
A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"This hurts, I'm really damned!" Huang Dawei complained, his face pale, and walked slowly in the corridor of the hospital while pressing his stomach.

Huang Dawei, 62, a retired bank clerk, was rushed to the hospital by his family because of his recent worsening abdominal pain. 4 months ago, he already felt that something was wrong when he went to the toilet, but he always thought it was just an ordinary constipation problem and didn't pay much attention to it.

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

After the test results came out, "Mr. Huang, I have to tell you that you are now in the advanced stage of colon cancer. If you had come to the doctor earlier, the situation might have been completely different. In the hospital, Huang Dawei's mood was very low. His retirement life should have been full of leisure and comfort, but now he has become a frequent visitor to the hospital.

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

The doctor made a plan for Huang Dawei. But in the process, doctors also realized that more information needed to be given to Wong and his family about the prevention and early detection of colon cancer.

"You know what? In fact, many early symptoms of bowel cancer are overlooked. "Prolonged constipation or an abnormal shape of the stool may be a sign of bowel cancer." And, if there is blood in the stool, it's a clear warning sign that you must seek medical attention immediately. ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

Huang Dawei's wife, Zhang Ting, was very concerned after hearing this, and she asked the doctor: "Then what should we do to prevent colon cancer?" ”

The doctor said seriously: "Eating habits are very important. Eat plenty of fiber-rich foods that can help reduce constipation and reduce the amount of time harmful substances in your gut stay. ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

"Try to avoid too much red and processed meat, as certain ingredients may increase the risk of colon cancer. Alternatives can be fish or chicken. "Also, regular check-ups are crucial, especially for people over 50 years old. Through regular check-ups, problems can be detected early and treated in a timely manner. ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

She knows that these changes are not only for Huang Dawei alone, but also for the health of the whole family.

A few months later, although Wong's condition stabilized, his and his family's lifestyle had changed dramatically. Every day, the whole family will also take a walk together to enjoy the warmth of family and the simple happiness of daily life.

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

As Huang and his family's lifestyle changed, they gradually felt the positive impact of their health. He often said: "I used to think that those small problems were not a big deal, but now that I think about it, I am really afraid." ”

Wong began to pay special attention to the additives and preservatives in food. He found that chemical additives, such as nitrates, contained in many processed foods may be associated with an increased risk of digestive diseases such as bowel cancer. As a result, he decided to eat as fresh as possible and avoid processed foods that are beautifully packaged but contain a variety of chemical ingredients.

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

One weekend, Mr. Wong's family hosted a small party and invited some neighbors and friends to the house. They prepare a variety of vegetable-based dishes, including homemade vegetable salads and whole-wheat bread.

Huang Dawei also specially prepared a short sharing on healthy eating, he said: "We often say, 'What you eat, you are', really, our body is made up of the food we eat every day. Choosing foods that are more natural and fresher will be better for our body. ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

He also mentioned a little-known little knowledge, that is, common spices such as ginger and peppermint can not only increase the flavor of food, they also contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredients, which can help reduce intestinal inflammation and help prevent bowel cancer. He encouraged everyone to try using these natural spices in their daily cooking to increase the nutritional value of food and promote health.

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

That evening, Mr. Li, a friend of Mr. Wong, who is also a colon cancer survivor, asked a question: "Wong Dawei, you mentioned reducing processed foods and increasing the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, and I agree with that. But I wonder if there are any specific methods or recipes that can help us do this in our busy lives? ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

Huang Dawei replied: "Actually, I have recently learned some simple and quick healthy recipes, which are very suitable for our busy life. For example, we can prepare some basic vegetables and proteins, such as chicken breast or tofu, cook them in advance and store them in the refrigerator. ”

"It only takes a few minutes a day to put together a nutritious, quick and convenient meal. In addition, using a slow cooker or pressure cooker is also a good option to automate the cooking when we are busy. ”

A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

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A 62-year-old man with advanced bowel cancer was in great pain, and the doctor reprimanded him: there was a sign when he went to the toilet 4 months ago

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