
Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

author:Dr. Chan Health said
Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

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Yang Fugui is an old gentleman in his sixties, who used to be a hard-working and wealthy farmer.

He lives alone in an old bungalow on the outskirts of the city, and although he lives in poverty, he is happy to know his fate.

Recently, he noticed that there was something abnormal in his body: loss of appetite, edema, fatigue and other symptoms appeared one after another, and he couldn't help but worry about whether he was suffering from any serious illness.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

After some weighing, I finally made up my mind to see a doctor.

Yang Fugui came to the local community hospital full of apprehension and was arranged to be treated in the nephrology department.

A middle-aged doctor kindly beckoned him to sit down and asked him about his medical history.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

After listening to Yang Fugui's statement, the doctor nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Have you eaten a lot of chicken soup?" Chicken soup is rich in protein, and for people with poor kidney function, it is like a 'uremia hair'. "

Hearing the doctor's words, Yang Fugui couldn't help but be stunned. As an old farmer, he has respected ingredients since he was a child, and used chicken soup as a nutritional tonic.

For many years, regardless of spring, summer, autumn or winter, the aroma of chicken soup was always bubbling from the stove in his house. I didn't expect it to be harmful to the body.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

The doctor saw Yang Fugui's doubts and patiently explained to him:

"Uremia is a serious kidney disease, when the kidney function declines to a certain extent, it will cause the metabolic waste in the body to not be excreted in time, so that it accumulates in the body.

Protein metabolism produces toxic substances such as urea, which is more difficult for the kidneys to cope with if absorbed too much. "

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

Yang Fugui listened, his face full of confusion. The doctor continued, "Your symptoms are most likely related to uremia.

However, we need further tests, such as blood routine, kidney function, etc., to confirm the diagnosis. "

As he spoke, he prescribed several test sheets.

A few days later, the results of the examination came back. Sure enough, Yang Fugui's glomerular filtration rate is only 20%, which is in the advanced stage of uremia. The doctor advised him to get kidney dialysis treatment as soon as possible.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

On the one hand, it is difficult for old age and frailty to bear the risk of drastic treatment, and on the other hand, life is in danger later.

Yang Fugui was in a dilemma. His children are all working in other places, and he is alone, how should he choose? His brow tightened.

Faced with the intractable disease of uremia, doctors did not make a direct conclusion. Instead, he guided Yang Fugui to look back at his lifestyle and look for the root cause of his illness.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

"In addition to eating a lot of chicken soup for a long time, do you have any bad habits? Such as smoking, drinking, obesity, etc. The doctor asked, seductively.

Yang Fugui pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I never smoke or drink, and I don't have any other hobbies. However, I do have a little obesity. He turned his head and glanced at his waistline with some wistfulness.

"Obesity can increase the burden on the kidneys and induce a variety of complications." The doctor nodded, "I recommend that you stick to a healthy diet and control your calorie and protein intake from now on. At the same time, it's important to maintain a moderate amount of exercise. "

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

With a glimmer of hope, Yang Fugui humbly accepted the doctor's advice.

He completely got rid of the habit of drinking a lot of chicken soup for a long time, and switched to eating some low-protein, low-calorie foods.

At first, he was hungry, but gradually his body adapted to this new way of eating.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

In addition to adjusting his diet, Yang Fugui also insists on doing some exercises within his capacity every day, such as jogging and tai chi.

In the beginning, he couldn't run far before he ran out of breath, but he never gave up.

After a few months, Yang Fugui obviously felt that his physical strength and mental state had improved greatly.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

Under the guidance of the doctor, Yang Fugui used some Western medicine to control the progression of the disease.

Every once in a while, he would return to the hospital for follow-up check-ups and discuss with his doctor how to adjust his diet and exercise regimen.

Gradually, he gained a deeper understanding of his condition and learned to manage himself.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

During a physical examination a year later, Yang Fugui was overjoyed to learn that his glomerular filtration rate had recovered to about 40%, and there was no need for dialysis for the time being.

"Your situation has improved a lot, and it's all thanks to your own persistence." The doctor said sincerely, "We need to properly control the progression of the disease, maintain good lifestyle habits, and try to delay the onset of kidney failure." "

Yang Fugui nodded happily, tears welling up in his eyes. As a hard-working farmer, he never gave up his desire and pursuit of life. Now, he has rediscovered the courage and hope to live.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

From the doctor, he also learned about uremia. It turns out that the main causes of impaired kidney function are diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc., all of which are related to improper contemporary lifestyles.

If you can control your life, many kidney diseases can be avoided or delayed.

Yang Fugui regained his love for life. He often invites his children and grandchildren to his small courtyard to share the joys of rural life.

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

One day, the family was chatting in Yang Fugui's small courtyard, and granddaughter Nana suddenly said: "Grandpa, didn't you say that chicken soup is not good for your health last time?" However, my mother gives me chicken soup every day to supplement my nutrition?"

Yang Fugui smiled, thinking of his previous obsession, he couldn't help but feel deeply. He took Nana's little hand and said kindly, "Nana, chicken soup is indeed a nutritious food, but not everyone is suitable for drinking more.

Especially for some diseases, such as people with bad kidneys, they should drink chicken soup in moderation. Otherwise, it will aggravate the condition, and as the doctor said, chicken soup will become the 'hair of uremia'. "

Is chicken soup the "hair" of uremia? Doctor: I don't want my kidneys to be "injured", so try not to eat the 3 things

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)