
It's fun to shop and have fun! There are many "tricks" in this garden party in Xinzhou

author:Jimu News

Jimu News reporter Chang Yi

Correspondents: Li Weifan, Deng Anjiao, Wang Tianyu, Yuan Xiaoxi

On May 11, the launching ceremony of the 16th "5.12" National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Publicity Week in Xinzhou District and the Civilization Practice Garden Party were held in the "Wuhan Civilization Space" park. Many citizens came to Xinzhou People's Square in groups, strolling around while walking, experiencing fancy "disaster prevention and mitigation classes", and enjoying various convenient services.

It's fun to shop and have fun! There are many "tricks" in this garden party in Xinzhou

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At the event site, the dance "Bless the Motherland", the Allegro "Three and a Half Sentences for Disaster Prevention and Reduction", and the Yangge "Catch the Big Car" were staged one after another, kicking off the prelude to the garden party. The Bauhinia Community Folk Art Troupe's "Three and a Half Sentences on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation" combines folk art with disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge, allowing citizens to learn popular science knowledge and gain a different experience in a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

"How do I escape in the event of a fire?" "What day is designated as Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day?" During the interval of the program, there were also prize quizzes, and many citizens raised their hands to answer and share disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge with everyone.

The members of the Xinzhou District Blue Sky Rescue Team also combined with the usual rescue experience, explained the knowledge of drowning prevention on the spot, interacted with the citizens and answered questions, and popularized first aid knowledge.

It's fun to shop and have fun! There are many "tricks" in this garden party in Xinzhou

Among them, the touching story of Yu Shun, an advanced representative of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, won bursts of applause. Yu Shun joined the Blue Sky Rescue Team in 2020 and volunteered to participate in various accident and disaster scene rescues, and soon became the backbone of the rescue scene. He is a father of two who runs a self-owned auto repair shop, and although he is not financially well-off, he often risks injury to participate in charity rescue activities.

"May 11 to 17 is the 16th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Publicity Week, in addition to this activity, we will also carry out various forms of publicity and consultation activities in all towns, offices, parks and 47 communities in the region at the same time, enhance the public's awareness and ability of disaster prevention and reduction, and simultaneously carry out two drills of geology and flash floods, and improve the response ability and on-site disposal level of the emergency rescue team." The relevant person in charge of the Xinzhou District Emergency Management Bureau said.

Walking in the square, you can see all kinds of popular science display boards everywhere, displaying emergency avoidance knowledge of common disasters such as heavy rain and floods, geological disasters, forest fire prevention, special injuries, fire safety, etc., and the stalls on both sides of the main road are full of various disaster prevention knowledge brochures. Staff from the Xinzhou District Emergency Management Bureau, the District Meteorological Bureau, the District Transportation Bureau, the District Water and Lake Bureau, the District Red Cross and other departments are enthusiastically explaining various disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge to the passers-by.

On the same day, a total of 30 banners for disaster prevention and mitigation were hung, 30 publicity display boards were placed, and more than 10,000 copies of disaster reduction knowledge manuals, leaflets and publicity materials were distributed to the public.

Hands-on training

"This patient is not breathing, which classmate will use AED?" On the other side of the park, volunteers from the Xinzhou District Youth Flying Volunteer Service Center are teaching students to use AED first aid.

It's fun to shop and have fun! There are many "tricks" in this garden party in Xinzhou

This is a child survival training camp organized by the volunteer service center, integrating safety knowledge into 6 small games such as blanket stretcher time trial, AED use, knot competition, furniture anti-tipping, abdominal impact first aid, jack lifting, etc., 60 students are divided into 6 groups to participate in different emergency games, hands-on operation, and participate in various simulated rescue scenarios to enhance children's safety awareness and ability to deal with disasters.

In addition to the promotion of disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge, the main roads in the park are also full of various convenient service booths, free Chinese medicine consultations, free scissors, and free manicures...... Many members of the public gathered in front of the booth to consult and enjoy convenient services.

"I came to the square for a walk today, I didn't expect it to be so lively here, I learned a lot of knowledge about disaster prevention and mitigation, such as fire prevention, how to use electrical appliances, etc., I gained a lot, and there are many convenient service booths, I cut my head by the way, it's really good." Wu Chunming, a citizen who had just finished cutting his head, said happily.

It's fun to shop and have fun! There are many "tricks" in this garden party in Xinzhou

The relevant person in charge of the Civilization Office of the Xinzhou District Party Committee said that up to now, 5 civilized practice garden parties have been held, with tens of thousands of citizens participating. In the next step, we will continue to closely follow the needs of the masses to carry out civilized practice activities, effectively facilitate the masses, let the civilized practice activities benefit the masses to a greater extent, and let the masses learn knowledge and skills in a relaxed and free atmosphere, and feel the power of civilized practice.

(Source: Jimu News)

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