
Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

author:Sweet Path

In the book "Miscellaneous Feelings", Huang Jingren once asserted: Scholars are useless! Today, college students submit hundreds of resumes and attend dozens of interviews to find jobs, but it is difficult to find suitable positions, and they are caught in a serious employment situation.

In recent years, with fierce competition in the workplace, graduates have slowed down the pace of job search and stepped into the wave of postgraduate entrance examinations, hoping to improve their employability by climbing their academic qualifications, rather than rushing to enter the workplace.

Not all majors are suitable for climbing academic qualifications, and the mandatory postgraduate entrance examination for some majors may just be a waste of time, and may even miss out on superior employment opportunities, which outweigh the losses.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

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Graduate students are like grass mustard, and graduate students in 4 majors are not as popular as undergraduates?

One of the most significant changes in the past two years is the phenomenon of college students taking postgraduate examinations, the number of postgraduate students is increasing year by year, but the major colleges limit the enrollment scale and cannot meet the needs of most candidates, resulting in many candidates can only become escorts in the end.

Some college students have long been advised that blindly following the trend and going to graduate school may not be a wise choice, especially in the case of a severe employment situation, choosing the right direction of development is the key. Who says graduate students are necessarily more popular than undergraduates? There are actually 4 graduate students in 4 majors, which is not worth mentioning.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

The most immediate pressure is in the field of pre-school education. With the deepening of education involution, parents' expectations for teachers are also rising, and many primary and secondary schools do not hesitate to spend a lot of money to recruit master's or doctoral graduates in order to improve their school standards.

As a result, normal students can only choose to take the postgraduate entrance examination in order to be on an equal footing with those graduates of prestigious schools. However, not all teaching professions are suitable for academic qualifications, such as preschool education, which may only be a supplement due to the fact that the professional counterpart works in early childhood education.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

For early childhood education practitioners, the most important thing is the accumulation of work experience, and academic qualifications do not dominate in the minds of parents. The second is tourism management, which has been hit hard by the special circumstances that have occurred in the past few years, and it has only improved this year.

Therefore, the entire tourism industry is plagued by unemployment, and for practitioners, the most important thing at present is to find a job, even if the income is less than expected, as long as there are good development prospects, it is worth trying, rather than blindly devoting themselves to graduate school.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

The corresponding position of tourism management major is tour guide, and major tourism companies pay more attention to whether the candidate holds a travel certificate when recruiting, so the mandatory postgraduate entrance examination does not bring additional points, but may encounter more obstacles due to age factors.

In addition, marketing is a seemingly high-end profession that actually involves a wide range of fields, and its employment prospects are even more worrying. When recruiting, HR pays more attention to the candidate's thinking ability, communication skills and past experience, rather than overemphasizing the academic requirements.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

The last major is accounting, and many people mistakenly believe that only by passing the postgraduate entrance examination can accounting students have a broader career development opportunity. In fact, the accounting position does not require a high degree of education for the candidate, on the contrary, a bachelor's degree is more popular, as long as you can successfully obtain an accounting certificate.

Whether they are working in large enterprises or choosing a position within the system, for graduates, the uniqueness of the accounting major allows them to have more career options. In real life, the field of employment in the accounting profession is very broad.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

Graduate school entrance examination is not the only way out for college students

More and more college students mistakenly believe that if they do not follow the trend and go to graduate school, they may be eliminated because of insufficient academic qualifications. After all, the current employment situation is tense, and college students do not dare to bet their future on an exam paper, and even regard the postgraduate entrance examination as the only way out.

In fact, they are not aware that there are many better options, such as direct employment after graduation. Compared with the extra 2~3 years of study required for graduate school, college students can accumulate work experience during this time, step into the workplace, and continue to grow.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

In the workplace, education is only a threshold, most positions require a bachelor's degree or above, as long as the individual has outstanding ability, it can make up for the shortcomings of the academic degree, and the employer is ultimately concerned about the actual ability of the individual.

For example, many college students aspire to enter the career establishment or public service sector, these positions do not require postgraduate examinations, and there are many establishment positions suitable for undergraduate graduates, and the key is whether the candidate can be successfully selected.

Another example is choosing to start your own business. In this era of rapid development, any new idea has the potential to turn a college student with no work experience into an entrepreneur quickly. It is not difficult to make good use of the entrepreneurial support provided by the state to college students, and to become their own boss.

Graduate students are not as popular as undergraduates? Graduate students in 4 majors are like grass mustard, and it is a waste of time to take the exam

Therefore, even if college students do not choose to go to graduate school, there are still many excellent development opportunities, which will help them better realize their personal value. It's just that many students don't want to believe that they can succeed, and instead focus on the "regular route" that most people choose, mistakenly believing that someone has paved the way for them, and the results may not be ideal.

So, what do you think of college students' obsession with "graduate school entrance examinations"?