
The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87


In the 1960s, after the release of "Wildfire Spring Breeze Fighting Ancient City", Wang Xingang and Wang Xiaotang became stars sought after by young people in that era. In this play, she plays two characters with very different personalities, and she is proficient and able to conquer a large audience. The play was later regarded as the pinnacle of Wang Xiaotang's career as an actor. Wang Xiaotang, who is now in his eighties, wears a white dress and a green dress, full of energy, and is still busy every day. She has participated in the planning and organization of military film screenings and symposiums, promoted the screening of 90 military feature films and 30 military documentaries, and showed the audience the glorious course of our army's development.

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

Wang Xiaotang's artistic career began when he joined the army at the age of 18. At that time, she met the famous performing artist Zhao Dan by chance. She was infected by Wang's unique artistic temperament and introduced her to Huang Zongjiang in the army. When he saw that the king was young, he said to Zhao, "What we want is a celebrity." But Zhao Dan believes that Wang is not a celebrity today, and he will definitely become a celebrity tomorrow. Huang thought for a while, accepted Wang Xiaotang, and put forward a request for her to join the army, and Wang Xiaotang successfully entered the People's Liberation Army Art Troupe.

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

In the regiment, she worked hard in just six months, and even achieved third-class merit. Early in the morning of New Year's Day in 1955, she was practicing in the courtyard when she heard the news that she was invited to audition for a film produced by Changchun Film Studio. Wang knew that the actresses competing for the role had piled up a thick stack of photos, but she was not worried that she would not be selected. She has a trait that she takes notes very quickly. She prepared a small notebook and jotted down every detail. Be humble and ask for every detail of a scene, and then learn and understand from it. Everyone else was asleep, and she had to memorize the lines by the faint light. The hard work is rewarding, she finally came out of the crowd, acted in the first movie in her life, and gradually began to emerge as a new movie star. But she wrote in her diary: "This is just the beginning. ”

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

Wang Xiaotang did not relax because of this. Soon, she returned to the daily work of the troupe, carefully taking care of her makeup, washing gauze, and moving props. Some people are surprised: Wang Xiaotang, who used to love to make trouble, has now become so popular, but has become so peaceful? Actually, it was because he didn't know the king. She felt that she didn't need to have a thousand faces, she could have a thousand characters. Wang Xiaotang took this sentence as a requirement for his performance. She is constantly trying new roles and interpreting different styles of stories, and each role has put her wisdom and sweat into it.

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

In 1962, at the initiative of the premier, the photos of 22 superstars of New China were released nationwide, and Wang Xiaotang was one of them. The audience praised her, but she admonished herself: "Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize a boat." I have to be humble and cautious at all times. "It's a pity that when creation makes everyone and the cause is in full swing, disaster quietly comes. During that tumultuous decade, Wang Xiaotang was imprisoned in a cowshed, working hard every day, temporarily away from his beloved stage. But the audience did not forget her. Late one night, a letter slipped through her door. The letter was written to her by a young couple, "We see you pushing coal carts every day and we are tired. We give the eldest sister a monthly salary and food stamps. I hope you can take care of your health. I'll show us another movie in the future. Speaking of this past, Wang had tears in his eyes, "I finally didn't accept their wages and food stamps, but the audience's kindness to me, I have forgotten it for the rest of my life, no way!" ”

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

Later, Wang Xiaotang was assigned to a forest farm on the outskirts of Beijing, where he worked for six years. At the same time, her most beloved son left her forever. In those difficult days, she was fortunate to meet many ordinary people who cared for her and helped her. This experience gave Wang Xiaotang a deep understanding of people, and she secretly vowed: "If I return to Bayi Factory one day, I will only do one thing, and that is to give back to the people who love me." ”

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

In 1975, Wang Xiaotang finally returned to Bayi Film Studio, and she began to fulfill her vow. In 1982, she wrote, directed and participated in the movie "Flying Sky". In this film, she borrowed the heroine to express her feelings: "I received the blessings of spring from the people, and I can only do my best. In 1984, he directed the feature film "Hometown" with the theme of not forgetting the original intention. In 1992, he served as the director of Bayi Film Studio, led Bayi Film Studio to create one after another, and organized the filming of series of war blockbusters such as "The Great Turning" and "The Great March".

The most beautiful general in the last century, the goddess in the minds of countless people, is still dazzling at the age of 87

Someone asked: If you could sum up your life in one sentence, what would it be? Wang Xiaotang thought for a while and replied: No matter whether you are eighteen or eighty years old, you must work hard, and you must always be upward! She always believes, and maintains her love and awe for art, those actors who get hundreds of billions of salaries, are not sober at all, where can these people compare to scientists. If you don't work hard to improve yourself, what can the works bring to modern society? And those scientists have made sacrifices and contributions for the benefit of the whole country, and even the whole world, art cannot save the country, but science can. Such an artist is worth learning from the new generation of young actors.

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