
When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it

author:Zero Seven Story Meeting

This article is a novel story, some of the plots are fictional, if there are similarities are purely coincidental, the picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted.

Text | Zero Seven Story Meeting

Edit | Zero Seven Story Meeting

It was a bitterly cold winter and I was in a military camp in a remote mountainous area.

When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it

The picture comes from the Internet

As a recruit platoon leader, I have always had a reputation for being strict. That night, the joy of celebrating my upcoming promotion to deputy company commander caused me to drink too much. In a drunken daze, I strayed into the recruit's dormitory.

In the barracks, it is an iron rule that recruits should immediately stand up and salute the platoon commander when they see it. The other recruits all stood up to me, but one of them, his name was Zhang Xinbing, who was a little slower, but still stood up.

At that time, I was drunk, and a wave of anger began to burn in my heart, and I felt that my dignity was being challenged. At that moment, the silence in the barracks was broken by my roar.

Forgetting the restraint I should have as an officer, I lunged forward and kicked him hard. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

My heart was pounding, and drunkenness and anger were a mess. I stood there and watched as Zhang Xinbing struggled to get up. His eyes were no longer fearful, but a wordless question.

He struggled to stand up straight, his body trembling slightly, but his eyes were looking directly at me, and at that moment, I felt a pang of shame that I had never felt before.

"Platoon commander, I'...... I just didn't react, I woke up late. Zhang Xinbing's voice was crying, and his knees were covered with dust.

I wanted to say something, but the words choked with guilt. I turned away, the anger in my heart replaced by the regret of my newborn. I stood for a long time in the cold wind, thinking about it all.

When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it

The picture comes from the Internet

I know that I have violated military regulations and that there will be serious consequences for my actions. The next morning, the atmosphere in the barracks was different from usual. The recruits whispered, their eyes lingering on me, full of doubt and unease.

My behaviour has apparently become a hot topic in the camp. I tried to resume my daily training routine, but every time I walked by, the whispering would stop abruptly.

The gravity of the situation was quickly confirmed. The battalion commander called an emergency meeting, and I was officially informed that I would be under investigation.

In the face of inquiries from my superiors, I could only bow my head and admit my mistakes. I tried to explain my actions, but the strictness of military discipline made me embarrassed.

This incident not only caused me to face disciplinary action, but also made me feel deep self-doubt. I began to reflect on my actions and decisions.

As an officer, I should be a role model for recruits, not a threat to them. I began to realize that true power is not just a display of physical strength or power, but more importantly mental and emotional control.

A few days later, Zhang Xinbing was transferred to another company, and I was facing an unprecedented career crisis. I was isolated every day, and the eyes of my colleagues were full of disappointment and condemnation.

My dreams, my future, were in jeopardy because of a moment of anger and loss of control. As the investigation deepened, I realized that this incident might not only end my path to promotion, but also mark the end of my military career.

In the dead of night, I reflect on how the anger of that moment has undone years of hard work. I knew that no matter what the outcome was, it would be a lesson that I would never forget.

When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it

The picture comes from the Internet

That winter day was a long trial for me. As the investigation deepened, every detail of the matter was scrutinized repeatedly, and my fault fell on my heart like a hammer.

On the day the results of the investigation were finally announced, I was summoned to the commandant's office. The air in the room was heavy, as if it could crush my already heavy shoulders.

"Platoon Commander Li, your behavior has seriously violated the army's policy on the protection of recruits." The commander's voice was serious and calm, "We cannot tolerate any form of abuse. ”

I bowed my head, filled with remorse and powerlessness. I know that my impulse towards Zhang Xinbing not only destroyed his original intention of military life, but also ruined my own future.

"Your actions have forced us to reconsider your position." The Commander continued, without a hint of emotion in his words, but every word seemed to be engraved into my heart.

The investigation report shows that my actions have attracted widespread attention and discussion, which has not only affected my personal reputation, but also affected the image of the army.

I was told that the position of deputy company commander that I was about to take was no longer available and that I needed to be transferred out of the recruit training position and back to my original unit.

I exited the office with heavy steps. The gaze in the camp became more glaring, and the whispers of my colleagues pierced my eardrums like pins and needles. I felt like I had not only lost my position, but more like I had lost myself.

A few days later, Zhang Xinbing was officially transferred to a new company. I watched him pack his bags from afar, and an indescribable emotion welled up in my heart.

When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it

The picture comes from the Internet

There was no resentment in his gaze, only firmness. At that moment, I realized that my actions might have changed the course of his life, but he chose to move forward bravely.

I have lost so much in this turmoil, but I have also deeply realized the weight of responsibility and the importance of self-control. My mental journey, from anger to regret to deep self-reflection, has been extremely difficult at every step.

All this experience has taught me that true strength is the ability to remain calm and rational in the face of impulsiveness and anger, and this will be the subject of the rest of my life.

In the afterglow of that winter day, I stood on the edge of the barracks, looking at the mountains in the distance, and my heart was filled with deep reflection. I know that all this experience was a profound turning point in my life.

I went from being an officer about to be promoted, to an ordinary soldier who needed to learn from my mistakes. Since then, I've worked to be a better person, a leader who can control his emotions.

I learned empathy and understanding, especially for recruits who were struggling under pressure. I was no longer the stern platoon commander, but a brother who was willing to listen and support.

Although I can't go back in time to change the choices I made at that moment, I can be sure that my future won't be defined by the same mistakes. My story spread through the camp and became an example of growth and redemption.

Whenever recruits come together to share my stories, I hope they learn that true strength is self-restraint and the courage to change in the face of challenges.

When he was a soldier in 92, the platoon commander of the recruit kicked the recruit and kicked the deputy company commander who got it