
The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

author:An An talks about history

1. A chance encounter with Hong Kong detonated a heated discussion on the Internet!

It's a hot summer in July, and it's already very hot in Hong Kong. However, on such a hot and dreary day, some netizens were lucky enough to meet the famous actress Sun Li, who enjoys the reputation of "Niangniang", on the streets of Hong Kong, and took photos on her street. As soon as this photo was posted on the Internet, it immediately spread like a spark, instantly igniting heated discussions and doubts among the majority of netizens.

In the photo, Sun Li is dressed in a tightly protective costume, tightly wrapped from head to toe, with a hat on her head and her limbs covered. Despite the temperature reaching nearly 40 degrees Celsius, she only partially exposed her knees. Such a unique style of dress has undoubtedly attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens.

In addition, some keen netizens found that Sun Li's appearance seemed to have undergone subtle changes. In recent years, her eyes have become more prominent, her cheeks have also revealed a clear "blush" phenomenon, and her overall posture exudes a sense of exhaustion and relaxation, which is in stark contrast to the delicate and moving image of the past.

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

Sun Li, who was once known as a "leader in the health care industry", has now become a "negative teaching material for health preservation" in the mouths of netizens, which is really embarrassing. As a senior in the entertainment industry, her persistent pursuit of health seems to have reached the level of obsession, which has brought adverse effects on her health.

Second, the peak of the brilliant career shines!

Looking back on Sun Li's life course, it is not difficult for us to find that she has overcome obstacles all the way, her career is thriving, and she has won countless praises.

However, fate played a joke at this time. After Sun Li's parents divorced, her mother took on the responsibility of raising her alone, and she still unswervingly nurtured her daughter despite her hardship. Sun Li did not disappoint her mother, and at the age of 15, she was awarded the military literary and artistic soldier with her outstanding talent.

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

She was beautiful, pure, diligent and studious, and quickly rose to prominence on the stage, frequently touring various places on behalf of the army. Sun Li gradually discovered her deep love for acting, which laid a solid foundation for her to embark on the road of acting in the future. In 2001, when she was only 19 years old, she was discovered by a brokerage company through a beauty contest and officially entered the showbiz.

Lady Luck seems to favor Sun Li very much, and in the same year, she got the precious opportunity to star in the first TV series "Jade Guanyin", and became an instant hit with the role of peace of mind in the play, which was deeply loved by the audience.

Sun Li has been in full swing on the road of acting since then, starring in many popular masterpieces such as "Painted Skin", "Big Dyeing Workshop" and "Happiness Like Flowers", and in 2005, she won the highest honor in the field of Chinese TV dramas - Best Actress Award for her outstanding performance! What's even more commendable is that in the following years, she won heavyweight awards such as the Best Newcomer Award of the Hundred Flowers Award and the Best Actress of the Magnolia Award, which is well deserved!

However, Sun Li's career did not stop there, in 2006, she successfully portrayed the role of Feng Chengcheng in the well-known TV series "New Shanghai Beach", which further increased her popularity and influence. In the play, she is fresh and elegant, and she interprets this lady who is pampered by her parents vividly and unforgettable.

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

Those bright eyes, white teeth, and elegant and generous posture have made countless audiences fall in love with it. Since then, Sun Li's reputation in the film and television industry has been skyrocketing, with abundant resources, and she is known as a popular actress with "ratings guarantee".

When she was young, Sun Li was not only praised for her acting skills, but also amazed countless people with her beautiful appearance and unique temperament. Her skin is delicate and smooth, without any traces of age, like the embodiment of "beauty in the prosperous age". According to rumors, a large number of obsessive fans even flipped through Sun Li's daily maintenance secrets, trying to emulate her elegant and charming demeanor and temperament.

In fact, one of the "secrets" of Sun Li's youthful vitality is a highly self-disciplined lifestyle and health preservation methods. As early as the era when she was in the limelight, she developed a good habit of drinking warm water and eating a reasonable diet. And with the vigorous development of her career, this health regimen has also entered a new stage.

3. Vigorously advocate the concept of health preservation

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

Back in 2017, Sun Li opened a new chapter in her "health road". She began to actively promote her various health concepts and practical experience on major social platforms, as if she had returned to her youth overnight, and was determined to pass on a healthy lifestyle to the general public.

At first, people were full of respect and recognition for this "wellness actress". After all, compared with those weight loss vases that only advertise that "eating boiled eggs can lose weight", the health regimen advocated by Sun Li is undoubtedly more beneficial to physical and mental health. As a well-loved public figure, these helpful sharing of her have naturally won widespread acclaim.

Sun Li's unique concept of wellness seems to have received an enthusiastic response and response from countless followers, which once made her feel quite successful, and even boldly claimed to have become a well-known TCM health expert. There was a time when "foot soaking lady" was popular on social networks, no doubt because she actively promoted and promoted the healthy lifestyle of foot soaking on various occasions and even online sharing platforms.

According to Sun Li, at certain solar terms, such as the autumn equinox, everyone should not hesitate to choose to soak their feet, which will help to expel the hot and dry qi in the body. However, her claim quickly sparked controversy, with some medical professionals publicly "criticizing" it, arguing that not everyone is suitable for soaking their feet to achieve health benefits.

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

In addition to soaking her feet, Sun Li will also carefully design and implement a strict "solar term diet" plan for herself according to different solar terms, choosing only specific ingredients and corresponding portions in specific seasons. She firmly believes that overeating will affect the flow of qi and blood in the human body.

Sun Li has also made it clear that foods such as carrots, pineapples, and figs may cause photoallergies, so it is important to avoid them before spending time in the sun. This kind of "health fallacy" with a strong subjective color has once again aroused widespread doubts and criticism, because as a public figure with wide influence, she easily makes conclusions without sufficient professional theoretical support, which will undoubtedly mislead the general public.

In fact, Sun Li's love for health has reached the point of almost obsession. She even tried the long-term "Bigu" method, that is, completely fasting for a certain period of time, without dripping water, in order to achieve the so-called "detoxification and beauty" effect. It can be seen from this that her persistent pursuit of the word "health" has reached.

4. Questioning the "fake health expert"

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

As a high-profile public figure, Sun Li's unique health remarks have undoubtedly had a profound impact on the masses. Therefore, when some of her "health fallacies" are pointed out by medical experts and authoritative figures, it will inevitably set off a more widespread wave of skepticism in society.

For example, in a pastoral picking video released by Sun Li in her studio, she actually mistook an ordinary cucumber for a loofah, and this obvious mistake was immediately frantically complained and ridiculed by netizens: "Niangniang is probably a fake health expert!" "

As a self-proclaimed "perennial vegetarian" and a vegetarian diet, Sun Li can't even correctly identify the basic classification of vegetables, which is obviously contrary to people's general perception. This sharp criticism from many netizens is undoubtedly a few question marks and sarcastic ridicule of his status as a "health expert".

The next scene is even more surprising, Sun Li will appear in a red carpet ceremony. She appeared in a gorgeous gown, but she couldn't find the delicate and heart-warming beauty of the past, but her face was tired, indifferent, and even a little old, which made people wonder if she was malnourished.

The bald head and bulging eyes, the flabby and old, obsessed with health "Niangniang" Sun Li, what is happening now

Many enthusiastic netizens have tried to give advice to Sun Li in a kind way, hoping that she can get out of the misunderstanding of blindly pursuing health and ensure the balance of diet and life and rest. However, it is a pity that Sun Li seems to have fallen into it, unable to extricate herself, and deaf to all suggestions and voices of reason.

She seems to have become a fanatical follower of the word "health", stubborn and arbitrary, and finally became the "negative teaching material of health" in the mouth of the majority of netizens. Such an ending is really embarrassing.

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