
Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

author:Shandong Armed Police
Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control
Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

With the prolongation of high temperature hours in summer, the humidity increases

There is an increased risk of exertional heat stroke during high-intensity military training

Today, learn together

Tips for heat stroke prevention

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

Heat stroke (severe heat stroke) refers to life-threatening clinical syndromes such as central nervous system damage, multi-organ dysfunction or severe coagulation dysfunction caused by prolonged exposure to high temperature and humidity, or high-intensity exercise.


8 precautions for heat stroke

Make a hot suit

Thermal habituation is to make the human body have physiological, psychological, behavioral, and morphological adaptive responses through repeated heat stimulation, so as to improve the body's tolerance to heat, that is, active heat adaptation. When officers and men are training in hot uniforms, they should gradually increase the amount of exercise on the basis of heat adaptation, such as first adapting to low-intensity training in a hot environment and then adapting to high-intensity training in a hot environment. This adaptation process generally takes 10~14 days. Here is an introduction to 1 standard for judging the training intensity for comrades-in-arms: heart rate less than 120 beats/low intensity during exercise, heart rate of 120~150 beats/medium intensity, heart rate greater than 150 beats/high intensity, heart rate more than 180 beats/extreme intensity. In general, when the body sweats profusely, it indicates that the training intensity has been reached. The algorithms for the safe heart rate and maximum heart rate of young people are (220-age) ×70% and (220-age) × (80%~85%), respectively. For example, a 20-year-old warrior has a safe heart rate of 140 beats/min during exercise, and a maximum heart rate of 160~170 beats/min. If the training center rate is greater than 150 beats per minute and does not drop, or the body temperature is greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius, the training should be terminated and the cooling treatment should be carried out immediately.

It is not advisable to participate in the training with illness

When you are sick, your body's resistance decreases, and you are prone to heat stroke when training in hot weather. If officers and men feel unwell before training, such as colds, fevers, or diarrhea, military doctors should promptly assess their health status and judge whether they can participate in the training according to the actual situation. Feeling unwell before training, taking certain medications (such as fever reducers, antibiotics, etc.), being overweight or obese, not exercising, and having a history of heat-related illness (heat stroke or heatstroke) are all risk factors for heatstroke.

Pay attention to cooling down between training sessions

Before and between trainings you can cool down by spraying cold water, wearing an ice cap and collar, applying ice packs with a damp towel and ice pack, soaking your forearms and hands in cold water, and drinking salty ice liquids. Don't take your hat off when training in the scorching sun.

Hydrate and salt

When you are thirsty and want to drink water, it means that the water shortage in your body has reached about 2% of your body weight. If the lack of water exceeds 2% of body weight, heat stroke and even heat stroke are highly susceptible. When officers and men are conducting high-intensity training in a hot environment, they should replenish water and salt in a timely manner. It is recommended to replenish 0.5~1 liter of salty drink every hour and 6~8 liters of water per day. Adequate hydration can be determined by the amount of urine and the color of the urine. If the urine output is low or dark, it means that you are not drinking enough water. Here are some salt-replenishing drinks for comrades-in-arms: "mustard + mineral water" combination, "electrolyte effervescent tablet + mineral water" combination, oral rehydration salts and other sodium-containing salt drinks.

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

Prepare the "Three Treasures" for heatstroke prevention monitoring

The "three treasures" of heatstroke prevention monitoring are temperature and humidity meter, ear temperature monitor, and pulse oxygen detector, which can be used to monitor the temperature and humidity of the environment, the core temperature of the body and vital signs. In addition, it is necessary to prepare heatstroke prevention medicines, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi Dripping Pills, Ten Drops of Water, Rendan, Fengyou Essence, etc.

Prepare cooling equipment

It is recommended that officers and men prepare heatstroke rescue bath stretcher sets, water tanks, medical ice caps, ice collars, ice blankets, folding buckets, ice packs, and other cooling equipment for emergency cooling before training.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep allows the brain and body to be fully relaxed, which helps to restore physical strength. When training in the field environment, comrades-in-arms can improve their sleeping environment by wearing eye patches and other methods to ensure sleep quality. If necessary, sleep aids can be taken under the guidance of a military doctor.

Focus on key populations

The key groups mainly include recruits, those who have not exercised for a long time, those who have not trained in a hot environment for a long time, those who have not been trained in hot uniforms, and those who have been retrained after 2 weeks out of a hot environment. These people have poor heat tolerance, so they must be trained in heat suits first, and the effect and heat tolerance of heat suits should be evaluated by health personnel.

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control


Heatstroke warning 4 signals


Feeling hot (hot from the inside out).


Unusual tiredness and unsteadiness in walking.

Dizziness, confusion, convulsions.


Symptoms such as paleness, palpitation, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea appear.

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control


6-step treatment for heatstroke

Immediately get out of the heat

If you find that your comrade-in-arms is staggering or has fallen while running, you should immediately help your comrade to the shade of a tree, and take off your equipment and outer clothes and pants to facilitate heat dissipation. At the same time, call it out loud to assess the state of consciousness.

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

Cool down the whole body with water and ice

Soak all parts of the patient's body except the head in a tub at around 20 degrees Celsius. This method is quick and effective in cooling. You can also wipe the whole body with a towel soaked in ice water and place ice cubes under the patient's armpits and thighs, or place the patient on an ice bed with an ice cap and ice collar on the head and wipe the whole body with an ice towel.

Core body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure are measured

The ear temperature measured with an ear thermometer is the core body temperature; Use a finger pulse oximeter clip on your finger to measure heart rate and finger pulse oximetry to understand the heart and lung conditions; Blood pressure is measured with a blood pressure monitor to see how much fluid is lost.

Establish intravenous fluids

After the arrival of health personnel, an intravenous infusion channel should be established immediately, and two intravenous infusion channels can be established depending on the condition, and Ringer's solution, normal saline, sugar saline, etc. can be quickly infused.

Airway protection and oxygen therapy

If the pulse oxygen saturation is less than 95%, nasal cannula oxygen should be given. If the patient is unconscious, the head should be tilted to one side to prevent suffocation by a foreign body in the mouth. If vomiting occurs, oral secretions should be removed immediately to ensure that the airway is clear.

Control tics

If the patient has sudden convulsions, diazepam injection (10~20mg intramuscular injection or 5~10mg intravenous injection) should be given immediately. After the injection, the patient's breathing was observed and the pulse oxygen saturation was monitored. If you have respiratory depression or decreased pulse oxygen saturation, you can use a simple respirator to assist breathing. Do not compress large joints when compressing agitated patients to avoid fractures, dislocations, and muscle damage.

The heat is coming

Combat readiness training cannot be relaxed

It is necessary to pay more attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling

Here's a guide to coping

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Hope comrades-in-arms

It can be quenched into steel and kept healthy

Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control
Hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot ҈ hot! The "Golden Rule" of Heat Stroke Prevention and Control

(This article is reprinted from the WeChat public account of Nanlu No. 1)

Producer: Zhao Mengjiang

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingling, Wang Yihai

Editor in charge: Yang Yiming

Editor on duty: Zhu Hongzhi

Submission email: [email protected]

Editor's WeChat: zhz834585813

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