
Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer



Share an interesting concept - "plastic bag theory", which was proposed by Li Xueqin, on the stage of a variety show.

Li Xueqin mentioned that in typical Northeast family life, there is an unwritten tradition: keep used plastic bags.

Whether it's the packaging after a takeaway meal or the handbag after shopping at the market, family members will keep it carefully.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

These bags, large and small, are carefully organized and placed in a corner of the home, perhaps in an inconspicuous cabinet.

The outside world may be puzzled, laughing that this habit is too old, and saving plastic bags seems to be out of step with the times.

However, the wisdom of life is often hidden in the subtleties.

Deliver value when it counts.

When you need to pack something urgently, whether it's carrying a lunch box or packing bits and pieces, open the small world of plastic bags and there is always a bag just right for you to use, perfect for your needs.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Why is this theory mentioned?

The following two stories will reveal the deep meaning and make people suddenly enlightened.

Dong Yuhui was born in 1993 in a farming family in Tongguan, Weinan, Shaanxi.

Since he was a child, he has shown an unusual temperament: his figure is not outstanding, his personality has a delicate sensitivity, and he is occasionally caressed by the emotion of inferiority.

While other children were playing in the sunset, laughter was sprinkled on the way home, but Dong Yuhui chose a quiet path. Eschewing the hustle and bustle, he walks home alone, immersed in the world between the pages.

On the bookshelf, Su Shi's open-mindedness, Lao Zhuang's philosophical thinking, and the golden sentences in the classics are all his spiritual food.

The masterpiece "Ordinary World" has accompanied him from his third year of junior high school to cross the threshold of youth until college, and he has read it again and again, every time it is like seeing it for the first time, and the perception is superimposed layer by layer.

It is these profound literary nourishments that created the knowledgeable and talkative Dong Yuhui in front of the screen later, allowing him to illuminate the hearts of countless people with the light of knowledge in the live broadcast room of New Oriental.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Books gave him power, knowledge, and the capital to become an overnight success. After five years of silent cultivation in New Oriental, Dong Yuhui suddenly became popular on the Internet with the attitude of live broadcasting.

When other anchors used exaggerated performances and tried their best to sell, Dong Yuhui stood out with his calm and unhurried style.

Selling the iron pot, he spoke earnestly: "This is not only a cooking tool, but also the gentle hand of the mother, the worried face of the father, and the deep expectation of the elders for the return of their children from afar." ”

Introducing ham, his description is fascinating: "It is a delicacy brewed by the imprint of the wind, the wisdom of salt, the magic of nature and time." ”

This simple and profound live broadcast style, like a breeze in the hot summer, is refreshing, attracting a large number of viewers to pour into the live broadcast room, pushing New Oriental's stock price to soar several times.

Dong Yuhui's glorious moment is blooming brightly this summer.

Another story is about former CCTV host Fang Qi, who was also born in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang in 1993. Her father was a small-scale bait vendor, and Fang Qi grew up with her father's stall as a child.

Among his peers, Fang Qi is not outstanding, has no outstanding memory or excellent logical thinking, and has mediocre grades. But she has a unique passion – reading.

Next to her father's fish stall, a small bench and a book can immerse her in the world of words, day after day, year after year.

After graduating from university, Fang Qi was discovered by CCTV for her excellent expression skills and became the location host of "Beautiful China Tour".

Two years later, she bravely turned around, left the stable system, joined the new media wave, and quickly got a guest invitation to a variety show.

In the program, in the face of Yang Zongwei's singing and dancing performance trying to jump out of her comfort zone, she said affectionately: "The value of life is not to cater to everyone, but to find those who resonate with our hearts. ”

When Zhang Hanyun's singing skills were questioned, she used "breeze" as a metaphor: "Not afraid of power, indifferent, just like the breeze passing over the hills, quiet and far-reaching." ”

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Every word shines with wisdom and gentleness, touching the heartstrings of countless audiences.

From obscurity to tens of millions of fans, Fang Qi has achieved a gorgeous counterattack in life, and her story is the best interpretation of perseverance and transformation.

Li Xueqin mentioned in her incisive words: "Life is tantamount to a journey of collecting trivial plastic bags. ”

These insignificant plastic bags will eventually show their value at a critical juncture.

The life chapters of Dong Yuhui and Fang Qi aptly interpret this point: reading is such a subtle process.

We may mistakenly think that most of the books we have read have passed away with the wind, like those idle plastic bags, silent in the depths of memory.

As everyone knows, every page of a book that we have turned has quietly nourished our minds and shaped our souls.

Although they do not show immediate results, nor do they directly untie the chains of the current predicament, they give us rich feedback and unexpected joy at a certain corner of time.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Just like Dong Yuhui, who has been studying hard for many years, once the stage lights are turned on, he can capture the hearts of thousands of netizens with words that warm his heart;

is another example of Fang Qi, whose obsession with literature makes her bloom on the appropriate platform, and with her solid writing skills, she is eye-catching.

For them, reading is not only a matter of knowledge, but also a golden key to their dreams, and a solid foundation for steady progress on the road to success.

I believe that the following sentence says: "I firmly believe that all the accumulation of reading is never in vain." They will surely help me shine even brighter at some important moment in the future. ”

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Back in the first season of "Wonderful Story", a memorable debate revolves around the debate: "Knowledge sharing, is it a booster or a stumbling block?" ”

The opponent cleverly quoted: "Sir Kelvin once boasted that the magnificent temple of physics has been built, and that the rest is only a fine work." ”

This statement is intended to imply that if the world is satisfied with the existing pool of knowledge, innovative theories such as relativity and quantum mechanics will not be developed.

At first glance, this argument seems unassailable.

However, with his profound knowledge, the debater keenly grasped the flaw: "When you mentioned Kelvin's assertion about thermodynamics, you deliberately left out the crucial follow-up - there are still two doubts hanging in the sky of that glorious palace. ”

It is these two "dark clouds" that herald the dawn of relativity and quantum theory, and have become the catalyst for overthrowing old knowledge and building new knowledge.

The square is cleverly reversed, emphasizing that without the widespread dissemination and accumulation of the wisdom of predecessors, the sky of physics will not usher in that subversive dawn.

Knowledge sharing is an indispensable cornerstone for building the future of science.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

The debaters on the positive side used words and swords to build a solid line of defense of logic, and in an instant, they launched a sharp counterattack against the opposing side, forcing the opponent to retreat step by step, and finally surrendered to the upper hand.

If it weren't for the thousands of volumes in his chest, the debater on the right side might have already returned home in this confrontation of ideas.

The source of his victory lies in his extensive knowledge and deep accumulation, which enables him to respond quickly and wittily.

Zhihu once had a question that made people think deeply:

"What's the true meaning of reading?"

The answer with the highest praise was warm and profound: "When I was a child, I ate countless delicacies, most of which I have forgotten.

But I am sure that some of them have become my flesh and bones.

The journey of life, loss and forgetfulness are inevitable,

Only the wisdom drawn from the book, like a shadow, precipitated into the soul of the essence, no one can take it. ”

Maybe you don't notice it, the traces of reading seem to disappear without a trace,

In fact, they are silently hidden, and when the time comes, they will appear like a spring, lighting up the spark of thought.

In the memory of the 2020 Spring Festival Gala, a special scene recitation program is particularly profound - it warms the hearts of the people of Wuhan and the whole country. Kang Hui, He Hongmei, Haixia and other well-known hosts joined hands to convey the firm belief and infinite warmth of fighting the epidemic with sonorous and powerful voices.

However, behind this touching scene, there is a little-known story.

Less than ten hours before the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, an urgent decision was born among CCTV's top management: to add a program that reflects the spirit of fighting the epidemic.

Faced with this sudden task, Qin Xinmin, the chief writer of the Spring Festival Gala, was anxious.

After thinking nervously, his gaze locked on Bai Yansong.

An emergency call that carries the hope of the whole team.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Bai Yansong, a leading figure in the press industry, was on the front line of reporting on the epidemic at that time.

When he received a request for help, he did not hesitate to agree, and immediately devoted himself to intense creation.

Close the door, forget the time, can't even take care of the meal, devote yourself wholeheartedly, just for that responsibility and love.

Miraculously, in just an hour, the script of "Love is a Bridge" jumped on the page, and the words and sentences condensed deep affection and strength. From the urgent order at 10 a.m. on the 24th to 9 a.m. on Chinese New Year's Eve, the program appeared on time on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, less than ten hours of extreme challenges, achieving an unprecedented speed legend in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

This is not only a test of professional ability, but also a deep insight into the emotional resonance of the people of the whole country.

"Love is a Bridge" is not only the name of a program, it has become a bridge that connects people's hearts and transmits hope in that special period.

Why is reading important? Li Xueqin's "plastic bag theory" gives you the answer

Mr. Liu Run's insight is thought-provoking: the positioning of an individual's knowledge is often the cornerstone of his or her social status.

True self-confidence is not built on the accumulation of wealth or the level of power.

Profound learning and wisdom, accumulated through reading, internalized into temperament, become the most solid support for individuals.

Perhaps, most of us cannot become the voice of the times like Bai Yansong, Dong Yuhui, and Fang Qi, but the power of reading should not be underestimated: in the countryside, it can help you break the old and establish the new, and empower agriculture with science and technology;

In the city, it helps you to accurately select the location, and the commercial layout is superior; In the face of the tide of the times, it enables you to have keen insight and grasp opportunities; On the road of parenting, it teaches you rational analysis and scientific guidance.

Books are the bridge from ignorance to erudition, and the catalyst from blind obedience to independent thinking.

This priceless treasure, this latent kinetic energy, propels you to climb to new heights.

Every time you open a book, you push open a door, and behind the door are infinite possibilities, for you to explore on your own.

The growth of experience broadens the boundaries of choice and allows the horizon of the mind to be infinitely extended.

Remember, all the knowledge and skills you have acquired will eventually be turned into armor against the wind and rain to protect your life path.

So, act now, hold the scroll in hand, and immerse yourself in the sea of books.

Please firmly believe that those inadvertently accumulated bits and pieces, just like the inconspicuous "plastic bag", will eventually silently shape a more outstanding you.

Share this thought and encourage all of you. May we all meet a better version of ourselves through reading.

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