
Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

In 1932, around Jingpo Lake in Heilongjiang, an almost forgotten battle staged an incredible drama. Here, it is said that a small force of the Northeast Self-Defense Army and the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army miraculously killed 3,500 enemy soldiers in the face of the well-equipped Japanese invading army with only grenades and old rifles, while losing only 7 of its own. Is such a battle loss ratio really possible?

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

Tactics and victory in the "crack in the wall" ambush battle

In the spring of 1932, in the quiet valley of Heilongjiang, a strategic point was about to become the site of a fierce battle. This site is known as the "crack in the wall", a narrow mountain path made up of steep rock walls with only a narrow road connecting the two ends, ideal for ambushes. The commanders of the Northeast Self-Defense Army Replenishment Regiment and the Anti-Japanese Salvation Army quickly realized the tactical value of this terrain and decided to launch a surprise attack on the site.

On the eve of the battle, the anti-Japanese armed forces had secretly arranged fighters and equipment on both sides of the "crack in the wall" mountain road. The soldiers carried a large number of grenades and old-fashioned rifles, which, while not as powerful as the modern firepower of the enemy, were good enough to be effective in this terrain. They carefully set up multiple firing points on the rock walls and in the dense forest to cover the entire mountain pass, forming a network of fire that could not be escaped.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

While the morning fog was still hanging in the valley, the vanguard of the Japanese army began to advance slowly along the "crack in the wall". Due to the narrowness of the road, the Japanese army slowed down and the formation was forced to lengthen, which played into the hands of the anti-Japanese forces. As the Japanese entered the central area of the ambush circle, a sentry of the Northeast Self-Defense Forces blew the whistle lightly, which was the signal to attack.

In an instant, dense explosions and gunfire rang out in the valley. Grenades rained down from a great height, and the shock waves and debris from the explosion caused great damage in the confined space. The riflemen also aimed at the Japanese troops huddled together at the firing point, and each bullet effectively hit the target. The Japanese were completely caught off guard, and they tried to fight back, but due to the exposed position and limited movement, their return fire could barely reach the position of the rock wall where the anti-Japanese forces were hiding.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

The battle lasted several hours, and the number of Japanese casualties rose sharply. Due to the special terrain of the "cracks in the wall", their heavy weapons and mobile units could not be deployed effectively, and they could only watch as the soldiers were cut down without being able to resist. The anti-Japanese armed forces took advantage of the terrain to continuously throw grenades and constantly adjust their firing positions to keep their firepower dense and accurate.

Eventually, when the remnants of the Japanese army withdrew from the "crack in the wall" mountain road, a large number of dead and wounded were left behind. The anti-Japanese armed forces showed extremely high tactical literacy and courage in this battle, and with limited resources and equipment, they inflicted a major blow on the enemy. Despite the huge numerical asymmetry, the battle demonstrated the anti-Japanese forces' precise use of terrain and deep understanding of tactics, successfully exploiting the enemy's weaknesses and the advantages of the battlefield environment.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

After this battle, the Northeast Self-Defense Army lost only 7 people, bringing valuable morale and experience to the anti-Japanese forces and laying the foundation for subsequent battles.

The tactical use of burning Songyigou and Guan's shop

Following the remarkable victory in the "crack in the wall" ambush, the morale of the anti-Japanese forces in the northeast was high, and they immediately launched two key battles: the battle of Huojiao Songyigou and the ambush of Guanjia Xiaopu. These two battles further demonstrated the proficiency of the anti-Japanese forces in exploiting the terrain and innovating tactics.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

The first is the battle of Burning Songyigou. Songyigou is located in a relatively secluded valley, surrounded by high mountains and dense forests, which provides ideal conditions for the use of deception tactics. In this battle, the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army specially chose to operate at night in order to maximize the use of environmental advantages and time factors to increase the psychological pressure of the Japanese army. As night fell, the anti-Japanese troops secretly lit a number of bonfires in different locations in the valley, which were exceptionally bright in the night, creating the illusion of a number of anti-Japanese armed forces gathering at the Japanese observation posts.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

When the Japanese sent reconnaissance teams into the valley to investigate, they found that the flames were everywhere, which seemed to indicate a large-scale build-up of anti-Japanese forces. The Japanese commander therefore ordered additional forces to be sent to Songyigou in an attempt to encircle and destroy these "assembled enemies". However, as they penetrated deeper into the valley, a dense barrage of bullets and grenades suddenly came from the surrounding forests. It turned out that the anti-Japanese forces had already laid an ambush on the high ground, waiting for the Japanese army to enter the preset killing area. The success of this "suspicious tactic" plunged the Japanese army into confusion and made it difficult to effectively counterattack under poor visibility conditions at night, resulting in heavy casualties.

Immediately afterwards, the anti-Japanese forces in the northeast quickly shifted their positions and ambushed the Guanjia shop. Located next to an important supply line, the Guanjia shop was a supply and communication node often used by the Japanese army. This ambush was chosen to be conducted during the day to take full advantage of the paralyzing carelessness of the Japanese army. Squads of the Northeast Self-Defense Army and the Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army lurked quietly in the woods around Guanjia's shop, waiting for the Japanese army's material convoy.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

When a Japanese squad and several trucks full of supplies drove into the shop, suddenly a dense burst of gunfire rang out all around. The anti-Japanese forces took advantage of the cover of the terrain to launch simultaneous attacks on the Japanese from several directions. Since it was carried out during the day, the anti-Japanese fighters were able to clearly lock on to the target, so that each bullet could be used to its maximum effectiveness. The Japanese army was taken by surprise, almost all the convoys were destroyed, and the supplies transported fell into the hands of the anti-Japanese forces.

The Questioning of Victory and the Historical Truth

The victory of the Jingpo Lake Serial War occupies an important chapter in the history of resistance against Japan in Northeast China. These victories were not only military and tactical successes, but also became a symbol of the anti-Japanese spirit. However, the reporting and dissemination of these victories has caused widespread discussion and controversy among historians and the public over time.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

First of all, the question of the battle loss ratio has become the core of the questioning of many historians and military researchers. According to reports, the anti-Japanese forces in the northeast caused heavy losses of more than 3,500 Japanese troops and only 7 people themselves in the "cracks in the wall" ambush with only a small number of troops and rudimentary equipment. This extreme battle-to-loss ratio seemed almost unbelievable at the time. Some researchers believe that such a resounding victory may have contained elements of exaggeration or been over-embellished in the postwar account. They point out that the confusion of the actual battlefield, the inaccuracy of intelligence, and the incompleteness of the records may have affected the veracity of the battle loss figures.

In addition, the issue of non-reporting to the Nanjing authorities is also a point of controversy. According to some opinions, the communication equipment and technology at that time were extremely backward, especially in the remote and remote northeastern regions, and effective communication and information transmission were very difficult. In addition, the relationship between the local anti-Japanese forces and the Nationalist government at that time was not always so close or smooth. Some local forces may even deliberately avoid direct communication with the Nanjing government in order to maintain their independence and freedom of operation. This complex political and military background may have been an important reason why the victory was not reported to the Nanking authorities in a timely manner.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

Doubts about the authenticity and credibility of these victories also reflect the challenges within China at the time in terms of information transmission and historical documentation. On the one hand, the anti-Japanese armed forces needed these victories to boost their morale and people's enthusiasm for the war of resistance; On the other hand, the need for historical veracity and accuracy requires an objective examination and verification of these reports.

The corroboration and influence of Li Yanlu's memoirs

Li Yanlu's "The Past Era" is one of the important documents about the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Northeast China, especially the description of the Jingpo Lake Serial War, which provides detailed first-hand information for future generations. Li Yanlu himself was a soldier during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and his account is based on his personal experience and post-war exchanges with other veterans. The book is rich in content, and records in detail the planning and execution process of a series of key battles, including the "wall crack" ambush battle and the battle of burning Songyigou.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

In the book, Li Yanlu described in detail the geographical location of each battle, the establishment of the participating troops, the course of the battle, and its tactical arrangement. These descriptions include not only the intensity of the battle, but also details down to the use of each weapon and the exact time of the battle. Through the description of these details, Li Yanlu tried to restore the real situation of the battle to commemorate the heroes who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Although The Past Years provides a wealth of historical material, it has also sparked some controversy after its publication. Some historians and commentators have expressed doubts about some of the details described in the battle, especially regarding the feasibility of the battle-to-loss ratio and tactical execution. They questioned whether it was possible to achieve such a huge victory with such a small number of troops and equipment. In addition, there are voices that point out that there may be errors in memory or the influence of personal subjectivity in the memoirs.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

However, Li Yanlu's memoirs are supported by a number of historical witnesses, including Zhou Baozhong and Peng Shilu. These people were all participants in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and their testimony provided important corroboration for Li Yanlu's account. For example, Zhou Baozhong, as the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, personally commanded many important battles, and he confirmed the accuracy of the many battles described in Li Yanlu's book and the heroic performance of the participating troops. Peng Shilu provided detailed information on the tactics of the battle and the deployment of troops on both sides, which was generally consistent with Li Yanlu's description.

Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?

These corroborations not only enhance the historical value of "The Past Years", but also enable this history to be more widely recognized and discussed. With the passage of time, more and more researchers and general readers began to pay attention to this book, discussing and studying various aspects of the Northeast War of Resistance against Japan. Li Yanlu's work and his memoirs, although controversial, undoubtedly made an important contribution to understanding the historical background of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in Northeast China and the spirit of the people.

Reference: From Luo Binji. Memories of General Li Yanlu[M]. 2022
Annihilated 3,500 Japanese troops and killed 7 of their own: is it possible to have such a disparity in battle loss ratio?