
The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"It's always sweating every night, and you're a typical 'hot and dry' that needs to be checked as soon as possible." This is what Dr. Li said to Zhang Taotao.

Zhang Taotao is a 52-year-old high school biology teacher who is health-conscious, vegetarian, and insists on running in the morning every day.

Sweating at night is not uncommon, but Zhang Taotao's situation is clearly unusual.

At first, she thought it was just a normal symptom of menopause and didn't pay much attention to it.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

But after the same situation happened almost every night for weeks on end, she began to worry.

Dr. Lee advised her to go to the hospital for a detailed examination, including a comprehensive examination of the blood and endocrine system.

The results of the examination showed that Zhang Taotao had early hyperthyroidism, but what was even more surprising was that she was also diagnosed with breast cancer.

The doctor explained that although she had a healthy lifestyle, excessive exercise and a strict vegetarian diet could lead to the lack of some essential nutrients in her body, which indirectly affected her endocrine balance, which, together with genetic factors, eventually led to the occurrence of the disease.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

Zhang Taotao is the typical "intellectual woman" who believes that she can take complete control of her health by controlling her diet and exercising.

In fact, she often shares her health philosophy in her circle of friends, advocating everyone to be vegetarian and exercise.

But, as Dr. Lee puts it, "If you go too far, you're eating and exercising to extremes, which can have a detrimental effect on your body." ”

Zhang Taotao's condition caused her to reflect deeply.

She began to re-examine her lifestyle and try to find a more balanced state of health.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

Under the advice of the doctor, Zhang Taotao began to adjust her diet, appropriately increase the intake of some protein and essential fatty acids, and reduce some excessive physical exercise.

Doctors specifically point out that while exercise is good for health, excessive exercise, especially high-intensity exercise, can cause an increase in oxidative stress in the body, which is harmful to cell stability and DNA replication. In the long run, this can increase the risk of cancer.

Commenting on Zhang's case, Dr. Li also singled out a study that followed more than 10,000 women and found that those who exercised more than 15 hours a week had nearly twice as high a rate of breast cancer than those who exercised regularly (no more than seven hours a week).

Zhang's case has garnered widespread attention among her friends and students.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

Her story has made many people wonder if there is something they need to adjust to their lifestyle.

People are beginning to realize that health is not just about eating healthy and exercising a lot, but more importantly about a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

As Zhang's condition gradually stabilized, she became more actively involved in health education, hoping to help more people realize the true meaning of healthy living through her own experience.

She began teaching healthy lifestyles in schools and promoting the importance of moderate exercise and a balanced diet in the community.

At the end of the story, Zhang Taotao was not discouraged by her illness, but used her experience to inspire more people to pay attention to their physical health and find a lifestyle that suits them.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

How can you commit to your health while avoiding falling into the trap of an overly extreme lifestyle?

In addressing this issue, it is important to recognize that the definition of health encompasses three dimensions: psychological, physiological and social.

The key to maintaining good health is to find an individualized balance, which includes proper nutritional intake, moderate physical activity and adequate mental relaxation.

Being overly paranoid about one area, such as exercising excessively or eating extremely, can have a negative impact on the body.

Specifically, each person needs to develop a life plan that suits him or her according to his or her own health condition and the professional advice of doctors and nutritionists.

The 52-year-old aunt died of cancer, and before her death, she quit eating vegetarian food and loved to exercise, and the doctor sighed: I just didn't listen to persuasion

For example, increase your food intake to ensure that all essential nutrients are adequate, while avoiding long, high-intensity physical exertion and opt for gentle, varied exercise.

In addition, regular medical check-ups are also indispensable to help early detection and correction of possible health risks.

In summary, the key to maintaining health is balance and individualization, rather than simplification and extremeism.

Through reasonable planning and scientific management, everyone can achieve a better physical and psychological state.

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