
In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

author:A bookmaker in the sea


After New Year's Day in 1951, the U.S. Army retreated on all fronts in the Third Campaign. On this day, Premier Zhou sent a special telegram to Chairman Mao's desk.

This was sent by Mr. Peng on the day of Mao Anying's sacrifice, and the prime minister was afraid that the chairman would not be able to bear it, so he sent it until today.

According to the recollection of Chairman Mao's bodyguard Li Jiaji, when the chairman saw it, he was very sudden, took a cigarette, and threw it there. Turning around, he lit a cigarette again. Originally, the matchbox was in front of him, he didn't know, and he was still looking for it in his pocket, with tears in his eyes.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

The people around couldn't help but sobbed softly when they saw Chairman Mao like this, but before they could comfort Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao took the lead in saying to them: "As the chairman of the Party Central Committee, I have a son, and if I don't send him to resist US aggression and aid Korea to defend my family and defend the country, whose son will I send?" ”

For many years, there have been various news on the Internet to tell the truth about the cause of Mao Anying's death, just because he is Chairman Mao's son, until CCTV released the top-secret telegram sent by Mr. Peng to the Central Military Commission for the first time in the documentary in 2020, and people knew the truth about Mao Anying's sacrifice.

The first "volunteers"

In June 1950, when the Korean War broke out, the Party Central Committee made a major decision to "resist US aggression and aid Korea, defend the homeland and defend the country". Soon after, Mao Anying returned to Beijing from Hunan and had a long talk with Chairman Mao, expressing his desire to go to North Korea.

At that time, Chairman Mao was silent for a long time after hearing this, and finally he patted Mao Anying on the shoulder and said: "You are a member of the Communist Party and the son of Mao Zedong, and when you arrive on the battlefield in Korea, you must endure hardships and sacrifice first!" ”

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

Who would have thought that the chairman's words would become a prophecy, Mao Anying really stayed in that foreign land forever.

At first, Mr. Peng did not agree to let Mao Anying go to fight in North Korea, but in the end, Chairman Mao personally interceded with him, and Mr. Peng agreed, and Mr. Peng jokingly called Mao Anying China's first volunteer.

After arriving in the Korean battlefield, Mao Anying was appointed as Mr. Peng's secretary and Russian translator at the Volunteer Army Headquarters, which was stationed in Dayudong, an abandoned gold mine in the early years, surrounded by weeds, and a veritable barren mountain range.

Although he is the son of Chairman Mao, Mao Anying eats and lives exactly the same as ordinary soldiers on the front line.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

It was winter, and the temperature in North Korea had dropped to minus 20 degrees, and Mao Anying and his comrades-in-arms slept on a straw-made earthen kang, and in less than a week, his body was covered with lice.

Mao Anying had stomach problems in his early years, and at that time, Mr. Peng was worried that his old illness would recur, so he often persuaded him to eat with him, but Mao Anying felt that he should not have any special treatment, and insisted on eating coarse grain rice with ordinary soldiers.

At that time, Mao Anying's comrades-in-arms found that there was often a photo of a lesbian in the pocket of his chest jacket, and they would take it out and look at it a few times when they were fine.

At that time, his comrades-in-arms thought that this was his girlfriend, but Mao Anying proudly said, this is my wife!

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

At that time, Mao Anying had only been married for a year, and when he was about to go to the Korean battlefield, Liu Siqi was hospitalized for appendicitis surgery. He only came once on the day of his hospital stay, sat for a while and left.

At that time, Liu Siqi was a little angry. She asked Mao Anying: "Do you know what day tomorrow is?" Mao Anying scratched her head and couldn't answer.

After Liu Siqi reminded him, he realized that tomorrow was their wedding anniversary. But the same tomorrow he will go to the Korean battlefield.

They talked a lot in the hospital, and at that time, Mao Anying instructed Liu Siqi one by one that no matter what he encountered in the future, he must complete his studies and remember to see his father every week...... At that time, Mao Anying seemed to be prepared for the worst.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

At the time of separation, Liu Siqi dragged the sick body to the gate of the hospital, and Mao Anying said to her: "Let's go back quickly when it's cold outside." ”

At that time, the two probably didn't expect that this meeting would be goodbye.

Farewell to heaven and man

On the morning of November 25, 1950, Mao Anying was working in the Volunteer Army Headquarters as usual, when suddenly four planes roared towards Dayudong.

At 11 a.m., the air defense post sounded the alarm, and since it was so close to the front line, there were air raid sirens almost every day, so most people thought it was nothing more than a US military plane passing by.

After the US plane left, the air defense alarm stopped, and Mao Anying and several comrades-in-arms immediately returned to the command headquarters to continue their work.

But who would have thought that the four enemy planes would go and return soon after, Yang Feng'an, then Peng Dehuai's military secretary, recalled that as the four planes passed, dozens of terrifying white spots appeared in the sky, which were napalm bombs of the US military!

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

With a shocking explosion, the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, which was less than 50 square meters, instantly turned into a sea of fire, when Mao Anying had just signed and received three top-secret telegrams starting with "A" and had no time to retreat. He and another martyr, Gao Ruixin, died heroically in the fire.

When Mr. Peng learned the news, he immediately sent people to rescue him, but the soldiers searched all over the burning ruins and found no trace of the two.

It wasn't until the end that two charred corpses were found under the rubble, and through the watches on their bodies, people confirmed Mao Anying's identity.

At that time, some people speculated that the reason why the US military chose to bomb this place may be because the headquarters of the Volunteer Army would send a large number of radio waves every day to expose the location.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

When Mr. Peng learned the news, grief and guilt instantly welled up in his heart, and he picked up his pen to send a telegram that afternoon, and he wrote a telegram of just over 100 words for an hour.

The following is the content of the telegram at that time: "We entered the air-raid shelter at 7 o'clock today, Mao Anying and three staff officers were in the house, at 11 o'clock, when the four enemy planes passed by, the four of them had already come out, after the enemy planes had passed, the four of them returned to the house, suddenly four more enemy planes came, dropped nearly 100 incendiary bombs, hit the house, two staff officers ran out at that time, Mao Anying and Gao Ruixin were burned to death before they could escape, and there were no other losses. ”

At that time, this telegram was first handed over to Premier Zhou, who was speechless for a long time, and after discussing with Liu Shaoqi, in order to take care of Chairman Mao's emotions, he did not inform him of this matter for the time being.

It wasn't until January 2 of the following year that he told Chairman Mao this heart-wrenching fact.

Soon after, Mr. Peng personally came to Zhongnanhai to review Chairman Mao and request punishment. But who would have thought that Chairman Mao would take the initiative to comfort him and ask him not to be too sad.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

Premier Zhou asked Chairman Mao that Mao Anying's bones should be transported back to China for burial, but Chairman Mao only said lightly after hearing this: "Qingshan buries loyal bones everywhere, why bother to return the body of Ma Leather." ”

At that time, people thought that Chairman Mao had passed this hurdle, but it was not until 1990 that the Central Guard Bureau accidentally found a small bag when sorting out Chairman Mao's relics, and people knew that in fact, the chairman had not put it down for so many years.

In that small bag, there were a few of Mao Anying's underwear neatly, and they were neatly folded, and they were taken out to see at a glance.

But the staff around Chairman Mao said that they had never seen these clothes.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

In the 26 years after Mao Anying's death, Chairman Mao moved at least 5 times, but each time he hid these clothes tightly, telling a father's love for his children buried deep in his heart.

In addition, he also cares about his daughter-in-law Liu Siqi, just as Premier Zhou hid the news of Mao Anying's death from him, Chairman Mao also hid it from Liu Siqi for a long time.

It was not until July 1953 that he revealed it when the "Korean Armistice Agreement" was signed and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was won. It wasn't until February 1959 that Liu Siqi finally had the opportunity to visit North Korea.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

After Mao Anying's death, Chairman Mao has always regarded Liu Siqi as his daughter, and he has persuaded the other party to remarry more than once, until in 1962, under his attention, Liu Siqi and Yang Maozhi fell in love and got married.

Chairman Mao was overjoyed when he learned about it, and he sent someone to send 300 yuan for the manuscript fee to condole, and also sent a pair of "Fortune Operator • Yongmei" written by himself.

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end

Later, through various evidence, some people speculated that it should have been the B-26 bombers commonly used by the US military that bombed the command post of the Volunteer Army at that time.

According to the map, the pilots of the time were found: Odendal, Richter and Ripavsky.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

The three pilots of World War II also got the fate they deserved, among them Richter joined a South African airline, and during another flight, for some reason, he suddenly used the passenger plane as a fighter plane to show off his skills in the air, and as a result, the plane's engine failed, and it disintegrated and exploded directly in the air.

Another murderer, Pavsky, was revoked by the airline because of racial discrimination, became a jobless vagrant, and finally froze to death in poverty

As for the last murderer, Odendal, some people say that he was shot by our troops in a battle in North Korea, and his plane was destroyed and killed. It is also said that he died shortly after the war due to severe mental trauma.

When Mao Anying came to the Korean battlefield, someone asked him if he came here, was Chairman Mao relieved? Mao Anying asked rhetorically: Then why did you come here? Are your loved ones reassured? You can come, why can't I?

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

After that, he became more and more familiar with his comrades-in-arms, and once someone asked him, a Russian translator, to perform a piece of Russian, Mao Anying immediately said a long paragraph, and everyone was confused and asked him what he meant.

It turned out that Mao Anying was greeting them in Russian just now, and at the same time invited everyone to go to Beijing together after the victory of the war.

Before that, many soldiers asked him to tell him what Beijing was like, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall. Every time, Mao Anying will patiently explain to them.

No matter how much he can say, it is better to see it in person, so he invited his comrades-in-arms to Beijing, but unfortunately he died in a foreign country soon after, and he never had the opportunity to fulfill his original promise to his comrades-in-arms.

In 2020, Peng Dehuai's telegram was made public for the first time, and the details of Mao Anying's sacrifice were exposed, which made people teary-eyed

In February 1958, Premier Zhou Enlai led a delegation of the Chinese government to visit North Korea by special plane. During this period, Zhou Enlai made a special trip to the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Martyrs' Cemetery in Hicang County to pay tribute to the martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers who are buried here. Premier Zhou Enlai held a wreath in his hand, and Marshal Chen Yi and General Su Yu personally laid a wreath for the martyrs of the Volunteer Army, and stood silently for a long time.

Today, more than 70 years later, the mountains and rivers are unharmed, and Mao Anying is also buried in the green mountains and green waters of Hichang County, South Pyongan Province, which was once the headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteers. He and the cause of revolutionary liberation, which he loved so much, will always be linked.


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