
Poor students are admitted to graduate school across majors and go ashore to "double first-class" universities with high scores (Hubei Daily) News (Reporter Tang Tianqi Correspondent Shi Huili) In the sauerkraut fish stall in the canteen of Wuhan University of Arts and Sciences, a familiar figure is often busy. He is not only a part-time employee of the stall, but also Chen Yaoyu, a 2020 student majoring in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation at the school's School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Nondestructive Testing. Recently, with a total score of 371 points, he was successfully admitted to Ningbo University majoring in mathematics and became a graduate student of a "double first-class" university.

Poor students are admitted to graduate school across majors and go ashore to "double first-class" universities with high scores

Chan's interest in mathematics began in primary school. He is passionate about logical reasoning in mathematics and enjoys solving difficult problems. Therefore, when he stepped into the university, he decided to take the postgraduate examination across majors and study mathematics. With his love and persistence in mathematics, he scored 94 points in the final exam of Advanced Mathematics in the first semester.

However, fate does not seem to be lenient on him. In 2022, the family suddenly suffered a major change and the economy was in trouble. In the face of family changes, Chen Yaoyu chose to strive for self-improvement and work-study, and the school also actively extended a helping hand, providing him with a series of support and help such as psychological counseling, bursaries, and work-study opportunities. He used his spare time to work part-time in the school cafeteria, and returned to his hometown of Xianning to work at a fried chicken restaurant in his hometown of Xianning during the winter and summer vacations to earn living expenses. Although the work is hard, Chen Yaoyu has always maintained his love and pursuit of studies.

Poor students are admitted to graduate school across majors and go ashore to "double first-class" universities with high scores

In order to prepare for the interdisciplinary postgraduate examination, Chen Yaoyu purchased books such as "Advanced Algebra" and "Mathematical Analysis" from the beginning of his admission, and set the goal of entering the graduate school. While preparing for the exam, he stopped almost all part-time work and devoted himself to his studies. He studied in the library on time every day, and when he returned to his dormitory in the evening, he would check the information of the graduate school and pay attention to the latest trends.

Faced with the pressure and distress of the graduate school entrance examination, Chen Yaoyu once fell into anxiety and self-doubt. However, with the care and help of his classmates, teachers and school, he gradually regained his confidence and courage. The school provided him with support such as postgraduate counseling to help him prepare for the exam. His roommates, classmates, and teachers also gave him encouragement and help, making him feel warm and caring.

Poor students are admitted to graduate school across majors and go ashore to "double first-class" universities with high scores

In order to maintain the reuse of learning materials, Chen Yaoyu developed the habit of doing questions on scratch paper. He studied the textbook over and over again, and every theorem and formula was repeatedly scrutinized and deeply understood. His scratch paper was piled up, filled with dense notes and problem-solving processes. Whenever he encounters a difficult problem, he will patiently think and try different ways to solve the problem until he finds the optimal solution. These scratch papers not only record his learning journey, but also witness his continuous improvement.

On the eve of the graduate school entrance examination, Chen Yaoyu has memorized "Mathematical Analysis" and "Advanced Algebra" very well, and can quickly and accurately answer various complex questions. At the same time, he gradually formed his own learning methods and systems by watching videos, reading notes, and comparing textbooks to study.

After nearly a year of arduous preparation, Chen Yaoyu finally passed the cross-major postgraduate examination of Ningbo University with excellent results. He said excitedly: "Today's results are inseparable from the financial and academic support and help of the school, and I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their psychological care and care." ”

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