
Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

May 8, the day is destined to cause an uproar in the entertainment industry.

A woman named Wei Jia dropped a bombshell on social media, and the content of her revelations was shocking, and the headline was even more blunt as "Cheating Post".

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

Wei Jia recounted the unbearable past between her and the celebrity Gao Yalin.

She claimed that in this relationship, she had suffered domestic violence from Gao Yalin many times, even during pregnancy, and Gao Yalin was violent to her while constantly humiliating her with words.

What makes her even more sad is that Gao Yalin seems to have other women outside, and she speculates that Gao Yalin may not want to be responsible for her pregnant child at all.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

As soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar.

However, the matter is far from over.

Just two days later, on May 10, another woman named Xu Zijun spoke out on social media.

She vigorously denied that she was a junior, insisting that it was Gao Yalin who unilaterally confessed to her and gave her money.

Xu Zijun emotionally demanded an apology from Gao Yalin, apparently eager to protect his reputation.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

What is puzzling is that Gao Yalin, the core figure of the incident, has never publicly responded to the matter, and he has not made any statement on social media.

Although it is reported that he is willing to raise his daughter and pay child support, many people speculate that this may just be a gesture he made to maintain his image.

Wei Jia also has a new move here, she announced a maintenance agreement.

The agreement shows that she received a property and high alimony through her pregnancy.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

This situation has sparked a heated discussion among the public about the phenomenon of "mothers are more expensive than children", and people can't help but speculate that she may be Gao Yalin's ex-girlfriend.

The impact of this incident is also enormous.

For Xu Zijun, her career can be said to have suffered a heavy blow, and it may be difficult to continue to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in the future.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

Gao Yalin's image has also been greatly damaged, and although he has remained silent, this non-response attitude has only made people more suspicious of him.

This incident involves Gao Yalin, Xu Zijun and Wei Jia, and it is like a mirror, reflecting the complex interpersonal relationships and moral dilemmas in the entertainment industry.

Gao Yalin's irresponsible behavior undoubtedly had a far-reaching impact, Wei Jia and Xu Zijun were both greatly hurt in this farce, and the most innocent is probably the child, who was involved in such a dispute before he was born.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

The entertainment industry is really too chaotic, and these things make us ordinary people stunned.

Gao Yalin used to give people a good impression, but I didn't expect there to be such an unbearable side behind it, which is really surprising.

There are some people who have a different view.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

They believe that Gao Yalin cannot be completely convicted based on the revelations of one party alone, and perhaps there is a misunderstanding or a fabrication with ulterior motives.

Moreover, regarding Wei Jia's announcement of the custody agreement, some people questioned whether her motives were simple, whether it was really just for the future of the child, or whether there were other interests to consider.

As for Xu Zijun, it is also debatable whether her statement is completely true.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

In short, the matter is full of controversies and mysteries, making it difficult for people to tell what the truth really is.

In this turmoil, we have seen the complexity of human nature and the impetuousness of the entertainment industry.

Everyone seems to be acting for their own benefit, while morality and responsibility are left behind.

This not only further reduces the public's trust in the entertainment industry, but also triggers people's deep thinking about social values.

What kind of life and relationships should we pursue? In the face of interests, can we still stick to our bottom line and principles? These are all issues that deserve serious reflection by each and every one of us.

Real hammer! Xu Zijun posted: Admits that he has slept with him, received money, and taken resources, but he did not accept his feelings

As for the chaos in the entertainment industry, we also hope that there can be more standardized and strict management, so that those who are truly talented and virtuous can stand out, instead of being covered up by these messy things.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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