
I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

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In 1985, I, Zou Yong, had just been honorably discharged from the army, and with the honor of meritorious service and full of ambition, I embarked on the road back to my hometown.

I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune

The picture comes from the Internet

Before leaving, Liu Zhiyuan, the director of the commune, personally approached me and suggested that I work in the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, saying that this was an "iron job bowl" that many veterans could only dream of. However, I rejected this stable position and chose to be the leader of the production team.

When my blind date Li Na heard about it, she felt that I was disregarding my future and asked me why I didn't choose this stable job. I explained to her my dream of reviving the production team, but she couldn't accept this high-risk decision and ended up breaking up with me.

My friends also persuaded me to change my mind, thinking that I was taking a difficult road, but I had made up my mind, and I didn't want the lazy style of the former captain Zhang Wei to continue to make the members suffer.

In my role as a production team leader, I realized that the task ahead was not easy. The lazy style of the former captain Zhang Wei made the members lose confidence in the collective work, and everyone was scattered and hopeless about the future.

Living in poverty, the economic situation is poor, and the fields on the team are so desolate that even weeds are difficult to hide. Seeing that the production team was on the verge of collapse day by day, I knew that reform was imperative.

I decided to introduce a responsibility system to let the members divide their work and stimulate their enthusiasm for production. When the idea was first proposed, many people were distrustful and even questioned.

Someone asked me directly: "Yonggang, what is the responsibility system?" We've been doing this for decades, how do you know it works? Someone else sneered at me: "Aren't you kidding? It is better for us to continue to rely on the commune for help. ”

Despite all the opposition and skepticism, I persevered. Gradually, the members of the club saw me working in the fields with them every day, formulating a reasonable division of labor plan, and running around day and night, and began to have some trust in me.

I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune

The picture comes from the Internet

I was joined by a number of young workers in the production team who were willing to try the new system with me. During this period, Liu Xiaolin, the daughter of Liu Zhiyuan, the director of the commune, gradually noticed my efforts and determination.

She also heard about the situation of the production team, and began to have a good impression of me and offered some support. As the director's daughter, Liu Xiaolin has a flexible mind, strong work ability, and is very good in organization and management.

Not only did she help me with the assignment of work, but she also brought the means of production from the commune and provided help with resources. After several months of perseverance and hard work, the responsibility system has gradually taken effect, and the enthusiasm of the members has been mobilized.

Different families have their own responsibilities and tasks, and they are beginning to work hard to improve their productivity. The lives of the members are gradually improving, and the fields of the production team are also coming back to life, and the harvest is getting better day by day.

The economic benefits of the entire production team have gradually improved, and the members are full of enthusiasm and smiles on their faces. The former captain, Zhang Wei, was jealous of the loss of his position and had always been hostile to my reform plan.

He found Director Liu to complain, claiming that the responsibility system was an unrealistic risk, and that I was just a young veteran who did not understand the operation of the production team at all.

Director Liu listened to Zhang Wei's remarks and was shaken in his heart. He thought that accountability was too radical and unlikely to succeed, and insisted that I cancel the policy.

However, I know that if I go back to the old management model, the enthusiasm of the members will be completely destroyed. In the face of Director Liu's opposition, I firmly believe that my method can turn the situation around and reflect the actual situation to the secretary of the county party committee.

The secretary of the county party committee personally came to the production team to inspect and saw that the responsibility system not only significantly improved the production enthusiasm of the members, but also brought obvious economic benefits. He spoke highly of the effectiveness of the reform and said that the system would be rolled out throughout the county.

I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune

The picture comes from the Internet

This move made the members of the production team trust me more, and Liu Xiaolin's belief in me became more and more firm. She spoke for me many times at the meetings of the Commune and rallied more support for accountability.

With my persistence and her help, our relationship gradually warmed up and became deeper. Director Liu saw the county party secretary's praise and decision to promote the policy, and his attitude towards me began to ease.

He gradually recognized my vision and strong beliefs, but remained on the fence about our marriage. We know that in order to fully obtain the approval of Director Liu, we need to prove ourselves with facts in the end.

In the face of Director Liu's skeptical attitude towards the responsibility system, I felt that the burden on my shoulders was heavier. Although the county party secretary's decision to praise and promote gives us confidence, I know that actual results are the key to whether we can stand firm in the end.

Therefore, Liu Xiaolin and I led the members of the production team to work hard day and night to further improve the division of labor and responsibility system, and everyone's enthusiasm became more and more sufficient.

At this time, Zhang Wei began to spread rumors everywhere, saying that the responsibility system was only a superficial prosperity and would fail in the long run. Director Liu was skeptical of his remarks for a while, worried that the reforms we implemented in the production team would put the members in a greater predicament.

The pressure was like a mountain, and I knew that there was no way back but to move forward firmly. In the following months, the production team lived up to expectations, and in the following months, grain production reached new highs, and economic efficiency increased significantly.

The living conditions of the team have improved a lot, the faces of the members have bloomed with smiles that have not been seen for a long time, and the trust and respect of the team for me have also increased day by day.

I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune

The picture comes from the Internet

When everyone gets together to work and assign tasks, they no longer complain passively, but actively make suggestions to improve the efficiency of the production team to a higher level.

The most surprising thing is that the bumper harvest news of the production team has attracted the attention of the county party secretary again. The secretary decided to visit again in person, and he carefully examined the accounts of the production team and the harvest in the fields.

I also talked to a number of members to find out their views on the accountability system. Employees say that this system not only improves productivity, but also makes everyone feel that they are part of the team, and their quality of life has greatly improved.

The secretary of the county party committee highly appreciated the responsibility system we implemented in the production team and believed that this was a management model worth promoting in the county. He convened a special meeting to commend me and elevate me to a leading position in the commune, responsible for promoting accountability on a wider scale.

When Director Liu saw this scene, he not only admired my persistence, but also felt gratified by my unique insights and execution. He readily agreed to my marriage with Liu Xiaolin and gave us full support.

I held Liu Xiaolin's hand tightly, feeling that the perseverance along the way had finally brought the fruits of hope. With firm belief and unremitting efforts, we finally overcame many obstacles and ushered in a bumper harvest season.

On the day I became the leader of the commune, I stood on the top of the field of the production team and saw the busy and energetic figures of the members, and my heart swelled with great pride and gratitude.

My persistence and hard work paid off, and the accountability system completely changed the fate of the production team, bringing a better life and hope to everyone.

After getting married, Liu Xiaolin continued to work with me to promote the responsibility system in the commune and share this experience with more production teams. She always supported me silently and became my strongest backing.

Director Liu was also pleased to see the results of our work and placed more expectations on us. Along the way, I know that the road of reform is not all smooth sailing, but as long as we always have faith and stick to our original intention, we will eventually reap that brilliant flowers.

We believe that through joint efforts, the fields in our hometown will be full of vitality, and every hard-working member can meet a better future!

I was discharged from the army in 85 years and did not go to the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, but became a production captain, but I married the daughter of the director of the commune