual feast full of warmth and wisdom to the residents.

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Li Shangzhen, a member of the lecturer group of Yulin Yide Yunzhi Social Work Service Center, was invited to give a special lecture. With his unique insights and powerful expressions, Li Shangzhen explores the roots of mother culture from Chinese characters and discovers the wisdom of mother culture around the three core characters of "female", "mother" and "an". In view of the current situation of society, families and children, residents can clearly understand the serious lack of mother's culture. Li Shangzhen went deep into family affairs, social issues, and national events, interlocking layer by layer, and finally pointed out that if women are safe, the world will be safe, so that residents and friends have a stronger female energy from the heart. (Correspondent: Yang Hongxia)

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Jinlin Community

In order to carry forward the fine family style, focus on cultivating and practicing the core values of socialism, and strengthen the construction of civic morality, on May 11, on the occasion of Mother's Day, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Jinlin Community, Jinsha Road Street, carried out the "Thanksgiving Mother's Love, Inheritance of Family Style" moral lecture and "Mother's Day" family style and family motto theme activity. More than 30 residents, team leaders, and grid members participated in the event.

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

The activity revolves around six links, including "singing a song, reciting a classic, watching a short film, telling a story, talking about a feeling, and sending an auspicious one". Everyone actively shares the stories of filial piety and love for relatives, diligence and thrift, etc., to create a good social atmosphere of inheriting filial piety and promoting good family style, and to promote the construction of family civilization. (Correspondent: Kang Jianmei)

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Golden Elm Community

On the occasion of Mother's Day, in order to carry forward the traditional virtues of respecting the elderly and filial piety of the Chinese nation, we are grateful for the selfless dedication of every mother. On May 10, Jinyu Community, Jinsha Road Street, together with Yulin Community Work Association, invited professional makeup artists to carry out Mother's Day beauty activities to send warm greetings to mothers.

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

The atmosphere was lively and full of laughter. Make-up artists carefully apply makeup to each mother's face, tailored to each mother's different facial characteristics, starting with foundation, eyebrows, eye shadow, contouring, hair braiding and other makeup steps. Under the superb makeup skills of the makeup artist, the mothers "made a beautiful makeover" one by one, and everyone sighed at the magic and charm of makeup. In order to leave the mothers' "beautiful faces of time reversal", the community staff also took photos of each mother, using the lens to freeze eternity.

Jinyu Community celebrates Mother's Day with love, smiles, sincerity and warmth for mothers in the jurisdiction, creating a good community atmosphere of "thanksgiving mothers and inheriting virtues". While enhancing the feelings of the neighbors, it also improves the happiness and sense of accomplishment of the women in the community. (Correspondent: Ma Yanhua)

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

Jinyang Community

In order to carry forward the traditional culture of filial piety and respect for relatives of the Chinese nation, promote interaction and exchanges between neighbors, and create a beautiful atmosphere of gratitude to mothers and walking with love, on May 11, Jinyang Community United Trade Neighborhood Club launched the activity of "Thanksgiving Mother's Day, Bag Love Home".

5.12, full of love Mother's Day, filial piety and spring

At the event site, a "handbag making" Thanksgiving Mother's Day activity attracted the active participation of mothers of all ages. The community staff explained the basic steps and skills of making handbags to them in detail, and gave them one-on-one patient guidance. From nowhere to practice makes perfect, mothers enjoy the fun of handicrafts in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. Mothers carefully study the process and production points of hand-painted canvas bags, choose their favorite patterns, cut them out, paste them on canvas bags, and a beautiful handbag is ready. The mothers said that this was the first time they made a hand-painted canvas bag, which was very commemorative.

This Mother's Day activity not only inherits the traditional Chinese virtues, but also creates a warm and harmonious community atmosphere, enriches the spiritual and cultural life of residents, and enhances the cohesion of the community. (Correspondent: Gao Chunmei, Zhang Xiaoyan)