
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......
It's so accurate! 32 three-pointers in the series! Championship-level shooter who rejected the Warriors......

DiVincenzo: The Knicks' scoring blade, the peak life after rejecting the Warriors

Knicks Rising Star: The Rise of DiVincenzo

In this year's NBA playoffs, the Knicks became the focus of many fans. In addition to Brunson's stellar performance, DiVincenzo's rise has Knicks fans excited. The former Warriors but now shine with the Knicks has proven himself in game after game.

In the series against the Pacers, although the Knicks suffered some twists and turns, DiVincenzo's play was always stable and dazzling. In the crucial G3 game, although the Knicks ultimately lost, DiVincenzo's 7 three-pointers and a new personal high of 35 points were unforgettable. Not only is this a new record in his playoff career, but it's also a highlight of the Knicks' season.

DiVincenzo's scoring prowess didn't happen overnight. From the start of the first-round finale, he has already shown excellent touch. As the game progressed, his form grew hotter, averaging points per game and shooting from three-point range to an astonishing level. Statistically, in the series against the Pacers, DiVincenzo averaged 29.3 points per game and threw six three-pointers on 56.3% shooting. That performance made him one of the greatest pitchers in this year's playoffs.

DiVincenzo's rise was not accidental. He got more opportunities and trust with the Knicks, which also allowed him to show his talent to the fullest. Under Thibodeau's coaching, DiVincenzo has played an unprecedented level of playing time, averaging more than 43 minutes per game in consecutive games. This kind of reuse and trust has made DiVincenzo more confident on the court, and has also made him the second scorer on the Knicks team after Brunson.

Rejection of the Warriors: DiVincenzo's Choice and Rebirth

DiVincenzo's career has not been without its challenges. Last season, he played for the Warriors, and while he contributed some stats, he was nowhere near as heavily used as he was with the Knicks. At the Warriors, he's played more as a role player, averaging limited points per game and playing time. However, last offseason, DiVincenzo made an important decision — refusing to exercise his player option and opting to leave the Warriors.

The decision was not an easy one for DiVincenzo. The Warriors are a championship team with a lot of good players and a lot of quality. However, DiVincenzo chose to leave and agreed to a four-year, $50 million contract with the Knicks as a free agent. This decision caused a lot of controversy at the time, but now it seems that DiVincenzo made the right choice.

At the Knicks, DiVincenzo gets more opportunities and trust. He became one of the team's key scorers and showed his leadership and leadership qualities on the pitch. His performance was not only recognized by the fans, but also earned the respect of his teammates and coaches. It can be said that leaving the Warriors to join the Knicks is an important turning point in DiVincenzo's career and a key step for him to realize the value of life.

The Bucks and the Warriors: DiVincenzo's past and growth

When talking about DiVincenzo's career, we can't talk about his experiences with the Bucks and Warriors. During the Bucks, DiVincenzo was the team's starting shooter and won the championship with the team. However, he only played in three games in the playoffs, so that championship doesn't seem to have much to do with him. Still, his experience with the Bucks laid a solid foundation for his later growth.

While during the Warriors' time, DiVincenzo received more exposure and attention, but his status and role in the team did not change much. He's still a role player and needs to contribute to the team's success. However, his experience with the Warriors has also taught DiVincenzo a lot, including how to work with great players and how to stay fit in high-intensity games.

Now at the Knicks, DiVincenzo is no longer the obscure role player. He became one of the team's key players and showed his quality and potential on the pitch. This growth and change is inseparable from his experience with the Bucks and Warriors. It was those past experiences and grinds that made DiVincenzo more mature and confident, and allowed him to shine on the Knicks.

The Pride of the Knicks: DiVincenzo's Future Outlook

As the playoffs progress, the Knicks also face increasing challenges. However, under DiVincenzo's leadership, the Knicks remain competitive. Whether facing the Pacers or other opponents, DiVincenzo is able to step up and contribute to the team.

For DiVincenzo, the future is full of possibilities. He has excellent scoring ability and defensive ability, as well as a wealth of game experience and leadership. As he continues to grow and improve with the Knicks, I believe he will become an even better player and bring more wins and accolades to the team. At the same time, we look forward to his continued performance in future competitions and bring more exciting and memorable moments to the fans!"

DiVincenzo: The Knicks' scoring blade, a new chapter in my basketball faith

As a long-time basketball fan, I have witnessed the ups and downs of countless players and the birth of legends. But in this playoffs, DiVincenzo's outstanding performance with the Knicks undoubtedly brought me unprecedented surprises and touches. He's not only a rising star for the Knicks, but also the never-say-die basketball warrior in my heart.

1. The surprise of the Knicks, the outburst of DiVincenzo

When I first heard that DiVincenzo had left the Warriors to join the Knicks, I was filled with doubts. After all, the Warriors are the champions, and the Knicks have struggled with a rebuild in recent years. However, as the season wore on, DiVincenzo's performance completely changed my mind.

In the series against the Pacers, DiVincenzo was like a scoring blade, stepping up again and again at critical moments. Especially in the G3 game, he scored 35 points alone and scored 7 three-pointers to help the Knicks bite the score. At that moment, I seemed to see the fighting spirit burning in his eyes and the desire for victory.

Not only that, but DiVincenzo's overall performance in the series was also impressive. He averaged 29.3 points per game and made six three-pointers on 56.3 percent shooting per game. Such statistics not only made him the Knicks' scoring champion, but also allowed him to shine on the stage of the playoffs.

2. Reject the warriors and choose to be reborn

Back to DiVincenzo's days with the Warriors last season, he didn't get much opportunity and attention despite being part of the team. However, he did not give up on his basketball dreams because of this, and chose to leave the Warriors in search of a stage where he could show his talents.

As it turned out, he made the right choice. With the Knicks, he was given more playing time and opportunities, and he also showed his scoring ability and leadership. He has won the respect and trust of fans and teammates with his hard work and sweat, and has become an indispensable member of the Knicks.

I was inspired by this experience. In the world of basketball, there is no eternal king, only players who continue to work hard and constantly pursue improvement. DiVincenzo is such a player who is constantly pursuing his dreams, and his story has given me endless courage and motivation.

3. The Bucks and the Warriors, DiVincenzo's past and growth

When talking about DiVincenzo's career, we can't talk about his experiences with the Bucks and Warriors. During his time with the Bucks, he won a championship with the team, but that championship didn't have much to do with him. However, it was that experience that taught him how to work with great players and how to stay in shape in high-intensity games.

And during the Warriors period, he got more exposure and attention, but also faced more competition and challenges. He needs to prove his worth and ability in the limited playing time. That experience made him more mature and confident, and it also laid the foundation for his later outburst.

Now at the Knicks, DiVincenzo is no longer the obscure role player. He has won the recognition and respect of fans and teammates with his hard work and talent, and has become one of the core players of the Knicks. I was deeply shocked and touched by such growth and change.

Fourth, the future outlook, DiVincenzo's basketball road

As the playoffs progress, the Knicks face increasing challenges. But in my eyes, as long as DiVincenzo is on the court, the Knicks have endless possibilities. He has excellent scoring ability and defensive ability, as well as a wealth of game experience and leadership. He can step up when it counts, contribute to the team, and lead the team to victory.

For DiVincenzo, the future is full of possibilities. I believe he will continue to grow and improve with the Knicks and become an even better player. At the same time, I look forward to his continued performance in future competitions and bring us more exciting and memorable moments!"

As a fan, I'm proud and proud to have been able to witness DiVincenzo's growth and rise. He is not only the Knicks' scoring blade, but also the never-say-die and courageous basketball warrior in my heart!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly, Qin Zuo dances solo to the top of the Knicks

There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years. In the ever-changing basketball world, DiVincenzo is like a butterfly breaking through a cocoon, dancing solo on the top of the Knicks, blooming with endless brilliance.

The fledgling bravely moved forward, and the glory of the buck flashed. Although it is glorious to win the championship with the team, it is difficult to leave traces if it is not the protagonist. The Warriors have been running through the years, and the role players are dull. Although Jinzhou Huazhang is splendid, Qin Zuo is unwilling.

It takes time to break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, and Qin Zuo spreads his wings and waits for the wind to rise. Last year's offseason, he refused to allow the Warriors to find a new talent. The Knicks showed a new look and regained their lives. The contract is 50 million for four years, and the value of life is here.

The regular season started brilliantly, averaging 15 points per game. The defensive assists are correct, and the all-round ability is praised by everyone. The playoffs have come even crazier, averaging nearly double 10 points per game. Three-point rain is like a bet, and the Warriors have never seen it before.

The series showed his talents, and DiVincenzo became famous. Against the Pacers, Qin Zuo scored like lightning. Seven three-pointers shook the whole court, and 35 points hit a new high. Who doesn't know after this battle, there are fierce generals in the Knicks.

He averaged 29 points per game and was even more proud of his three-point shooting percentage. Fifty out of six are like divine help, and thirty-two points lead the way. The series of arenas is famous, and the name of Qin Zuo spreads everywhere. The fans cheered loudly, and the Knicks were strong because of him.

Thibodeau is not suspicious of employing people, and white players are also reused. Playing time reached a record high, averaging 43 minutes per game. Who says skin color determines fate? Qinzo proved to be strong. The Knicks are a great player, and the white players are also brilliant.

In the past, the role of the Warriors was small, but now the Knicks are in charge. Refuse to carry out the player selection, free body spread its wings. The Knicks are looking for a new day, and the contract is lucrative and valuable. The pinnacle of life is here, and the name of Qin Zuo will be passed on forever.

On the court, like a battlefield, Qin Zuo is as brave as a tiger wolf. Three-point rain is like a bet, and the breakthrough dunk is unstoppable. He was also excellent on the defensive end, making both steals and blocks. All-round ability shows his skills, and the Knicks are strong because of him.

The road to Qinzuo was bumpy, but he passed it with tenacity. Although the stag was glorious in the past, it is difficult to leave traces if it is not the protagonist. The Warriors have also been dull, and role players are hard to get ahead. Ran Qinzuo has a dream in his heart, and he is not willing to be mediocre and seek a new sky.

Now the Knicks are showing their talents, and the name of Qin Zuo has spread everywhere. Fans cheered and media praise poured in. Show your style on the court, and the road of life is brilliant. It is not easy to break out of the cocoon into a butterfly, but with hard work and perseverance.

The Knicks have a new look, and the name of Qinzuo will live on forever. The former character is now the protagonist, and the peak of life is here. The road ahead is broader, and Jeanzo will continue to move forward. The world of basketball is soaring and creating more new brilliance.

Sub-heading: Breaking out of the cocoon into a butterfly, Qin Zuo dances solo to the top of the Knicks

On this basketball stage, DiVincenzo is like a butterfly breaking out of a cocoon, experiencing a metamorphosis from a role player to a Knicks main player. He has proven his worth with his hard work and talent, and has earned the respect and trust of his fans and teammates. On the court of the Knicks, he danced his own basketball dance solo, blooming with endless brilliance and charm. There is still a long way to go, but I am confident that he will continue to move forward and create more brilliance and legends.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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