
Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

author:Shou and Tianqi

There is chaos in live streaming, false propaganda is rampant, and consumer rights and interests are at stake.

Live streaming is in full swing, but chaos is also emerging. Problems such as false publicity, quality problems, and misleading prices frequently occur, seriously infringing on the rights and interests of consumers. In order to make huge profits, some unscrupulous merchants do not hesitate to exaggerate, conceal the truth, and trick consumers into placing orders. Consumers often find it difficult to distinguish the authenticity in the live broadcast room, and they are deceived from time to time. The road to defending rights is also fraught with difficulties.

Live streaming has brought great convenience to consumers, but at the same time, there are many chaos and hidden dangers. Disinformation is undoubtedly the most prominent and serious problem. In order to attract attention, some unscrupulous merchants and anchors often exaggerate the performance, price, and preferential treatment of goods, and even have false publicity, misleading consumers to have a wrong perception of the product.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

For example, some anchors claim in the live broadcast room that a certain health care product "can cure illness and prolong life", but in fact, the product is just an ordinary nutritional supplement, which cannot play the so-called "disease and prolongation of life" effect. For another example, when an anchor promoted a clothing product during the live broadcast, he claimed that "all imported fabrics are used and the workmanship is first-class", but in fact, the fabric and workmanship quality of the product are very average.

There are also streamers who mislead about the price of the product. During the live broadcast, they may emphasize the low interest fee with the daily interest paid for the 10,000 yuan loan, but in fact, the comprehensive annualized interest rate of the product is quite high. This kind of behavior can easily lead consumers to misunderstand the cost of borrowing.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

In addition to false publicity, product quality problems are also a major problem in live streaming. Due to the lack of effective supervision, some three-no products (no manufacturer, no product standards, and no after-sales guarantee) are rampant in the live broadcast room. After consumers purchase these products, they often have serious substandard quality, but due to the lack of effective channels to protect their rights, it is difficult to protect their rights and interests.

Price misleading is also a major problem in live streaming. Some unscrupulous merchants and anchors will mislead the price of goods, claiming that "the price is sold for a limited time" and "the price is in hand", etc., but in fact, there will be some hidden fees, so that consumers will encounter the situation of "buying expensive" after placing an order.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

There are also some uncivilized marketing behaviors in the live broadcast room, such as the anchor will use vulgar, violent and other inappropriate words during the live broadcast, which will have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of consumers.

In the face of all kinds of chaos in live streaming, it is urgent to strengthen supervision. Relevant government departments shall draft sound industry norms, clarify standards for livestreaming sales, and establish strong regulatory mechanisms, using big data, artificial intelligence, and other technical means to increase the force of law enforcement.

As an important participant in the live streaming market, enterprises should also assume the responsibility of self-discipline, establish and improve the internal management system, ensure the quality of products and services, and actively gain market competitive advantages through innovation and user experience, so as to jointly create a good market environment.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

In addition to strengthening supervision, consumers themselves should also be vigilant and enhance their awareness of self-protection. When watching live broadcasts, you must remain rational and objective, and not be easily confused by the anchor's exaggerated words. For the products promoted by the anchor, it is necessary to verify them in multiple ways to understand their real performance parameters, price levels, etc., rather than being deceived by the anchor's one-sided words.

Consumers should also be familiar with relevant laws and regulations, understand their rights and obligations, and have the courage to report and protect their rights and interests through legal channels once they find that a merchant or anchor has violated laws and regulations. For example, if you find that the anchor has false publicity during the live broadcast, you can take video evidence and complain and report it to the relevant departments. If the quality of the purchased goods is seriously unqualified, it is necessary to protect rights through legal channels in a timely manner.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

Consumers should also be more discerning when choosing a live broadcast room. Try to choose the live broadcast room of big brand merchants or well-known anchors, they are relatively more formal, and the product quality and after-sales service are also more guaranteed. For some small workshop-style live broadcast rooms, more precautions should be taken.

In addition to the vigilance of consumers themselves, the supervision of the media and public opinion is also very necessary. The media should give full play to the role of public opinion supervision, promptly expose all kinds of chaos in live streaming, and arouse the attention of all sectors of society to this issue. It is also necessary to increase the education and guidance of consumers to help them improve their ability to identify live streaming.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

As an emerging e-commerce marketing model, live streaming has brought great convenience to consumers, but at the same time, there are many chaos and hidden dangers, and it is urgent to strengthen supervision and consumer education.

For the regulatory authorities, it is necessary to further improve the relevant laws and regulations, clarify the norms and standards of conduct for live streaming, and establish a strong regulatory and law enforcement mechanism. With the help of new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, the monitoring of the livestreaming market can be increased, and violations of laws and regulations can be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

It is also necessary to establish an effective credit evaluation and punishment mechanism. For those merchants and anchors who repeatedly refuse to change and seriously violate the rules, they should be severely punished, and even included in the "blacklist", and they should be prohibited from engaging in marketing activities such as live streaming for a certain period of time. Only by truly implementing the principle of "high cost of violating the law" can we effectively curb the occurrence of illegal acts.

Regulators should also increase the intensity of education and guidance for consumers, and improve their ability to identify and protect their rights in livestreaming. Through the establishment of public classes, the production of promotional videos and other forms, to popularize the knowledge of relevant laws and regulations to consumers, educate them how to identify false propaganda, understand the true price of goods, etc.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

For enterprises, it is also necessary to take the responsibility of self-discipline. It is necessary to establish and improve the internal management system, strictly control the words and deeds of anchors, the quality of goods, etc., to ensure the legality and compliance of marketing activities. Enterprises should also gain competitive advantages in a fair and competitive market environment through continuous innovation and user experience, rather than relying on illegal marketing methods to seek huge profits.

As participants in the live streaming market, consumers should be more vigilant. When watching the live broadcast, you should remain rational and objective, and not be easily confused by the anchor's exaggerated words. For the products promoted by the anchor, it is necessary to verify and verify them in many ways, rather than being deceived by one-sided words. You should also be familiar with relevant laws and regulations, understand your rights and obligations, and once you find that a merchant or anchor has violated laws and regulations, you must have the courage to report it and protect your rights and interests through legal channels.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant

Only when the government, enterprises and consumers work together to form a joint force can we truly curb the chaos in the live streaming market, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and promote the standardized and orderly development of the industry.

Bad scum exposes the phenomenon of "selling dog meat on the head of a sheep" in live streaming: consumers must be vigilant