
Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

author:Sweet Path

The choice in high school, the top class or the regular class? After the college entrance examination, are popular majors or unpopular majors? These choices carry enormous implications.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

There may be pros and cons to each other, but they will profoundly affect your future development, so be sure to choose carefully based on your actual situation.

Some students chase the "halo of a prestigious school" and are eager to be valued in the future workplace. They may choose to apply for lesser-known majors at prestigious universities, regardless of the prospects for those majors. However, it is surprising that some people choose to change jobs or even leave prestigious schools during their college years.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

For example, it was surprising that one student chose to transfer from Tsinghua University. In this institution, there is a major called "biochemical materials", but it is one of the four "sinkhole majors", and students in this major have difficulty finding employment after graduation. This phenomenon is puzzling.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

Tsinghua University was supposed to be seen as the savior of the major, but students ended up struggling to cope with the pressure. Studying biochemical materials is extremely difficult, it is difficult to find employment in the short term after graduation, and the entrance examination for graduate school requires huge costs, which makes students fall into a difficult choice.

The actor was not the major he originally applied for, but was transferred to the biochemical materials major because he applied for Tsinghua University.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

In his sophomore year, he was unable to continue his studies and had to change schools. Out of his interest in computers, he chose the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in Chengdu to study software.

This shows that even a top university like Tsinghua University will struggle to save the mainland's "four major sinkholes" major. Biochemical environmental materials refer to biology, chemistry, environment and materials, which used to be highly sought-after fields in mainland science, whether in enterprises or other institutions, these majors have a large market demand.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

The development direction of the mainland is no longer purely dominated by science, and the status of the four major majors is no longer as hot as before, and now it has become the much-criticized "four major sinkhole" majors.

Learning in these areas is not only tedious, but also requires memorization of a large number of knowledge points, and requires strong thinking skills to understand thoroughly.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, many majors are no longer in favor. Therefore, it is best for students to weigh the pros and cons according to their personal realities when choosing a major.

The choice between a "good school" and a "good major" has indeed become a big problem. Next, let the author answer for you!

For students with average grades, choosing a "good school" or a "good major" has always been a problem for them. Whether you choose or give up, you have a loss for yourself, and it becomes a tricky choice.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

Many students advocate choosing a school because, in their view, academic qualifications are still valued in contemporary society, and graduation schools are still the most powerful advantage.

In the recruitment process, many companies will make it clear that they only recruit graduates from prestigious schools such as 985 and 211, and their academic qualifications represent not only a certificate, but also your learning ability. If you have a strong learning ability, you are more likely to go on to study in a better university.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

Of course, there are also many people who recommend choosing a major, because in their opinion, even prestigious schools have some unpopular majors. Although it is difficult for these majors to find employment, the halo advantage of prestigious schools still exists.

In the 2021 college entrance examination, many top students gave up the opportunity to enter a 985 school when filling in the volunteers, and chose public security majors in ordinary universities or other majors that are easier to employ. This shows the advantages of popular majors, attracting top students to rather abandon the halo of prestigious schools than pursue successful employment.

Tsinghua University can't save the "Tiankeng major"? The reason why students transfer to electricity is very helpless

Unpopular majors in prestigious schools are not recommended choices, just like the protagonist in the article. Even if you successfully enter Tsinghua University, if you don't adapt to your major, you finally choose to transfer to another school, which takes a year of study.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that:

It is very important to fill in the college entrance examination, please do not take it lightly. Many students may not have outstanding scores, but with excellent reporting strategies, they can lay a good foundation for their future employment.

There are also many students who are unable to get their dream jobs due to mistakes in filling in the application, which is closely related to filling in the application.

Remember, you only have one chance to fill in the college entrance examination. If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life. It is important for everyone to make a choice based on their own situation, and it is best to get the help of parents.

Today's topic: Do you know which Tiankeng majors in the mainland are not suitable for application?