
"Blessed" women can recognize it at a glance? These three traits cannot be hidden



When it comes to women's well-being, the first thing that comes to mind is the harmony of their family of origin, followed by the quality of their marriage, followed by economic status.

Love, affection and wealth can certainly build the warmth and richness of life, but women's happiness is by no means the only dimension.

There is an old proverb: "Self-reliance is to build life, self-help is to accumulate blessings." ”

In the long journey of life, the individual has always been the leading force in weaving a happy life.

Wise women know that only by their unremitting efforts and tempering their inner cultivation can they bloom the brilliance of life and moisten the source of their own blessings.

This kind of wisdom allows them to absorb the nectar of life in self-improvement and live a colorful self-world.

Therefore, to reiterate: women's happiness should not be limited by external labels, but from inner strength and self-fulfillment.

In the process of continuous growth and accumulation, every woman can become the creator of her own blessings.

Independence and self-confidence, the beginning of the awakening of blessings

Marie Curie once said: "A personal journey needs to be self-treaded in order to be broad." ”

In the same way, women's well-being also comes from self-accumulation, which has a long history.

Back in her graduate days, during a casual conversation with her roommate, she mentioned the past of her supervisor, Professor Li.

Determined to be self-reliant as soon as she stepped into the university, Professor Li has achieved near-complete financial independence through work-study programs and national scholarships.

During her master's and doctoral studies, she traveled alone to the United States.

Although she was not proficient in spoken English at first, her self-confidence made her fearless to communicate with her American classmates without showing the slightest timidity.

For an authentic American pronunciation, she chose to work part-time in a fast food restaurant and took the initiative to talk to customers.

In just two months, I blurted out fluent and authentic American language, which was amazing. Her classmates were impressed with her, and her popularity among the group grew.

Xi Rui, the debater of "Wonderful Sayings", said: "For women, true independence is the freedom to choose." ”

At every critical turning point in his life, Professor Li has followed the principle of "listening to the voices of all and then making independent decisions".

At a forum that brought together elites from various universities, Professor Li had in-depth exchanges with people with elegance and confidence, and it was this light that allowed her to meet her current partner.

At every turn, every choice, Professor Li's story emphasizes that true strength and blessing come from inner strength and autonomy.

"Blessed" women can recognize it at a glance? These three traits cannot be hidden

When she decided to return to China after graduation and embark on a career in education, her partner resolutely gave up her lucrative overseas position and chose to return to China with Professor Li to seek common development.

Colleagues often lament that Professor Li seems to be favored by good fortune:

Outstanding achievements in the field of scientific research, harmonious and happy married life, sensible and clever children......

It is like the darling of fate, and it is all in one.

However, everything that is envied by the outside world did not come by chance, but Professor Li won it step by step with his personal independence and self-confidence.

A woman's "blessing" is never given by God for no reason, but is the result of gradual cultivation through self-cultivation and hard work.

As a mentor, Professor Li is not only a transmitter of knowledge, but also a role model, inspiring her female students to be independent, self-confident and dare to pursue their passions.

Independence and self-confidence, they are not simple labels or norms imposed by the outside world, but a supreme philosophy of life, marking the awakening of a woman's sense of "blessing", and the starting point for her to take the initiative to embrace life and create happiness.

"Blessed" women can recognize it at a glance? These three traits cannot be hidden

Emotional stability, the internal driving force that nourishes blessings

Dr. Hailan, a well-known psychologist, once profoundly pointed out: "The most expensive cost of life is to devote precious energy and time to the endless struggle with self-emotion." ”

True peace is not about contending with emotions or burying them deeply, but about understanding the nature of emotions.

Every emotion is an unheard language in the depths of the soul, carrying unmet needs and desires.

Achieving emotional stability means that you can see through the real demands behind your emotions, get to the heart of the problem, and find a solution.

At a recent gathering of friends, a friend shared the story of Xiao Li, a new female intern in their office.

During last year's graduation season, Xiao Li joined their team as an intern, and she has a gentle temperament and is always gentle and delicate in her words.

The company assigned an experienced instructor to Xiao Li, but unfortunately, the middle-aged male master was known for being strict and even a little irritable.

In this regard, my friends and colleagues can't help but secretly worry about Xiao Li:

Although the task itself is not complicated, it is extremely difficult to be careful, especially in the face of those chaotic numerical codes, memory and patience have become essential qualities.

This senior master, after more than ten years of workplace training, is extremely proficient in business, and therefore, he is particularly impatient with the slowness and mistakes of novices, and sometimes gets angry and even blames sharply.

"Blessed" women can recognize it at a glance? These three traits cannot be hidden

Xiao Li has never expressed the slightest grievance, and his emotions have never shown signs of collapse.

In the face of doubts, she always asks questions politely, and her attitude is courteous, and she is not affected by the emotional fluctuations of her instructor in the slightest.

In every aspect of business learning, her focus is always on refining and improving her skills, and she has no time to worry about anything else.

Even if he encounters criticism, Xiao Li can quickly adjust his mentality, avoid unnecessary consumption of emotions, and turn around and laugh with his colleagues, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

Compared to many new members in previous years, she is one of the few new blood who has been able to maintain emotional stability.

In just three months, Xiao Li successfully became a regular, and at the end of the year, he was awarded the honor of "Outstanding Student", which shows his achievements.

This emotional stability not only helped her master the essence of the business in a short period of time, but also won her wide affection and respect among her colleagues.

Everyone has emotions, and the key is not to be swayed by emotions, and to be able to withdraw in time to find a solution to the problem.

People with emotional stability are able to think deeply in calm, gain insight in patience, and savor the bits and pieces of life with a calm and unhurried attitude.

Emotional stability, on the other hand, is a concentrated reflection of personal ability, broad-mindedness, and the nourishing power of a woman's inner well-being.

Regardless of idleness, focus on accumulating your blessings

Huang Yuanliang said in the Song Dynasty: "Each family clears the snow in front of the door, and Mo cares about the frost on the tiles of others." ”

The implication is that excessive involvement in the choices of others can lead to dissatisfaction, while interference in trivial matters can lead to alienation.

The embodiment of self-cultivation lies in not getting involved in other things; The essence of etiquette is not to interfere in the affairs of others.

The only thing that an individual can control is himself.

"Blessed" women can recognize it at a glance? These three traits cannot be hidden

For women, not getting involved in trivial matters and keeping a proper distance is the most comfortable state, and it is also the key to accumulating their own well-being.

I met a ninety-year-old woman and went to the office with my daughter to handle affairs.

The old woman is old and healthy, with light steps, clear speech, and good hearing.

When asked about the secret of his longevity, his daughter replied with a smile: "Don't ask about trivial matters, don't worry about superfluous." ”

I heard that this old woman is a frequent visitor to my place, practicing in her twilight years, living in a simple house, trivial at home, and the length of the neighbors, she doesn't care much.

When she retired, she was so happy that she finally had time to take care of what she loved.

The University for the Elderly has become a place for her to explore new knowledge, such as flower arrangement, baking, calligraphy, tai chi, and dance.

In recent years, she has immersed herself in the art of baking at home, with a variety of pastries, pastries and breads with unique flavors.

Stay away from right and wrong, devote yourself to what you like, and make it a blessed person in the eyes of everyone.

The old woman Youyun: "It is not involved in trivial matters, it is the highest respect and etiquette in the adult world." "Keeping a distance is not indifference, but the wisdom of clear boundaries.

Gu Shiyun: "Behind closed doors, the month before the court, Mei will dominate the elegance independently." ”

Life is already complicated and complicated, and if you distract your mind from the affairs of others, this unbounded act will not only fail to achieve good results, but also consume your own blessings.

Therefore, the life of others, whether they are good or bad, has nothing to do with themselves.

Focusing on self-responsibility is the best way to gather happiness.

It is the right way not to exist in the world of others, but to be the leader of accumulating one's own well-being.

If a woman wants to have long-term and stable well-being, the key is to accumulate independently and take the initiative.

A wise woman knows that well-being requires self-nourishment:

Independent and self-confident, in the complex world, she lives leisurely with a unique attitude and blooms with personality.

Emotionally calm, unmoved by external fluctuations, insight into the true meaning of life in the details, and firmly grasp the rudder of life.

Focus on yourself, define your personal space appropriately, don't get involved in other things, devote yourself to the cultivation of your own blessings, and interpret your own brilliant chapter.

I hope that every woman can cherish herself day by day, and gather step by step into her own sea of blessings.