
Xie Hong led a team to carry out an inspection of the enforcement of the Agricultural Law in Pingshun County

author:Cao Yuping
Xie Hong led a team to carry out an inspection of the enforcement of the Agricultural Law in Pingshun County

  From May 9 to 10, 2024, Xie Hong, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress, led the law enforcement inspection team of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress to Pingshun County to carry out law enforcement inspections on the implementation of the Agricultural Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Agricultural Law"). Lu Zhanming, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Changzhi Municipal People's Congress, Lian Shubin, secretary of the Pingshun County Party Committee, Niu Jinsheng, secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Changzhi Municipal People's Congress, Wang Jianzhong, director of the Standing Committee of the Pingshun County People's Congress, Zhao Yanwei, deputy director, and Duan Yanfei, deputy head of the Pingshun County Government, attended the meeting.

  During the investigation, the law enforcement inspection team came to Maifeng E-commerce Co., Ltd., Ludang Exhibition and Sales Hall, Zhenglai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Zhushang Village, Longxi Town, and Sanliwan Village, Xigou Township, focusing on inspecting the protection of cultivated land, the construction of production and operation system, agricultural science and technology support, green agricultural development, agricultural input, and farmers' income increase. After a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of the "Agricultural Law", the law enforcement inspection team pointed out that the "Agricultural Law" is the basic law of the mainland's agriculture and rural economy, and it is necessary to adhere to the bottom-line thinking and the rule of law thinking, strengthen the publicity of the "Agricultural Law", promote the construction of high-standard farmland in accordance with the law, strengthen agricultural scientific research and education, agricultural technology extension education and training, and ensure that the job bowl is firmly in their own hands.

The law enforcement inspection team pointed out that it is necessary to further sort out, summarize, and sum up good experiences and good practices, give full play to their own professional expertise and advantages, and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. It is necessary to adhere to the people-centered approach, promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation in accordance with the law, increase farmers' incomes through multiple channels, and promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and prosperous farmers.

Manuscript source: "Pingshun Rong Media Wang Chao"

Xie Hong led a team to carry out an inspection of the enforcement of the Agricultural Law in Pingshun County
Xie Hong led a team to carry out an inspection of the enforcement of the Agricultural Law in Pingshun County
Xie Hong led a team to carry out an inspection of the enforcement of the Agricultural Law in Pingshun County

Editor-in-charge: Cao Yuping

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