
"Smell the fragrance and heal the heart", let the love intertwine Longmenhao Street carried out Mother's Day salon activities

author:South Shore Release
"Smell the fragrance and heal the heart", let the love intertwine Longmenhao Street carried out Mother's Day salon activities

Women are fragrant, delicate and gentle; Mother's love is like fragrance, gentle and long. Just after the "May Day" holiday, Mother's Day is quietly approaching. On May 9th, the "Smell the Fragrance and Heal the Heart" Mother's Day Aromatherapy and Emotional Healing Salon jointly organized by the District Civilization Office, the District Culture and Tourism Committee and Longmenhao Street was launched in Banshan Xiangyuan, aiming to alleviate the psychological pressure of women in the jurisdiction and create a harmonious, warm and happy festival atmosphere.

"Smell the fragrance and heal the heart", let the love intertwine Longmenhao Street carried out Mother's Day salon activities
"Smell the fragrance and heal the heart", let the love intertwine Longmenhao Street carried out Mother's Day salon activities

"Inhale slowly, feel the aroma that has slowly spread around you, is filling the whole space, enveloping your body, giving you great strength, at this moment you feel warm and calm, try to be aware of your own heart, just like you are aware of your breath at this moment, with happiness, joy and gratitude to understand yourself, to embrace yourself." At the beginning of the activity, Mr. Deng, a professional aromatherapist, first guided everyone to enter the meditation session, and released the pent-up emotions through the arousal of aromatic scents to the perception of olfactory emotions, so as to achieve stress reduction and relaxation. Mr. Deng then introduced the origin, principle and application of aromatherapy in emotional regulation, each aroma has its own unique healing power, and different aromas have different effects.

In the aroma experience session, Mr. Deng showed 9 kinds of carefully selected essential oils, each with its own characteristics, some are elegant like wood, some are rich like rosemary, and each one contains unique healing effects. With the diffusion of the aroma of essential oils, the ladies on the scene tried the fragrance in turn, feeling the different aromas bring different soul touches, and the atmosphere of the event was warm and harmonious, everyone talked and laughed, and enjoyed this unique aroma feast.

"Smell the fragrance and heal the heart", let the love intertwine Longmenhao Street carried out Mother's Day salon activities

At the end of the event, everyone hand-blended a unique essential oil according to their own preferences, the sweetness of rose, the tranquility of rosin, and the freshness of orange blossom...... The fusion of various aromas is not only a pleasure for the sense of smell, but also a nourishment for the soul, and each other has found their own tranquility and relaxation in this unique aroma.

"Incense culture has a long history, from ancient sacrificial activities to today's daily use, incense is a way for people to express their emotions and express their wishes. Today, the community is a cultural activity that is very meaningful, not only to relax and relax, but also to have a deeper understanding of traditional culture. Ms. Zhao Yu, who attended the event at the scene, said.

The success of this event not only brought a profound and unforgettable festival experience to the female residents of the street, allowing them to find a peaceful harbor in the fast-paced and high-pressure life, but also further enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the residents in the district, and enhanced the happiness and satisfaction of the residents.

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