
Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

author:Doctor Director Guo

On a sunny afternoon, Aunt Li sat on a park bench and looked at the children running around, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in her heart.

The years are unforgiving, she thought. Since entering menopause, she has noticed that her body has undergone a lot of changes, especially the increase in waist circumference, which has made her feel bothered.

She recalled her slender self when she was younger, and couldn't help but sigh. Are these changes the so-called "old"?

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

1. The association between estrogen and women's health

The female body is like a precise clock, and estrogen is undoubtedly an important cogwheel in it. From the onset of menstruation during puberty, to pregnancy, childbirth, and the end of menopause in adulthood, estrogen plays an integral role in this series of physiological processes.

It not only affects the female reproductive system, but is also closely related to mood regulation, bone density maintenance, skin elasticity and other aspects. It can be said that estrogen is the patron saint of women's health.

However, as he grew older, the patronus also seemed to be struggling. As estrogen production decreases, a woman's body sends signals that we need to pay more attention to our health.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

Second, the primary manifestation of estrogen decrease: thickening of the waist

"Waist circumference is getting harder and harder to control." This is a common feeling shared by many women entering menopause. Scientific studies have shown that estrogen has an important effect on fat distribution.

When estrogen levels are sufficient, women's fat is mainly distributed in the buttocks and thighs, which is also known as a "pear-shaped body". But when estrogen begins to decrease, fat accumulates more and more around the waist and abdomen, creating an "apple-shaped body".

It's not just a change in appearance. The increase in waist fat also brings a series of health problems, such as an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, etc.

It's like an alert from the body that we need to take action and make lifestyle changes that delay the effects of estrogen reduction on the body as much as possible.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

In this process, it is especially important to maintain a healthy diet and moderate exercise.

Eating more foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy products, flaxseeds, etc., can help supplement estrogen to a certain extent.

At the same time, moderate aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc., can not only help control weight, but also improve mood and quality of life.

After listening to the doctor's advice, Aunt Li began to slowly adjust her lifestyle. While change doesn't happen overnight, she believes that as long as you stick with it, there will always be improvement. After all, everyone wants to age healthy and gracefully, don't they?

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

3. Early signs of skin aging: laxity in the buttocks and thighs

As we age and estrogen levels decline, women's skin also gradually loses its elasticity and appears to sag, especially in the buttocks and thighs.

This is mainly due to the fact that estrogen is able to promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin, maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the skin. And when estrogen levels drop, this synthesis process slows down, resulting in a gradual loosening of the skin.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

Studies have shown that women have a significant decrease in skin elasticity before and after menopause, and the degree of skin laxity in the buttocks and thighs is positively correlated with a decrease in estrogen levels. Therefore, taking timely measures to delay skin aging has become the focus of attention of many women.

In addition to maintaining good lifestyle habits, some external treatments and treatments can also help improve skin laxity. For example, regular skin massage can improve blood circulation and increase the supply of nutrients to the skin, thereby improving the elasticity of the skin.

In addition, using skincare products that contain ingredients such as collagen and elastin can also help replenish the nutrients needed by the skin and improve the appearance of sagging.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

4. Mood changes: more frequent mood swings

In addition to physical changes, women often face mood swings during menopause. This is mainly due to the weakened regulatory effect of estrogen on neurotransmitters in the brain.

Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain that regulate and signal emotions, and estrogen can affect the synthesis and release of neurotransmitters.

As estrogen levels decline, women tend to experience mood swings, manifesting as symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and irritability. These emotional changes not only affect women's mental health, but may also affect daily life and social relationships.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

For mood swings, women can take some self-regulation to relieve symptoms. For example, maintaining a good daily routine, regular sleep and eating habits can help stabilize mood.

At the same time, proper exercise and relaxation exercises, such as yoga and meditation, can also relieve anxiety and stress and elevate the mood. If mood swings seriously affect daily life, it is recommended to seek medical attention and seek professional psychological counseling and treatment.

Although these changes are inevitable, as long as we are aware of them and take effective measures, we can delay the adverse effects of estrogen reduction and maintain health, youthfulness and vitality.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

5. Decreased bone mineral density: increased risk of fractures

As women age and estrogen levels decline, their bone density also gradually decreases, increasing the risk of fractures.

Estrogen plays a vital role in bone health, promoting the growth and regeneration of bone cells and maintaining bone density and strength.

As a result, as estrogen levels decline, women's bones begin to become fragile and more susceptible to external shocks that can cause fractures.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

According to statistics, women have a significantly increased risk of fractures after menopause, especially fractures of the hip, lumbar spine and radius. This will not only cause great inconvenience to a woman's life, but can also lead to serious complications such as prolonged bedridden, disability and even death.

To prevent loss of bone density and fractures, there are steps women can take to enhance bone health.

The first is to enhance the intake of calcium and vitamin D, two nutrients that are essential for the maintenance of bone growth and density.

This is followed by a moderate amount of physical exercise, such as walking, jumping rope, lifting weights, etc., which can help build the strength and stability of bones. In addition, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help prevent loss of bone density.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young

6. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease: more attention needs to be paid to cardiovascular health

In addition to decreased bone density, women also face an increased risk of cardiovascular disease during menopause. Estrogen also plays an important role in cardiovascular health, helping to maintain the elasticity and patency of blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis.

As a result, as estrogen levels decline, a woman's cardiovascular function begins to gradually weaken, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that women have a significantly increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases after menopause, especially diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension and stroke. These diseases not only affect a woman's quality of life, but can also lead to serious complications and even life-threatening.

Women who are about to "deplete" estrogen generally have 3 changes! 1 does not account for it, which means that you are still young


In conclusion, a woman's body undergoes many changes as she ages, including a decrease in estrogen levels.

These changes not only affect women's physical health, but can also lead to a range of health problems.

Therefore, women need to pay more attention to their health during menopause and take proactive measures to delay the adverse effects of estrogen reduction and maintain health, youth and vitality.