
Childhood Memories - Food and Drink

author:Zhuxiang fireworks cook

My childhood was spent with my grandparents in a seaside fishing village, as the saying goes, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains and the sea to eat the sea, so most of my daily diet is mainly seafood.

At that time, there was no marine farming, everything was wild, and my grandfather went out to sea to catch things, and he could catch fish, shrimp and shells and the like when he threw it down, and sometimes he caught nothing, and it was not so good luck every time.

As a result, the table at home is sometimes overstocked with seafood, and sometimes coarse tea and light rice. And when the typhoon came, I couldn't go to sea, so my grandmother's salted puff, mustard and salted fish came in handy.

Childhood Memories - Food and Drink

Salted radish is pickled dried radish, the big white radish is opened in four, the small one is cut in half, dried until shriveled, mixed well with salt, packed into the jar layer by layer and compacted and sealed, put it in a cool and dry place for several months.

Mustard is also made, but chili powder is added to suit different tastes. The marine fish is cleaned first, the head and internal organs are removed, and then salt is mixed and dried.

These things have a common characteristic, that is, they are salty, and according to my own practice now, they need to be soaked for about 1 hour before processing.

At that time, my grandmother didn't have the concept of salt reduction, and salted cloth and salted fish were washed and fried; The mustard is not washed or fried, and is directly cut into strips and served to maintain the original flavor.

Childhood Memories - Food and Drink

Now the sweet potato leaves (the tip of the potato) that blow into the sky used to be mainly used to feed pigs, and when other vegetables were expensive, my grandmother often fried them as green vegetables in order to save money.

Grandma fried sweet potato leaves like this: put water, oil, and salt in a pot, pour in the sweet potato leaves, cover and cook for a few minutes, and the leaves are almost black.

During the typhoon season, I just ate these dark dishes, and I was so thin that I had a yellow face and a psychological shadow, and it was a miracle that I could grow up. These things will be automatically blocked when you see them in the future.

But it's not all bad, I've developed the skill that as long as it's seafood, you know whether it's farmed or wild as soon as you eat it.

I can't say why, I just don't think it tastes right......

Childhood Memories - Food and Drink

For example, the pike crab, my friend Xiaoye, bought 10 catties last year (the seafood restaurant swears that it is wild), and the whole crab feast entertains us, and I know that it is farmed goods when I taste it, but I didn't say it, so as not to spoil the atmosphere of the party.

There is no follow-up, mainly because it is too difficult to defend rights, and it takes a lot of time for whoever asserts who to provide evidence; I just tactfully reminded Xiao Ye that all seafood is farmed now, don't blindly pursue wild and be slaughtered by profiteers as fish in water.

PS: When I was a child, my family was poor, so I would naturally eat well, and I would save if I could; Later, when I went back to the county to study in junior high school, my mother often fried fish roe (eggs) as a vegetable, which was fishy and firewood, and I didn't eat it even if I was killed, preferring to sandwich a piece of bean curd to send rice.

My mother also inherited my grandmother's fine tradition, everything is boiled in water, other dishes are better, and it is difficult to describe the boiled fish......

Childhood Memories - Food and Drink

The fish meat is all broken, mixed in the fish bones of different sizes, thick and thin, to get a little bit of fish meat to pick half a day of thorns, swallowing dates and afraid of fish bones stuck in the throat, I sandwich a piece of bean curd to send rice.

Later, when I lived on campus, I ate the canteen dishes such as pumpkin lard residue, Chinese cabbage bean curd, pork liver and intestine onions, and plum cabbage and fatty meat, which were disliked by my classmates.

I grew taller and gained so much weight that when I went back to the fishing village to see my grandparents during the holidays, the second elder almost didn't recognize me: is this big man really a cub?

Childhood Memories - Food and Drink