
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard

author:Wise Pencil S
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard
50 scheming, let you take human nature hard

In the busy city, there is a young man named Lin Chen. He is smart and witty, but he often gets into trouble with interpersonal relationships because he is too straightforward. Lin Chen longed to better understand human nature and master the skills of getting along with people, so he began a journey of scheming exploration.

One day, Lin Chen accidentally found a book called "The Sea of Scheming" in the bookstore. The book elaborates on the various subtleties of human nature and how to better understand and respond to others through scheming. Lin Chen was deeply attracted and decided to delve into the 50 scheming in this book.

Lin Chen began his practical journey. He met all kinds of people, from competitors in the workplace, to friends and relatives in life, to strangers he met by chance. Using the scheming of the book, he began to understand their actions and motivations.

During an important business negotiation, Lin Chen encountered a cunning opponent. The other party seems to be friendly, but in fact, they are trapped. Lin Chen remembered the scheming of "observing micro-expressions" mentioned in the book, he carefully observed the other party's eyes and the corners of his mouth, and found that when the other party said a key piece of information, his eyes flickered and the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, which was obviously a sign of lying. As a result, Lin Chen skillfully guided the other party to expose his flaws, and finally won the negotiation.

In life, Lin Chen also used scheming to improve his relationship with people. He learned the "art of listening", and when communicating with friends, he no longer rushes to express his opinion, but listens to the other person's ideas first. This allowed him to better understand his friend's needs and feelings, which led to a deeper friendship between them. At the same time, he also learned the scheming of "moderate praise", giving the other party affirmation and encouragement at the right time, so that the other party can feel his own value.

However, the use of scheming is not all smooth sailing. Sometimes, Lin Chen will also be misunderstood as scheming because he is too smart. In a team activity, he skillfully helped the team solve a problem, but some people privately commented that he was "too scheming". This troubled Lin Chen deeply, and he began to reflect on whether his actions were too deliberate.

By chance, Lin Chen met a wise man. The wise man told him, "Scheming is not about deceiving others, but about understanding human nature better and treating others with more sincerity." True wisdom lies in how to use scheming to deal with complex relationships while remaining genuine. ”

Lin Chen suddenly realized. He understood the true meaning of scheming and decided to use them with more sincerity. He no longer deliberately speculates on the minds of others, but uses his heart to understand and feel the emotions and needs of others. He learned to give care and help when appropriate, not just to achieve his own goals.

As time passed, Lin Chen's interpersonal relationships became more and more harmonious. Not only has he been successful in the workplace, but he has also earned the respect and love of his friends and family. He used his own experience to prove the power of scheming, and also let people see the beauty and complexity of human nature.

In this process, Lin Chen deeply realized that human nature is complex and subtle, but as long as we understand and feel it with our hearts, we can find the best way to get along with others. Scheming is not about deceiving and calculating others, but about making us more wise and sincere in our face of life's challenges and opportunities.

In the end, Lin Chen wrote his understanding and experience into a book called "The Realization of Scheming". This book not only records his experience and perception of using his scheming, but also conveys his deep understanding and respect for human nature. It encourages people to be sincere while using their scheming to create more harmonious relationships and make our lives better and more fulfilling.