
If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

author:Sweet Path

Most children aged 6 and 7 are in school and complete their basic education. With the development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards, many parents actively strive to strive for better educational resources for their children to ensure that they can achieve better grades in high school and college in the future.

There are also a small number of special families who dream of turning over their families through "getting rich overnight", and they don't even want their children to receive compulsory education, but devote themselves to filming film and television crews, at the expense of spending a lot of money. This is exactly the reality of "thousands of children drifting" that Hengdian is currently facing.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

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According to statistics, as of 2022, a total of 230 TV series, movies, and online dramas produced by Hengdian involve underage actors, with more than 6,000 people.

Every day, many parents bring their children to Hengdian, hoping to be recognized by the director, and dream of becoming popular overnight. With so many children and parents having this expectation, the professional industry chain has also emerged, and many children's model and acting training classes have emerged.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

These training institutions become the link between parents, children and crews. However, it's not easy to join the crew with just training, and it's actually quite complicated. Training courses or so-called brokers also usually charge parents a certain "service fee".

There is no fixed standard for this fee, but it is based on the importance of the role the child plays. If it is to play a key role, the cost is usually as high as more than 100,000 yuan.

Despite this, parents are still happy to do so, and they are looking forward to their children becoming an instant hit and getting a lot of appointments in the future. In addition to devoting their families to filming, many parents and children choose to give up their studies, or even give up compulsory education, and choose to engage in acting first.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

Once a film and television contract is signed, the crew usually does not delay the filming schedule because of one child, so many parents will give priority to giving up their children's studies and focus on filming matters.

Many parents come to Hengdian with their children from Xinjiang to pursue their dreams of making their children the next Di Lieba or Guli Nazha.

These ideas affect many children. A reporter interviewed a 10-year-old girl who flew from Xinjiang to Hengdian to study acting and asked her why she wanted to learn acting.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

The little girl's answer was shocking, and she said that she longed to be the envy of everyone, to have a lot of wealth, to buy a seaside villa and to swim every day. Hearing these words makes people feel mixed feelings.

It is a normal wish to dream of becoming popular overnight and becoming rich, but many parents may not realize that even if they become a special actor, the chance of becoming popular overnight is only 1 in 10,000.

Is it really worth it for the sake of this unattainable dream, to let children give up their studies at a young age and sacrifice a good childhood?

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

If you have the dream of becoming an actor, instead of letting your children focus on chasing this goal, it is better to encourage them to study hard and prepare for the future entrance examination of art professional universities. Whether it is a parent who has the expectation that his child will become an actor in the future, or the child himself has a desire for this, it is a wiser choice to choose to enter an art college through the art examination in the future, receive systematic professional training, and then gradually get involved in the performing arts industry after graduation.

Such a path does not allow children to sacrifice their studies, and it also ensures that they receive full compulsory education. It is worth noting that the road to becoming a child star is very dangerous, almost one in a thousand. Even if a student has good physical appearance, success still requires both luck and talent. You can't simply rely on parents' funding, and it can be easily achieved by letting your child join the crew.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

If parents really want their children to devote themselves to the acting career, and the students themselves have the dream of becoming actors, then they can consider preparing for art exams in high school and looking for professional institutions for systematic training.

However, this is only possible if the student is able to successfully progress to high school. In the current situation of increasing difficulty in the high school entrance examination, if students do not study seriously in primary and secondary schools, and even fail to pass the high school examination, how can they apply for the art examination class?

For those children who go to Hengdian to chase their acting dreams, they have delayed their normal studies, but have not been able to gain the opportunity for fame and fortune, isn't it worth the loss?

If it is just wishful thinking on the part of parents that students become stars, and the students themselves do not like this direction, then it is still hoped that parents will stay away from the idea of imposing their dreams of getting rich on their children. Let students absorb more knowledge and grow up healthily at the age of learning and playing.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

In order to realize the dreams of parents, it may be more worthwhile to work hard, and it is better to take the initiative to pursue it than to be a chicken baby. In the process of students' growth, it is important to develop good critical thinking and moral values, and this stage is the best period for forming correct understanding. Getting students involved in Vanity Fair too early can lead to the formation of bad values, which in turn affects future development.

While there is a possibility of success in all walks of life, it may be more beneficial to expose students to more knowledge at a time when they should be concentrating on their studies.

If you don't read compulsory education, you have to join the group, and thousands of children in Hengdian drift the current situation: fantasy exploded overnight

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