
In summer, it is cold and wet, and Shenshi tea is preferred

author:Seven Mile River release

In the hot summer, it is easy for people to get too humid and bring various uncomfortable feelings. If you stay in an air-conditioned room and don't sweat, moisture will be trapped in the body and difficult to expel it.

Summer is the season when the humidity is at its highest, and if you feel that your body is getting heavier and heavier, it will be as heavy as dry clothes, and you will feel heavy and sleepy. Sometimes I stay in an air-conditioned room, but my body feels tired, and I don't even have an appetite to eat. That means that you have been entangled in the evil spirit!

In summer, it is cold and wet, and Shenshi tea is preferred

The main cause of moisture

The production of dampness in the human body is mainly caused by the deficiency of the spleen and kidney, because the spleen and kidney are responsible for the metabolism of water and fluid in the whole body.

There are several reasons for this:

(1) Eating too raw and cold

I usually like to eat cold foods, such as watermelon, iced drinks and other cold foods. This can easily damage the yang energy in the human body.

(2) Emotional instability and stressful life

The human body has the ability to self-regulate the temperature of the outside world. However, some people often get angry, stay up late on fire, smoke and drink, these bad habits will cause serious imbalance of water in the body, resulting in the inability to discharge water in the body, affecting health.

(3) Irregular diet, overeating

I didn't control my mouth well, and I didn't refuse any high-sugar and greasy food, and I ate Haisai indiscriminately, resulting in blocked meridians.

(4) Stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time

Blowing the air conditioner for a long time will cause sweat to be unable to metabolize normally, and it will also cause the human body to be damp.

In summer, it is cold and wet, and Shenshi tea is preferred

How to choose Shenshi to drink tea to drain moisture

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Shen Shi (15:00-17:00) is the time period when the bladder meridian starts from the canthus acupoint in the eye, and then follows the back to the little toe. It is a very important meridian, and it is also the longest of the fourteen meridians of the human body, and is known as the foot sun in traditional Chinese medicine.

The bladder meridian is the most important detoxification channel of the human body, so the operating state of the bladder meridian determines the health status of our body.

Drinking tea at the time of Shen is very helpful to the operation of the bladder meridian, which is conducive to the detoxification and dredging of the bladder meridian. Tea is rich in amino acids, tea polyphenols, caffeine, etc. These active ingredients help the bladder meridian to work and lift.

Shen Shi drinking tea can drink the tea thoroughly, through the meridians, soothing the liver and tonifying the kidneys, the liver is the main eye, the kidney is the main ear, the ears are bright and the eyes are bright, the mind is refreshed, and the persistence of 10-15 days can achieve a good detoxification and dehumidification effect, and the body odor and bad breath will be greatly improved, in exchange for a light body.

In summer, it is cold and wet, and Shenshi tea is preferred

What tea to drink when Shen has a good effect on dampness

(1) Black tea

Black tea is known as the "scavenger in the body", which helps the human body to digest, inhibits the increase of abdominal fat, keeps the stomach and intestines unblocked, and also helps to sober up and relieve the effect of alcohol poisoning.

Boil a pot of black tea, slowly taste its mellow and sweet taste, rich and smooth aftertaste, drink until your hands and feet are hot, until your forehead and back sweat slightly, the effect is no less than a sauna.

On the other hand, the diuretic function of black tea can also help people eliminate dampness in the body.

(2) Tangerine peel + old white tea

Old white tea itself has a certain effect of dampness and spleen strengthening because of the unique process, old white tea has become very mild after aging and transformation over time, suitable for people of all physiques to drink, which is rich in amino acids can play a role in regulating the stomach, promoting digestion, dehumidification and dampness. Tangerine peel can have the effect of qi, spleen and dampness.

(3) Tangerine peel + ripe Pu'er tea

Tangerine peel regulates qi and dampness, and ripe Pu'er tea is warm, which has the effect of dispelling dampness and warming the spleen and stomach. When it rains, the combination of the two is particularly timely.

Source: Xianqitang

In summer, it is cold and wet, and Shenshi tea is preferred