
After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

author: Longnan Wen County released

If we make corresponding adjustments in our daily life, diet, and daily life with the changes in the natural environment, climate, and all things, and achieve "the harmony between man and nature", we can stay away from diseases and improve health.

After the beginning of summer, the three months of the year when the yang energy is at its peak begins, which is also a critical period for health preservation. Today, I will share with you the most unmissable things for summer wellness!

Best condiment: ginger vinegar

In hot weather, people often sweat due to the heat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that excessive sweating of the human body will cause "qi to be removed with the liquid", resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and poor appetite.

Therefore, if you want to regulate your appetite and stimulate your appetite, seasoning with ginger vinegar is one of the easiest ways.

Ginger has the effect of warming and stopping vomiting, dispelling dampness and detoxifying, and there is a saying among the folk that "small ginger is prepared at home, and minor illnesses are not panicked".

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human spleen and stomach "like warm and cold", in the middle of summer, the spleen and stomach due to the human body qi with the liquid and lack of qi, many people like to eat cold drinks more likely to hurt the spleen and stomach qi, thus loss of appetite, you can pay attention to the diet with more ginger seasoning, warm the spleen and stomach to promote digestion.

Chilled vegetables or meat cooked with vinegar, or pickled cucumbers and beans in vinegar as appetizers, can play an appetizing role. In addition, the vinegar is warm, so when cold vegetables such as cucumbers and eggplants, it can prevent excessive coldness.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

In addition, summer is the season of high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases, vinegar has a certain antibacterial ability, and eating with some vinegar when eating out has a preventive effect on intestinal infectious diseases.

Best soup dish: Tomato soup

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can improve symptoms such as indigestion, loss of appetite, and dry mouth.

Lycopene in tomatoes also has the effect of delaying cell aging and preventing cancer, cooking and heating can destroy the cell wall of tomatoes, making lycopene easier to be released and easier to be absorbed and utilized by the body.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

In hot weather, drinking a bowl of tomato soup can not only quench thirst, but also appetize and digest food, which is very beneficial to summer health.

Best meat: duck

From the perspective of the principle of "hot is cold" in traditional Chinese medicine, duck meat is more suitable for eating in hot and dry summer. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that duck meat is "the main tonic for fatigue and the most disinfecting heat", which is suitable for people who have heat poison in the body and are easy to get angry.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

At the same time, duck meat is high in protein and low in fat, rich in vitamin E and trace elements.

Suggestion: Boiled duck porridge, stewed duck meat, etc., can have a good effect.

Best drink: Green tea

As the ancient saying goes: "Drink flower tea in spring, green tea in summer, clear tea in autumn, and black tea in winter".

Generally speaking, hot summers are suitable for drinking cooler green tea. To fight against the heat, you might as well make a cup of green tea, which not only has health care effects on the body, but also can promote the secretion of sweat glands, help the body dissipate heat and reduce body temperature.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

Note: People with a weak spleen and stomach drink less green tea.

Also, when it comes to quenching their thirst, most people think of eating cold drinks and drinking iced beverages. In fact, although cold drinks can relieve the heat for a while, they are too cold and easy to hurt the spleen and stomach.

Best exercise: Swimming

Swimming can not only strengthen the body, sculpt the body, but also cool off, which is the first choice for summer sports. Compared to land-based sports, swimming also avoids excessive sweating.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

At the same time, when swimming, the body is basically parallel to the water surface, and the knee joint is basically weightless, so it is best for the knee joint. Freestyle and backstroke are more recommended for knee protection.

Best cooling facility: Fan

Nowadays, the use of air conditioners is increasing both at home and in the office. However, if you are in an air-conditioned environment for a long time, the body's self-regulation function of temperature will be weakened, and women are also prone to symptoms such as abdominal pain or dysmenorrhea.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

In a closed air-conditioned room, the number of negative ions in the air will decrease, which can easily cause symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, palpitation, and chest tightness.

Therefore, in the evening or at night, when it is not too hot, it is best to turn off the air conditioner, pick up a fan, and use the most primitive and ancient method to relieve the heat and cool down, and restore the body's self-regulating function.

Best health care measures: live in moderation

In spring and summer, the northern hemisphere begins to show that the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the yang energy is getting longer and the yin energy is gradually disappearing, and all things enter the stage of growth and growth.

After the beginning of summer, it is the critical period of health preservation! Make good use of these 7 things, and if you miss it, you will have to wait for a year~

The ancients discovered this law, combined with the continuous exploration and experience summary in the process of health care and disease treatment, and formed the view that the popularity is connected with the qi of heaven and earth and is in the cycle of synchronous yin and yang.

In summer, the nights are relatively cool, and people's nightlife will increase accordingly, especially young people like to eat supper, stay up late to watch football games, etc., and the night is colorful, but in the daytime it is groggy and groggy, which is very harmful to the body.

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, so you can go to bed later, but be sure to get enough sleep. On a summer afternoon, you should also take a nap to eliminate fatigue and refresh your energy.

Source: Health Talk

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