
12306 Subject Name!

author:Small Fish News

On May 11, the China Consumers Association released the "May Day" Holiday Consumer Rights Protection Public Opinion Analysis Report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report").

The China Consumers' Association used the Internet public opinion monitoring system to conduct an online big data public opinion analysis on the relevant consumer rights protection from May 1 to May 6. The data shows that the topics of transportation, scenic tourism, consumer services, culture and entertainment are relatively hot.

According to the report, during the six-day monitoring period, a total of 26751114 pieces of information related to "consumer rights protection" were collected, with a daily average of about 4.46 million. The trend of public opinion fell slowly, and the amount of information reached a peak on May 1, which was 4851544.

12306 Subject Name!

Daily information map of "consumer rights protection" (source: China Consumers Association)

Among them, 12306 was questioned to support "buying long and short", a taxi driver in Jiangxi forcibly locked two women in the car and waited for carpooling, a rockfall incident in Hengshan Scenic Area in Shanxi Province caused 1 death and 5 injuries, tourists stranded in Baoquan Tourist Area in Xinxiang, Henan Province caused tourists to walk more than 10 kilometers down the mountain road, and there were no chickens in Hangzhou Hefang Street.

12306 Subject Name!

12306 Subject Name

In terms of transportation, the China Consumers' Association listed "12306 was questioned in favor of 'buying long times short'" as a typical case.

According to the report, during the monitoring period, there were 637392 negative information about "traffic travel", accounting for 42.61% of the complaining information, with an average of 106,000 per day, and the curve rose significantly during the peak travel period of the holiday, reaching 134,000 on May 1. The related entries of "second light" and "12306 seconds" rushed to the first place in the hot search, and "buying long and short" once again became the core of the topic.

Before the "May Day" holiday, issues such as "'May Day' train tickets are not in seconds" and "buying long and short" continue to attract attention. According to reports, when a lady bought a G1278 high-speed rail ticket on May 1 on the 12306 APP, she found that she chose to buy "Wuhan-Tianjin" without a ticket, but she had a ticket to buy an extra stop and choose "Wuhan-Tangshan".

Some media reporters called the 12306 customer service hotline, in response to the situation that "there are enough long-distance tickets left, and there are no tickets for short-distance tickets", 12306 customer service said that "it will give priority to meeting long-distance passengers", and passengers can choose to stand by or "buy long and short", but the ticket for the unused section is non-refundable.

In fact, 12306 has responded to the issue of "buying long times short" many times before.

During this year's Spring Festival, in response to the question of "compulsory to buy long and short" questioned by passengers, 12306 responded that it is not recommended to "buy long by short" and "buy short by long", but due to the passenger transport scheduling and system algorithm, the official advice has never been implemented, and passengers are still forced to "buy long and short" in actual operation.

In September last year, 12306 customer service also said that a corresponding number of tickets were sold for each journey, and the needs of passengers from the origin to the destination would be met first. If there are still tickets left, the railway department will dynamically adjust them according to the passenger flow and place the remaining tickets at stations along the way.

Earlier, China Railway also issued a document introducing that when the transportation capacity is tight, the railway department will give priority to the ticket amount of long-distance trains to meet the long-distance passengers from the departure station to the terminal station, so as to maximize the utilization of capacity resources.

According to the introduction, when the long-distance ticket amount is sufficient, the railway department will dynamically adjust the ticket amount according to the change in demand, and automatically transfer part of the ticket amount to each station along the way in different time periods to meet the needs of short-distance passengers.

However, the railway department's repeated responses have not dispelled the doubts of some passengers and netizens, and there are still a large number of articles and posts on the Internet questioning that 12306 is supporting the behavior of "buying long and multiplying short" in disguise.

12306 Subject Name!
12306 Subject Name!

The "Price Assassin" was named

In addition to 12306 being named, some poorly managed scenic spots, large-scale event organizers, and "price assassin" merchants were cited as typical cases.

For example, there are a large number of tourists stranded in the Baoquan tourist area of Xinxiang, Henan, there are too many people, the capacity is limited, and the scenic spot has no corresponding countermeasures, resulting in a large number of tourists being forced to walk down the mountain overnight, and more than ten kilometers of mountain roads are full of stranded tourists;

After the Tianjin Bubble Island Music Festival ended in the evening, tens of thousands of people were trapped due to the paralysis of the bus, and the security personnel left first by car, and the capacity of the shuttle bus was seriously insufficient, and a large number of people were stranded in an orderly manner;

A consumer in a childhood theme snack shop in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province encountered a "spicy strip assassin", the price tag said "1 Mao 7", it seems to be very cheap, but it is in "grams" as a unit, the actual price is 85 yuan a catty, the cashier did not explain the price of the goods when paying, some of the spicy strips they selected cost a total of 187 yuan, and the merchant used the "gram" price to cover up the fact of expensive prices, which is easy to mislead others.

The China Consumers Association pointed out that the instantaneous explosion of consumer demand during the holiday season, and the structural imbalance of supply has become the main reason for the current consumer rights protection. In the cultural tourism and catering industries, "price assassins" and inducing consumption and other dishonest business stubborn diseases have "risen", and potential safety hazards cannot be ignored.

The China Consumers Association suggests that all localities and departments should shift more energy to post-disposal and accountability to pre-prevention and in-process supervision: first, enhance risk awareness and tighten the safety production fence; the second is to strengthen advance research and judgment and expand the supply of high-quality services; The third is to strengthen integrity management and focus on key areas of consumption.

Source: "China Business News" integrates the official website of the China Consumers Association, Changjiang Cloud News, CCTV, and online platforms