
Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine

All diseases are damaged by yang energy, yang energy is the foundation of life, the more yang energy is sufficient, the stronger the human body, and if yang energy is insufficient, people will get sick. In summer, people's yang energy activities are gradually vigorous, and the hot summer skin is vented, and it is easy to damage the yang energy when you drink cold.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer health preservation should pay attention to "nourishing yin liquid and protecting yang qi".

Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

Summer Yangyang "Three Character Classic"

1. Be cautious

For example, get up early in the morning, take a walk in a quiet place outdoors after washing, and breathe fresh air, which can stretch the yang energy of the whole body and make people feel refreshed.

2. Tune in spirit

In summer, we should focus on mental regulation, learn to keep our spirits quiet, feel comfortable, and calm our hearts and cool ourselves. In this way, we can achieve the purpose of protecting yang qi and not hurting yin and jin. Choosing to participate in activities such as painting, fishing, calligraphy, playing chess, planting flowers, etc., will help cultivate temperament and peace of mind.

3. Take a nap

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, the sleep is relatively small, and it is easy to get tired when sweating. An appropriate amount of napping can nourish yin and protect yang, relax the brain and the whole body, and maintain a good mental state and physical strength. Take a nap to pay attention to the ventilation, coolness and appropriateness of the bedroom, and cover the bed with a thin quilt to prevent cold.

4. Skillful movement

Moderate exercise can help regulate qi and blood and maintain yang qi. However, the exercise should not be too strenuous and sweaty, as sweating is easy to hurt the heart and yin, and also damage the yang qi. It is best to choose some "light exercises" such as tai chi, walking, jogging, etc., and it is better to do the exercises in the morning and evening.

5. Eat lightly

It is mainly low-fat, low-salt, multi-dimensional, and light, and it is advisable to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Porridge should be eaten in the morning and evening, and some vegetable soup should be drunk at lunch. Bitter foods such as bitter gourd, loofah, bitter herbs, and celery should be eaten more, which can not only promote appetite, but also relieve heat and detoxify.

6. Replenish water frequently

In summer, when the temperature is high, if you are not thirsty, you should drink more boiled water or eat fruits such as watermelon and pears, which can not only cool down and prevent heatstroke, but also dilute the blood and prevent stroke.

7. Don't be greedy

In summer, air conditioners and fans should not be turned on too much for too long, and do not take a shower immediately after sweating, otherwise it is easy to cause "air conditioning disease" or cold and flu due to a sudden drop in body temperature. Do not sleep in the open air or in the aisle, otherwise you will get cold and have a headache. When the rainfall increases in summer and the temperature drops sharply after the rain, appropriate clothing should be added to prevent heat and cold.

8. Avoid cold

Raw and cold products are easy to hurt the spleen, stomach and yang, and crampy abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, etc. may occur after overeating.

9. Soak your feet more

Soaking your feet in hot water not only removes the cold of the whole body, but also relieves fatigue, soothes and relaxes the whole body, and is conducive to the maintenance of yang energy.

Yangyang foot soaking recipe: first scald the moxa wool with boiling water, then adjust the water to about 40 °C to soak the feet, and stop soaking the feet when there is a slight dampness on the body.

10. Rub your waist and knees

Put the palms of both hands on the knee joint, rub it evenly with appropriate strength, 50~100 times every night, until the friction part is red and hot, which can "warm" the joint. Rubbing your waist and eyes can warm your kidneys, and your whole body will feel warm.

Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

11. Stick to the navel

Six or seven peppercorns, a longan meat, add a little mugwort, break them together, roll them into a small ball, put them in the navel before going to bed at night, seal them with tape, remove them and wash the navel after getting up. Sichuan pepper drives away cold and dehumidification, longan nourishes blood, and mugwort is the nature of pure yang, and it can be used to replenish yang deficiency. (Please use the above prescriptions under the guidance of a physician)

12. Moxibustion Guan Yuan

Guan Yuan acupoint belongs to Ren Mai, which has been an important acupoint for health care and strengthening since ancient times. People who are afraid of wind, cold, cold limbs, loss of energy, physical weakness, and accompanied by gastrointestinal or urinary diseases can moxibustion Guan Yuan acupoint. According to the degree of cold evil or weakness, moxibustion is 15~30 minutes each time, 2~3 times a week.

Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

13. Frequent disinfection

In summer, the temperature is high, and the germs multiply quickly. Indoor ventilation and disinfection should be paid attention to, and disinfectant can be sprayed appropriately, or fumigated with mugwort leaves.

14. Dry your back

Replenish yang energy by tanning your back. Every two hours, walk up to the window where the sun is shining, turn around, and stand with your back to the window for 10 minutes. The pulse of the back is like the power plant of the human body." The sun shines on the veins of your back, and you can replenish your "power plant" with a little energy.

Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

Cold hands and feet

Yang deficiency is cold outside. The biggest characteristic of people with yang deficiency is that their hands and feet are cold, especially when the weather is cold, they can't cover it for a long time, because the ends of the limbs can't get the warmth of yang energy, and the blood circulation is poor. The more yang deficiency is, the lower the temperature of the hands and feet, and people with severe symptoms will be cold below the elbow and knee joints.

Afraid of cold and wind

The so-called "Yang Qi is solid when it is external", if the heat of Yang deficiency and metaplasia is not enough, the human body's ability to resist external cold is also poor. This phenomenon of fear of wind and cold is not temporary because of the cold climate, but a long-term phenomenon, this kind of people always wear more clothes than others, heat resistance is not cold-resistant, and the body temperature is low all year round. The head is afraid of the wind, the back is afraid of cold, the resistance to diseases is poor, and the fever reaches more than 37 degrees, which is very uncomfortable.

Frequent colds and coughs

Yang Qi has the effect of fixing the surface, and the protective barrier on the surface of the human body with yang deficiency is weaker than that of normal people, and it is easier to repeatedly get colds, coughs, rhinitis, bronchitis and other pulmonary manifestations than others in the same environment, and the healing is very slow. The symptoms of the disease are the manifestations of the struggle between "righteous qi" and "external evil", and if there is enough yang qi, "the battle situation is fierce", and if the yang qi is insufficient, although the battle situation is relaxed, the evil qi will directly invade the depths of the body and linger repeatedly.

Summer Yangyang is at the right time, please take away this Yangyang "three-character scripture".

The spleen and stomach are cold and prone to diarrhea

Some people have stomach aches and diarrhea once they catch a cold or eat cold food, and their stools often do not form. This is caused by the deficiency of yang in the spleen and yang. The spleen is the acquired foundation of the human body, if the spleen and yang are insufficient, the ability to transport is poor, and the spleen and stomach qi cannot continue to supply the five organs, and finally the yang qi will become weaker and weaker.

Nocturia and poor sleep

Some people don't drink much water at night, but they still have to get up at night, or even get up many times a night, resulting in people getting up the next morning and feeling groggy and unenergetic all day. This is a typical manifestation of kidney yang deficiency. The water in the body can't be transpired by the kidney yang, so it is directly discharged, and you can go to the toilet after drinking some water, and urinate clearly. ■

[Source: Capital Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, Health Times]