
Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

author:Fengfeng emotional

In the small town gently awakened by the hazy morning sun, Lin Haiming walked slowly on the park path on crutches. Although his pace was slow, his eyes revealed a calm and unhurried calmness. Yesterday, he just celebrated his seventieth birthday, and his later life was calm and simple.

"Heming, go slowly, you're always careless." Chen Yunfen's voice sounded behind him, so familiar and with a hint of reproach. She walked beside her husband worriedly, holding a kettle in her hand.

Lin Haiming looked up at the sky and replied softly: "Yunfen, look at this day, how good it is, it's a pleasure for the two of us to walk like this every day." Don't frown all the time, just laugh. "

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"Hmph, laugh! Retired at home, you have an easy life alone, but I have to worry about this family every day. Chen Yunfen's voice was slightly complaining, and then she sighed, she knew that her temper had always been bad, and it may be because of this strength that there were more and more conflicts in the family.

"You see," Lin Haiming said, pointing to his toddler grandson in front of him, "Xiaoqiang is growing up so fast, let's have a lot of fun and set a good example for the children." "

Chen Yunfen suddenly laughed softly, and when she heard her husband say this, her heart was inexplicably relieved. But before the laughter fell, the sharp pain in her knee made her frown involuntarily. She rubbed her joints, feeling the pain that made her slow down.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"Ari come over here and help grandma get the kettle." Lin Xiaomei shouted to her son, who was playing at the other end of the park.

"Okay Mom, I'm here." The young voice was accompanied by the sound of childish footsteps, Lin Xiaomei's son Yali ran over, took the kettle in a jumping manner, and said loudly as he ran: "Grandma, the weather is so good, shall we go to feed the fish in the park for a while?" "

"Yes, my good grandson," Chen Yunfen smiled, letting the pain in her knee slowly spread in her heart, she wondered if her strength and temper were really a burden on the family. She watched the interaction between Lin Haiming and her grandson, and her heart was a little shaken and confused.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

This day, like many ordinary days in this small city, began, Lin Haiming and Chen Yunfen's retirement life, on the surface, seems to be as quiet as water, but the dark tide is surging, and it is unknown to outsiders. Chen Yunfen's body pain, as well as her deep reflection on her own life, are quietly changing this small family. Lin Xiaomei sat in her parents' living room, holding an old diary in her hand, her brows furrowed. The diary was accidentally found in the attic, and the handwriting has been yellowed, but it still reveals the clarity of the past. She looked at her parents playing with their grandchildren in the yard, and her heart was both moved and confused.

"Mom, is this your diary when you were young?" Lin Xiaomei decided to ask directly, knowing that it might touch her mother's sore spot.

Chen Yunfen stopped what he was doing, looking a little surprised, faintly afraid: "That, that was a long time ago, how could you..."

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Lin Xiaomei continued to ask softly: "Mom, it seems to be very difficult in the diary that your life at that time was very difficult, is it true?" "

Chen Yunfen sighed lightly, looking a little helpless: "Yes, I didn't expect you to see that." Your dad...... He was back then..."

Lin Xiaomei looked at her mother worriedly: "What's the matter, Mom?" I didn't finish it in my diary, but what happened at the time? "

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Chen Yunfen's body was stiff, and her words were full of memories: "At that time, your grandparents died early, and the family was in difficulty, so I could only quit school early and rely on part-time work to make a living. Later, I met your father, who was also forced to give up his studies and work in a factory because of family reasons. He... He was very nice to me and we got married soon. But life is not as simple as I imagined, and after getting married...... her voice gradually deepened, as if suppressed by some emotion.

Lin Xiaomei held her mother's hand painfully: "Mom, you're having a hard time, aren't you?" "

Chen Yunfen tried her best to stabilize her emotions: "Xiaomei, that's our business, you are still young, and your father and I don't want you to worry about it." ”

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Lin Xiaomei insisted: "Mom, it's been so long, and I've grown up, I think it's good for all of us to understand this, maybe it can help us understand you better and get along better." ”

Chen Yunfen stared at her daughter: "In fact, your father has endured a lot of pressure in those years, the discussion of outsiders, and the family's financial difficulties... He tried his best to face it for the sake of his family, so I became strong and wanted to protect this family. ”

Lin Xiaomei was moved with doubts and asked, "But, why haven't you told us for so many years?" ”

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Chen Yunfen sighed slightly: "It's my fault, maybe because of pride, and because I want you to have a simple happiness, I don't want you to worry about our past suffering." ”

Lin Xiaomei hugged her mother tightly, and at that moment, she felt the helplessness and bitterness of her mother hidden behind her strength, and all this also gave her a deeper understanding and experience of the family.

The conversation between Chen Yunfen and Lin Xiaomei was like a gentle light, illuminating those dusty pasts. That weekend, when the sun was shining, Lin Haiming accidentally slipped on the stairs of his home and suffered a slight blow to his head. When he opened his eyes again, his memories were scattered like leaves blown away by the wind, unable to be picked up.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"Yun Fen... Are you...?" Lin Haiming looked at his wife blankly, and his speech was a little hesitant.

Chen Yunfen was shocked by her husband's amnesia, and in a hurry, she weakly supported him: "It's me, Haiming, I'm your wife, Yunfen." Her voice was full of unease and worry.

In the hospital, doctors told them that it might be temporary amnesia that might recover over time. Lin Xiaomei listened from the sidelines, she watched her mother, who was once strong, become so vulnerable and dependent at this moment.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"Dad, you don't have to worry." Lin Xiaomei tried to comfort, "We will always be by your side, waiting for your memories to come back." "

"I... I really don't remember at all..." Lin Haiming smiled bitterly.

In the days that followed, Lin Xiaomei often accompanied her father to look at old photos, hoping to help him recover his memory. It was in the process that she accidentally found a letter written by her father to her mother that year, revealing a secret.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Lin Xiaomei took the letter and found her mother, "Mom, what do you think this is?" "

Chen Yunfen flipped through the old letter, and tears began to flow uncontrollably: "This is ...... His marriage proposal back then..."

"It turns out that Dad had such deep feelings for you at that time," Lin Xiaomei said in a trembling voice, "This letter says that even if he knows all the accusations and misunderstandings from the outside world, he is willing to share everything with you, because he loves you deeply." "

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Chen Yunfen couldn't help sobbing, she always thought that her strength protected this family, but she didn't expect that it was Lin Haiming who had been silently taking on everything.

After discovering this deep love in the corner of her heart, Chen Yunfen's attitude slowly changed. She became more gentle, she knew that no matter whether Lin Haiming remembered the past or not, she had to take good care of him and repay him for his dedication and protection.

Lin Xiaomei watched this change between her parents, tears flashing in her eyes. A dusty letter not only provided proof of the father's love, but also deeply touched the whole family. After more than a month, Lin Haiming's memory finally began to slowly return. He not only remembered Chen Yunfen, but also remembered the ups and downs they went through together.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"I remember, Yun Fen, I remember a lot, a lot." Lin Haiming held his wife's hand, his eyes full of affection.

Chen Yunfen smiled happily, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes seemed to be soothed a lot: "Then tell me, what do you remember?" "

"I remember the park where we first met, and you were wearing a blue and white plaid dress." Lin Haiming's words made Chen Yunfen cry and laugh, "I remember that we quarreled over buying that old bike, and in the end you won." "

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

Chen Yunfen quipped: "Well, it seems that you not only have a good memory, but also learned to praise your wife." "

Lin Haiming smiled and regained some of his former humor: "Wife, now I understand the importance of love better. It was really hard in the past, but with you by my side, why wasn't I the happiest person? "

The family atmosphere became more warm and harmonious due to the recovery of Lin Haiming's memory. Chen Yunfen deeply reflected on her own strengths and began to learn to listen and understand. She has also become more willing to share her feelings with her family, rather than suffering in silence.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

The family sat around the dinner table, and Lin Xiaomei said happily: "It seems that we can finally eat like a normal family." "

Chen Yunfen nodded, with warmth in her eyes: "Yes, Xiaomei, maybe we were all a little stubborn before, always thinking that we were right." Now, we can face the future together. "

After dinner, Lin Haiming proposed that the whole family go for a walk together, and Chen Yunfen and Lin Xiaomei readily agreed. They paced slowly in the night of this small town, sometimes talking and laughing, sometimes silent.

Mom married her father at the age of 14, and she was strong all her life, but she was old but her whole body ached

"You say, if we had the same personality when we were young, wouldn't everything be different?" Chen Yunfen suddenly asked, with a hint of regret and expectation in her voice.

Lin Haiming gently hugged her shoulders and lowered his head and kissed her hair: "Yunfen, even if everything is different, we can still have the best present and future now, can't we?" "

The story continues in their laughter, as if it were the most affectionate tribute to the past years and an infinite vision of the future. The understanding and support between family members has become the spiritual pillar for them to face their old age together, and this rejuvenated relationship is not the happiness and tranquility they have been pursuing.