
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes

author:Erudite Starry Sky Jn

Time tells you what aging is, and memories tell you what naivety is. Don't always linger in the memories of the past, yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes.

Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes
Yesterday's sun doesn't dry today's clothes