
Ancient Chinese secrets of health preservation in the house

author:Grassroots sword training

The information is extracted from the Internet; Author of "Ancient Chinese Secrets of Health Care in the Room"; Duan Chenggong, Liu Yazhu.

This book is unprecedented: not only because it contains all the ancient Chinese houses excavated so far, from the pre-Qin period to the Republic of China

Ancient Chinese secrets of health preservation in the house

Health classics, and like a needle in a haystack, from the vast Chinese ancient books hooked historical materials, extracted the chapters and fragments about the room technique, a total of 89 kinds of secrets in the room, is the most complete and largest collection of room health works today.

In-room health care, also known as intra-atrial surgery, is a common term for sexual medicine and sexual health care in ancient China.

Summarize the classics of the Chinese room

The Dusty Secret Book is here for the first time

Throughout the ages, there have been many private collections of secrets in the room, and they are never easily revealed. Due to historical reasons, many of Fang's works have been lost overseas and have disappeared in China. After large-scale excavation and sorting, these rare books and classics that appeared for the first time accounted for nearly half of the bibliography of this book.

Ancient Chinese secrets of health preservation in the house

Rare editions are precious

Ancient Chinese secrets of health preservation in the house

Under the guidance of ancient China's unique philosophical thoughts, Chinese health science is a science that studies the laws of human life, explores how to improve human health, fight premature decay, and reach the natural limit of human lifespan. Its basic tasks are: to correctly remind human beings of the laws of life, the natural laws of the universe, and the relationship between nature and man, to find out various internal and external factors that endanger human health and life, and to provide correct theories and methods for human beings to engage in activities to strive for health and longevity.

In the long historical process of occurrence, development and formation of thousands of years, Chinese health care has made great contributions to the reproduction of the Chinese nation and the health and longevity of the people. Its theories and methods have not only been inherited and carried forward in China, but also valued and used by many countries in the world.

Just as "the people take food as the sky", "food, color, and sex are also." It is also the wise saying of the Chinese nation. In Chinese health preservation, diet and room health both occupy a considerable proportion. In the era of "men and women are not kissed", health scientists of different schools have broken through the shackles of feudal concepts, made unremitting explorations and accumulated rich experience in the indispensable room health care for human survival and life, and summed up a complete set of theories. These theories and experiences have not only played a positive role in the health care activities of ancient people, but also have a reference value that cannot be underestimated for today's sexual science and sexual medicine (including the study of family planning, eugenics, disease prevention and treatment, anti-aging, etc.).

It is an indispensable part of the work to promote the development of science to comprehensively excavate and sort out these historical documents that shine the light of the wisdom of the ancient Orientals, and to provide the greatest amount of information to contemporary scholars for research and use. It is for this purpose that we have deliberately edited this book to provide more original documents for researchers.

However, it must be pointed out that due to the limitations of the social system and the level of science, the cognitive ability of the ancient people was inevitably limited. As Dr. Wu Jieping said, "Other ancient civilizations in the world, such as ancient India, ancient Greece, ancient Egypt, etc., have also left a large number of precious documents for the exploration and study of sexuality, such as the Indian "Kama Proverbs", the Arab "Aromatic Garden", and the Roman Ovid's "The Art of Love". Like all cultural heritages, these documents are a summary of ancient human practices and the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients, but due to the limitations of historical conditions, they inevitably have limitations, the essence and the dross coexist, and science and superstition coexist...... (Quoted from the Encyclopedia of Chinese Sex Science).

Due to the same regularity in the development process of human understanding, it is impossible for the ancient cultural heritage of the mainland to transcend the limitations of history, and many documents are also "the essence and the dross coexist, and science and superstition coexist." In order to provide researchers and relevant readers with a complete collection of ancient health literature in the house, therefore, some chapters mixed with feudal superstition and even contrary to scientific and social morality are also included in this book, such as "Picking the Imperial Maiden", "Turning the Fetus from a Female Fetus to a Male", "Collecting and Cultivating Cultivation", "Replenishing the Essence and Returning the Brain", "Danfang Technique", etc., we are convinced that the readers of this book can use the viewpoint of historical materialism and dialectical materialism to correctly treat the ancient cultural heritage, and read this book with a scientific attitude of "taking its essence and removing its dross". The purpose of "using the past for the present" and "bringing forth the new".

Mawangdui Han Tomb Medical Book

The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon

Huang Tingjing


Chu's suicide note

Nourishing life extension

Doctor's prescription

The Plain Woman's Classic

The secret of the jade room

Yufang directed

Genko Dong

Plain woman

Heaven and earth yin and yang are full of joy

Clustering of medical prescriptions

Origin and Syndrome of Diseases

Senkin Kaname

The first gentleman to prolong life

Sanyuan Life Extension Counselor's Book

Ge Zhi Yu Theory

Four essentials for health preservation

Hiroshi minutes

Wan's Gynecology

Ancient and modern medical system


Zunsheng Eight Notes

Both the true scriptures

Xiuzhen Romance

Edited by Medical Positive Printing Seeds

Oriental Medical Treasures

Plain Woman Wonderful Theory

Purple boudoir secretary in the middle volume


There are 12 kinds of Taoist books

The true legend of Hua Tuo's secret recipe

Spirit Sword

Xuannu's room in the scriptures

Wang Wu Zhen orally taught the Yin Pill Secret Spiritual Chapter

Yin Dan is cautious and observant

Return to the source

Jin Dan 400 words note



Sanfeng Danjue

The Complete Works of Xuan Tan

Purple Tuan Dan Sutra

True Immortal Secret Fire Method

Twelve songs of the true son Xijiang month


Jin Dan Zhen Biography Volume II

Hiroshi to say

Fushou Dan book

Patriarch Lu Sannu's medical world is narrated

Dr. Lu Zu Sannun said that he was peeping

Patriarch Lu is congenitally nihilistic too - the purpose of Jinhua

Lu Zu's five notes


Compile and refer to the evidence before the cultivation of the truth and the difficulty of discernment

After cultivating the truth and distinguishing the difficulty, it will be compiled and referenced

Secret Seed Jindan

Gynecological jade ruler

There are five kinds of preparations

Yin Zhenren Donghua Zhengmai Emperor Ji closed the Taoist Immortal Sutra

The thirteen classics of ancient health preservation are elaborated

Leaking the sky

Yin Zhenren's Q&A in the Yang Palace

That's what I smelled

Trivia continued

Tube peep ed

Upper grade Danfa sections

Xuanwei heart print

Mei Hua Q&A

Jindan Festival to

Second, lazy talk

Mud blade Li Patriarch female sect double cultivation treasure raft

Qiaoyang Sutra female martial arts practice proverbs

The Queen Mother of the West corrected the Ten Paths

Male and female Dangong similarities and differences

Secret medicine in men's and women's rooms

Male and female strength law

The flowers and willows are easy to know

New book of mold

"Mawangdui Han Tomb Medical Book" (Qin) anonymous

This is the earliest house health secrets found in China so far, written in the pre-Qin period, has a history of 2,200 years because unearthed in Changsha, Hunan Mawangdui Han Tomb and named, among which "Ten Questions", "Yin and Yang Fang", "Tianxia to the Tao Talk" for the bamboo book, "Health Prescription", "Miscellaneous Prescription" for the silk book. The book records the ancient Chinese unfathomable and profound secret technique of health preservation in the room, "The Way of Receiving Yin".

"The True Biography of Hua Tuo's Divine Doctor Secretary" (Three Kingdoms) Hua Tuo

Hua Tuo, a famous doctor of the Three Kingdoms, discusses various common diseases and incurable diseases of men and women in the room one by one, and all of them are accompanied by prescriptions, which are simple and easy to implement.

"Medical Heart Prescription" (Japan) Tanba Yasunyori

This is a monumental work by a famous Japanese physician of Chinese descent who saves the ancient Chinese classics of the house, and many of the contents of the book have been lost in China. Thanks to the citations of the "Medical Heart Prescription", it has been preserved. The book has a high historical status, although it is mixed with strong descriptions of lust and lust.

"Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, Joy, Great Happiness" (Tang) Bai Xingjian

Bai Xingjian, the younger brother of Bai Juyi, has a brotherly style in writing, and his rhetoric is precise, and the scribes are all teachers. "Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, and the Great Happiness" is the only book in ancient China that uses the language of a writer to vividly depict and render the bliss of the two sexes. Now intercept the fragment describing the candle night in the cave room and enjoy it together"...... Youth Night,...... Use the red bird, pick up the red, lift the plain foot, stroke the jade buttocks, the woman holds the male stem, and the female heart is tete, the male contains the female tongue, and the male is dizzy. Fang smeared with semen, rubbed up and down, with affection, the seam was slightly blooming without knowing, rushing forward hard, the stem protruded and like cutting ......"

"The First Gentleman of Life Extension" (Song) The old man of Yugu

In his later years, he wrote "The First Gentleman's Words for Extending Life" in a unique way, listing the various disadvantages described in the ancient room, and detailing its harms.

"Sanyuan Life Extension Counselor's Book" (Yuan) Li Pengfei

It represents the highest achievement of health preservation in the Song and Yuan dynasties. The book systematically summarizes the principles, methods, and taboos of intercourse: desire must not be extinguished, desire must not be early, desire must not be indulged, desire must not be strong, desire is taboo, desire is avoided.

"The Wonderful Theory of the Plain Girl" (Ming) is unknown

This is the most complete book in the room that has survived to this day, which is made up of fragments of ancient books in the room, supplemented by the editor's own opinions, and the editor's real intention is to compile this book into a practical book in the room for a guide to starting a family. This book makes a clear distinction between sexual intercourse, which requires sexual playfulness to enhance the mood through a series of comforting tricks, and sexual intercourse, which is intended to impregnate a woman, and sexual intercourse, which is intended to be consummated in a solemn spirit of self-study and devotion.

"The Secret of Lu Chunyang's Room" (Ming) is unknown

The book discusses the art of harvesting war, teaches sexual health, sexual skills, including a detailed description of the caressing behavior before copulation and a variety of postures that can make copulation perfect, etc., and lists many spring recipes used by men and women, some of which are extremely lewd, but still have strong reference value as ancient health classics in the house.

"Xiuzhen Romance" (Ming) Deng Xixian

The secretary of Taoist sexual intercourse, also known as "The Romance of Purple Gold Glorious Great Immortal Xiuzhen", this book makes a systematic and complete explanation of Taoist sexual cultivation: what kind of woman should be abandoned during sexual intercourse, and the various states that are not suitable for sexual intercourse, various methods to stimulate women's sexual desire and women's sexual responses, how to use Taoist massage techniques to make men's jade stems strong and prevent ejaculation, the benefits that men can get from sexual intercourse, and compare copulation to a tree to decay and return to glory, and every sexual intercourse will give a man new life.

"Regency General Essentials" (Ming) Hong Ji

An important classic of Fang Zhong Su, the secret book of Fang Zhong Su, summarized in the book, is still used today. The various secret recipes in the room included in this book follow unique standards: one must be magical, the other must be practical, the sexual health of the discussion, the views are incisive, the righteousness is thorough, and there are various secret recipes to enhance sexual performance and improve the sexual enjoyment of men and women, and the law of giving birth to a boy and a girl is attached to the yin and yang gossip, and the chance of having a boy and a girl can be calculated.

"Dong Xuanzi" (Qing) Ye Dehui

The ancient secretary of the room, the pinnacle of sexology, has a specific and detailed description of the principles and methods of sexual intercourse, especially the ever-changing sexual positions

"Sex Tianzhenghu" (Qing) Fu Jinquan

This is a treatise on cultivation and enlightenment full of oriental religious characteristics, with the theme of sexual nature, the concept of the source of lust is unique, and the method of intercourse is deduced.

"Secret Medical Techniques in Men's and Women's Rooms" (Republic of China) Yi Elderly People

This book explains the methods of diagnosis and treatment of male and female reproduction, as well as venereal diseases, reproductive organ diseases, etc., and attaches various prescriptions, which are common in daily life and people are ashamed to seek medical treatment.

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