
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look
It took three days to sort out the knowledge, take a look

In the far northeastern frontier, there is a fertile black soil where villagers have been farming for generations. There is a young man in the village named Li Ergou, who is smart and studious, and has a strong interest in farming. However, due to his family's poverty, he had to rely on his father's meager experience in farming, and the harvest was often unsatisfactory.

Li Ergou knows that if you want to change the status quo, you must learn more knowledge. So, he used his spare time to collect books and materials about farming. He consulted with old farmers in the village, consulted with experts in the city, and even went to the county library to borrow relevant books. In this way, it took him three full days to sort out a complete set of farming knowledge system.

Li Ergou took the knowledge he had sorted out and returned to the field with confidence. He carefully observed the structure and texture of the soil, analyzed the soil needs of different crops, and then developed a detailed planting plan. He chose drought-tolerant and waterlogg-tolerant, high-yielding maize and soybeans as his main crops, and adopted crop rotation and intercropping methods to make full use of land resources.

However, farming is not an easy task. Li Ergou encountered many difficulties and challenges in the planting process. He found that although he had a detailed planting plan, it was not easy to do so. The unpredictable weather and frequent pests and diseases made it difficult for him.

One day, when Li Ergou was working in the fields, it suddenly rained heavily. He hurried home, only to find that his cornfield had been flooded with rain. He was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, Uncle Zhang, an old farmer in the village, came to his door. Seeing Li Ergou's anxious look, he asked, "Ergou, what's wrong with you?" ”

Li Ergou sighed and said, "Uncle Zhang, the cornfield I planted was flooded by the rain. What can I do? ”

Uncle Zhang smiled and said, "Ergou, don't be too anxious. Farming is a matter of time, place and people. You have knowledge, but you also need experience and wisdom. You see, this rain, although it will flood the crops, will also moisten the land. As long as you drain the water in time and strengthen the management of the field, the crops can still grow. ”

Li Ergou listened to Uncle Zhang's words, and suddenly opened his mouth. He hurried to the field and organized the villagers to drain the water together. As a result of everyone's efforts, the cornfield was quickly drained. According to Uncle Zhang's suggestion, Li Ergou strengthened field management and prevented pests and diseases in a timely manner. Soon, the cornfields were given a new lease of life.

As time goes on, Li Ergou's crops grow better and better. His corn and soybean yields are much higher than in previous years. Villagers came to ask him about his planting experience. Li Ergou did not hesitate to share his knowledge and experience with everyone. "I was able to achieve this because it took me three days to compile my knowledge and put it into practice," he said. I believe that as long as everyone is willing to learn and work hard, our crops will definitely grow better. ”

Driven by Li Ergou, the level of farming in the village has been significantly improved. The villagers began to pay attention to scientific farming and no longer blindly followed the trend. Based on the characteristics of the soil and climate, they chose crop varieties and planting methods that are suitable for local cultivation. They also learned to use pesticides and fertilizers to control pests and diseases and increase yields. The crops in the village are growing better and better, and the villagers are becoming more and more prosperous.

However, Li Ergou was not satisfied with this. He knows that farming is a never-ending science. He continues to learn new knowledge and techniques to continuously improve his farming skills. He also actively learned from farmers in other regions and introduced new planting varieties and methods. His efforts have been recognized and appreciated by everyone, and he has become a farming expert and a leader in getting rich in the village.

One day, agricultural experts from the county came to the village to investigate. They were full of praise after seeing the crops planted by Li Ergou: "These crops grow so well!" The level of farming in your village is really high! The experts also asked Li Ergou about his planting experience and experience. Li Ergou said modestly: "Actually, I don't have any special experience. It's just more learning and more practice. ”

After listening to Li Ergou's words, the experts were deeply inspired. They said that they would promote Li Ergou's planting experience and experience to other areas to help more farmers improve their farming skills. Li Ergou was very happy after hearing the news. "It would be my greatest privilege if my knowledge and experience could help more people," he said. ”

In this way, the story of Li Ergou spread in the village. He proved the importance of knowledge with his practical actions, and also inspired more people to learn and practice. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, only by continuous learning and continuous progress can we be invincible.

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