
The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Drinking water does keep you healthy, but these are three points of time that are best avoided."

Dr. Li's words made Zhou Ping suddenly feel that there might be something really wrong with her usual unconscious habits.

She was sitting in the audience at the Community Health Talk, and the expression on her face changed from surprise to thought.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

Zhou Ping, a retired accountant in her sixties, has always prided herself as a practitioner of healthy living.

However, after this health talk, she realized that a lot of seemingly innocuous daily habits may not be physically friendly.

After the lecture, she decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to check her physical condition.

At the hospital, Zhou Ping met Dr. Li, a professional internist.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

After a detailed physical examination and a series of blood tests, Dr. Li found that Zhou Ping had a slight heart discomfort.

What made him curious was that Zhou Ping insisted on drinking enough water every day, but this situation still occurred.

"Ms. Zhou, you know what? Drinking water is good, but timing is critical.

For example, drinking plenty of water immediately after a meal and drinking cold water on an empty stomach before going to bed and in the morning can have adverse effects on the body. Dr. Lee began to explain.

First of all, if a large amount of water is ingested immediately after a meal, it may cause gastric juice to dilute, which can affect the normal digestion and absorption of food.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

Especially for middle-aged and older people, their stomach acid secretion is already reduced, and this habit may further hinder nutrient absorption.

Secondly, drinking water before going to bed can easily cause frequent waking up at night, which not only interrupts sleep, but may also have a negative impact on kidney function in the long term.

Finally, many people have the habit of drinking cold water immediately after waking up in the morning, believing that it will help "cleanse" the digestive system.

But in fact, the cold irritation of cold water on the stomach, especially for people with weak stomach function, may cause damage to the stomach lining.

"These little habits, which seem unrelated to health, can actually pose some risks."

For example, Dr. Lee said that he once encountered a case of an elderly man who ended up suffering from severe sleep disorders and kidney decline due to drinking a lot of water before bed for a long time.

Zhou Ping was shocked by these words.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

On the way home, she reflected on Dr. Lee's words and thought about her own habits.

It turns out that those "healthy behaviors" that she has been insisting on, when executed at an inappropriate time, may instead have a negative impact on health.

After a few weeks, Zhou Ping adjusted her drinking time and gradually felt an improvement.

She no longer drinks water immediately after meals, minimizes water intake before bedtime, and drinks warm water in the morning.

Through these adjustments, her heart discomfort symptoms have been significantly relieved.

She began to share her experience in the community, hoping to help more people realize the importance of these "little details" in life.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

She also found that many middle-aged and elderly people do not have a good understanding of this knowledge.

So, in collaboration with Dr. Lee, she started holding mini-health talks in the community, especially on proper drinking water.

During the lecture, Dr. Lee provided a large amount of data to support his views.

For example, a study involving more than 1,000 middle-aged and older adults showed that more than 60% of participants reported improved sleep quality and reduced digestive problems after adjusting their drinking times.

Zhou Ping's story slowly spread in the community, and she also changed from an ordinary retired old man to a well-known health lecturer.

The 66-year-old lady died suddenly while drinking water, doctor: Drinking water is a good thing, don't drink it at these 3 points in time

At this point in the story, we ask a question: What is the specific impact of unreasonable drinking habits on cardiovascular health in middle-aged and elderly people?

Studies have shown that improper drinking habits, such as drinking large amounts of water before bedtime, can increase the burden on the heart, especially if there is a problem with the heart itself.

The body needs to rest at night, and overworking the heart to process the extra volume of fluid can accelerate the progression of cardiovascular disease in the long run.

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people, reasonable arrangement of drinking time, especially avoiding drinking a lot of water before bedtime, is an important measure to maintain cardiovascular health.

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