
The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

author:Doctor Xiao Zhao

[Disclaimer: The content of the article is a fictional story, please read it rationally, and do not sit in the right seat]

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That night, Xiao Li was woken up by a phone call from his best friend. The voice howled on the phone: "Oops, you know what? Uncle Li passed away, but he was fine two days ago...... Xiao Li almost jumped up from the bed, his mind full of doubts. She knew very well that Uncle Li had always been in good health, and at a party about a month ago, the old man was still laughing and playing with them. How could it be so sudden?

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

Xiao Li hurriedly inquired about the specific situation. It turned out that Uncle Lee's arm was swollen a while ago, but he didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until recently that the swelling worsened that he had to go to the doctor. The results of the examination showed that the cholesterol level in the elderly was abnormal, coupled with the lack of exercise for a long time, resulting in poor blood circulation and obstruction of venous return. Doctors diagnosed severe hyperlipidemia, which can be at risk of stroke or heart disease if left untreated.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

Unfortunately, due to his age and poor physical function, Uncle Li was unable to survive the surgery. When her daughter heard the bad news, tears welled up in her eyes. She regretted it so much that she had discovered the symptoms a month ago, but she did not insist on sending her to the hospital because her father had repeatedly refused. If you deal with it at the time, you may be able to save the life of the elderly.

In the face of birth, old age, sickness and death, we often feel powerless. But in fact, the root cause of many diseases lurks in our lifestyle. Take Uncle Lee, for example, if he had exercised more, eaten more fruits and vegetables, and controlled the fat intake in his diet, he might have been able to avoid this tragedy.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

The older you get, the less your body is able to repair itself. We should pay more attention to health, because due to age, the body will slowly age in some aspects. For example, blood vessels will gradually narrow, and the metabolic rate will decrease, making it easier for fat to accumulate in the body. If you don't pay attention, high cholesterol can increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

According to statistics, nearly 300 million people in mainland China currently have excessive cholesterol levels, but the vast majority of people are unaware of it. A healthy lifestyle can not only prevent high cholesterol, but it is also very beneficial for people who already have the disease. Doctors usually recommend exercising, controlling your diet, taking medication if necessary, etc.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

Exercise is the cheapest and most effective way to lower lipids. Aerobic exercise can speed up metabolism and burn body fat; Strength training, on the other hand, helps to build muscle and improve physical performance. We don't have to go to the gym for the sake of fitness, just do some simple movements such as twisting the waist and swinging the hips, squats and so on at home.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

It's equally important to control your diet. It is advisable to eat more whole grains, legumes, nuts and dark vegetables and fruits, and avoid pickled and fried foods. For those who love meat, choose lean or white meat, and the intake should be moderate. Egg yolks and offal contain relatively high cholesterol, so it is best to consume them in limited amounts.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

If lifestyle management doesn't work well, doctors sometimes prescribe medications to help lower cholesterol levels even further. Commonly used lipid-lowering drugs include statins, bile acid cisbrase inhibitors, etc. However, any drug has certain side effects, and it needs to be taken reasonably under the guidance of a doctor.

The 66-year-old uncle died of high blood lipids, and his daughter cried bitterly: 1 month ago, he said that his arm was abnormal and he didn't take it seriously

Dyslipidemia at an advanced age is really overwhelming. But if we value our health from a young age, we won't wait until we're terminally ill to panic. Life is short and fleeting, so let's take care of it in our own way!

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