
Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

author:Xiangyang No. 5 Hospital

We all know that confinement is required after giving birth to a child at term, so do we need confinement after abortion surgery? Many female friends think that abortion surgery is not a normal childbirth, so there is no need for confinement, is this the case?

Today, I will tell my sisters about whether confinement is required for abortion surgery.

What is "Little Moon"?

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

Some female friends may ask:

What is "Little Moon"?

What is the difference from traditional "confinement"?

"Confinement" generally refers to the period of time when a woman is in a state of recuperation at home after giving birth, usually for a month.

On the other hand, women may also experience another special period, which is the so-called "small confinement", which refers to 2 weeks after a woman undergoes an early abortion, commonly known as "small confinement".

Whether it is a spontaneous abortion caused by a disease or an induced abortion after contraceptive failure, although it may not exhaust physical strength and energy like full-term delivery, it will still cause great damage to the female body, and the body and uterus also need a repair period.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

How long does a small confinement sit?

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

If you are less than 13 weeks pregnant, you generally need to take a break for about two weeks. More than 13 weeks is recommended to be able to take a one-month break. However, the specific rest time should also be adjusted according to the woman's own physical condition.

The importance of confinement is the same as that of confinement, because after miscarriage, the uterus and ovaries will also undergo a repair process. If you don't rest well and don't take proper care of "Xiaoyuezi", it is easy to have backache, muscle aches, headaches, general weakness, and low immunity.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

How should a small confinement be cared for?

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility


(1) Avoid excessive physical labor

After the abortion operation, the body is very weak, so the body's resistance will also decrease, especially in the first three days, you should pay attention to rest and care. After an abortion, the lining of the uterus leaves a wound.

If physical labor is performed too early, it may prolong the time of vaginal bleeding and is not conducive to the repair of internal trauma, so it is necessary to avoid participating in excessive physical labor and exercise for half a month.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility


(2) Nutrition should be appropriately increased in small confinement

After abortion, due to the weakness of the body and often sweating, it is necessary to drink more water, to ensure the supply of sufficient vitamins and inorganic salts, increase nutrition, reasonable matching, on the basis of normal diet, appropriately increase protein, you can eat fresh fish, eggs, chicken, animal liver, animal blood, milk, soybean products, jujubes, red bean soup, black glutinous rice, etc., eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent constipation.

Avoid eating raw, cold, and hard foods so as not to irritate the intestines and cause indigestion. Avoid irritating foods, such as chili peppers, alcohol, etc., and do not eat or eat less greasy foods.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility


(3) Observe the bleeding in time

After the abortion, there will be a small amount of vaginal bleeding for 3-5 days due to damage to the uterus. Generally, it will not exceed 10-15 days. So pay attention to vaginal bleeding in women. If there is obvious abdominal pain, fever, fishy smell of discharge, vaginal bleeding is heavy or dripping, etc., you need to go to the hospital to check whether the uterus has been cleared thoroughly to avoid future troubles.


(4) Insist on good contraceptive measures

After the operation, the function of the ovaries and uterus will gradually recover, and ovulation will be scheduled on time, so if you want to resume your sexual life after an abortion, you should not be careless about contraception and use the correct contraceptive method. To prevent another unwanted pregnancy, abortion surgery must not be used as a preventive measure.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility


(5) Pay more attention to personal hygiene

After miscarriage, the body's resistance decreases, so an increase in vaginal discharge can occur, especially after uterine damage. The vagina has become a good place for bacteria to get infected and multiply. Therefore, women should pay special attention to cleaning the vulva area.


(6) Pay attention to review

Generally, after the "small confinement" occurs, when the menstrual cramp is clean and clean, you should go to the hospital for a reexamination in time. Ultrasound can be used to confirm whether the miscarriage is complete and to prevent retention.


(7) Spiritual comfort from the lover, partner and family

In many cases, women will experience depressed mood, insomnia, sadness, irritability, depression and other adverse emotions after the abortion. At this time, the lover's partner and family should give full understanding and verbal comfort to help the patient get out of postoperative depression.

Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility
Take a small confinement after the abortion and take care of your fertility

Whether it is a "big confinement" or a "small confinement"

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Take care of yourself and don't let accidents turn into harm!

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