
Only after losing it did he regret it, Green sent an invitation to Durant and said that he would not spray him again

author:H peach yarn

When you see an old friend suddenly send you a message on social media, saying that he wants to renew his old friendship with you, do you think, what's wrong? Is pie going to fall from the sky? No, the basketball world has also staged a "Friends" recently, but this time the protagonists are Dream Green and Durant.

Come on, let's not rush to explore the little thing between the two of them, let's talk about Green's invitation first. Here's the thing, Green suddenly openly threw an olive branch to Durant in an interview, saying that he hopes he can return to the Warriors. This is terrible, after all, the previous relationship between the two of them, cough cough, to say that it is "a little complicated" at best, and "not very good" at worst. Before Durant left the Warriors, Green once again had a lot of "credit", and the dispute between the two was also boiling in the media.

Only after losing it did he regret it, Green sent an invitation to Durant and said that he would not spray him again

However, this time Green is not just a simple invitation, he also made a big promise that he will not publicly criticize Durant again. Doesn't that sound a bit bloody? Isn't this like the promise of reconciliation after a fight among couples? But I have to say that this situation is also quite rare in the sports circle. It seems that Green is really aware of Durant's importance, and perhaps his previous loss made him regret it a little.

Only after losing it did he regret it, Green sent an invitation to Durant and said that he would not spray him again

When it comes to Durant's performance with the Suns, it's also quite interesting. Despite his individual ability and good stats, the Suns' tactical system and team atmosphere don't seem to particularly suit him. Green didn't miss the issue in the interview, outspoken criticizing the Suns' tactics. This kind of public criticism, I don't know if it also made Durant feel a little shaken?

Only after losing it did he regret it, Green sent an invitation to Durant and said that he would not spray him again

So, if Durant does return to the Warriors, how will that change the team? It's not just about adding a super scorer. The addition of Durant may make the Warriors' offensive and defensive system more perfect, and reproduce the domineering All-Star lineup back then. The opponents may have another headache, and the Warriors are ready to make a big move!

The reaction from fans and the media to Green's invitation was naturally mixed. Some say it's a form of sportsmanship, because it takes courage to know how to reflect and ask for forgiveness. Some people also ridiculed that this was a "tactical retreat" by Green, who had to bow his head for the sake of the team's future. In any case, this incident has undoubtedly added a lot of topicality to the NBA family.

So, I wonder what Durant thinks in his heart? Will he accept the invitation and return to his old comrades? Or will they choose to continue to prove themselves with the Suns? Only time will tell.

In short, Green's invitation this time is undoubtedly an exciting "bomb", which gives those of us who love basketball a new expectation and imagination. After all, who wouldn't want to see a star-studded, strong team on the field? As for whether this will become another great story in NBA history, let's wait and see!