
Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

author:Sweet Path

These professions are seen as top choices for parents: civil servants, doctors, teachers, and state-owned enterprise jobs. No matter how lucrative the income in other industries, as long as "unstable" is mentioned, it is difficult to get the approval of parents.

Of the four professions, doctors are second to none. With a stable job, a high income, and no need to worry too much about a midlife career crisis, this kind of career is simply ideal for parents. Therefore, due to the influence of parents' suggestions, a large number of candidates embark on the road of studying medicine every year.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

Applying for clinical medicine may only take a simple sentence, but becoming a doctor can be challenging. From studying medicine to practicing medicine, it is necessary to go through all kinds of difficulties, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as "ninety-nine-eighty-one difficulties".

However, what medical students do best is to bloom in the face of adversity. The ups and downs have not only allowed them to accumulate a wealth of expertise, but also to develop an optimistic attitude. Therefore, in the work, the dialogue between doctors and patients is often full of ridiculous scenes, and one can't help but wonder, has humor also become an essential skill for doctors?

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

Some netizens shared the "doctor-patient chat history", and the two sides showed high-energy interaction, which was really hilarious. Patients like "Surprise Virus" really dare to think and dare to do, and they don't forget to create some fun in the hospital.

Doctors can be said to be well-informed, and even high-energy dialogues such as "why don't you eat all of them, and directly press the army" can be staged between doctors and patients. However, doctors are advised not to joke too much, because patients like the "surprise virus" may really misunderstand the term "army overwhelmed".

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

In the story "Wearing Too High Shorts", there is a classmate who is studying medicine, and everyone thinks that it is wise to have a good relationship with them, so that the elderly who are sick at home can rest assured that they can seek medical treatment, at least have a chance to seek verification. Otherwise, it would be outrageous to let the medical advice of "wearing shorts too high" according to the parents' wishes. But you can't blame the elderly completely, sometimes high cholesterol and high pants are really indistinguishable.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

In the story "How did it get to this point?", one of the most worrying situations for patients to go to the doctor is that the doctor looks displeased, then calls other doctors to frown together, and finally blames the patient for "why did he come".

A netizen consulted online, and the doctor said "I'm going to get off work", which made the patient feel as if he had experienced a "resurrection" experience, and the patient even lamented that he had almost seen the ghost of "too much".

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

"I'm going to line up"

Doctors most appreciate patients who can articulate their condition, but sometimes even seasoned doctors feel helpless when it comes to being too blunt.

Especially for newly graduated medical students, it can be even more overwhelming to face this situation. This shows that the doctor's sense of humor is also slowly cultivated after experiencing countless scenes.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

"Somewhat Complicated"

For college students who have experienced online classes, it seems ironic to be seen as an object of "abandonment". In the past, I didn't understand this, and I thought that the learning style was not the same.

However, through the dialogue between medical students and patients, new insights have been learned. The most important thing at this moment is that everyone should take good care of their health, and in a few years, medical students who have gone through three years of online classes will enter the society.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

Studying medicine is not a profession that can only be chosen if the family has enough surplus food, and the advice of the predecessors is very realistic. If you want to become a doctor, you need to think carefully before applying for the exam. The sense of accomplishment that becoming a doctor can bring hope to patients and parents alike is invaluable. Perhaps for this reason, despite the difficulties of studying medicine, many graduates followed. However, the challenges on the road to medicine are not only physical, but also a series of practical problems to face.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

While college students in other majors usually graduate after four years and are employed, the situation for medical students is quite different. They need to complete a five-year undergraduate education and then go on to upgrade their qualifications, otherwise it is almost impossible to get into the hospital of their choice.

Even if you are considering going to a county hospital, in most cases, you need to have a graduate degree. As a result, medical students face longer study periods, which also means that parents need to bear more living expenses for their children.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

There is an old saying that makes sense: "If you don't have food to spare, you can't study medicine." If the student's family is not in good condition, the choice of studying medicine will become more difficult. Of course, if graduates are truly passionate about medicine, they can also consider applying for student loans.

In short, if you have a dream of medicine and decide after thinking twice and are confident to stick with it, then you are encouraged to apply for the medical profession. Because society will always need doctors with high medical skills.

Netizens shared doctor-patient chat records, and the high-energy output of both sides throughout the whole process was really "lively".

Discussion: Would you advise your child to apply for clinical medicine?